Which Institution is >: Marriage or national government?


New member
The problem with a Constitutional amendment is that there are to many people, (like lawyers and judges) who refuse to abide by our Christian morale values. Here is what must be done

The power of the United States must be curtailed.

You can't have immoral people in possession of the kind of power that Christian America has. That power must be taken away. That means the U.S.A. Must become a third world nation. The kind of nation that the United Nations organization tells the U.S. what it can and cannot do.

The problem before no fault divorce is that every woman seeking a divorce at the time was basically a charity case for the lawyers because they knew that 9 times of out 10 the women had no money.

The other issue is that even if no fault divorce is taken away, once again the lawyers win because they will drag out the divorces and bankrupt both parties in the divorce.

The united nations is even more immoral and corrupt than the USA, so I find your conclusion pretty darn funny.


New member
I totally agree with your last post.

There is a reason why it is better not to marry. You may not agree with my reasoning but here it is

Marriage is a test.

Here is the test

Any government that takes the position on marriage that the United States Government has taken has failed the test.


The United States Government is now suspect.

Marriage during Jesus time on this planet was nothing more than a tribal contract.... it isn't a test and never has been.

Bradley D

Well-known member
I totally agree with your last post.

There is a reason why it is better not to marry. You may not agree with my reasoning but here it is

Marriage is a test.

Here is the test

Any government that takes the position on marriage that the United States Government has taken has failed the test.


The United States Government is now suspect.

I see it as Jesus saying it is better to wholly devote oneself totally to God.

Secular positions on marriage do not change the Bible's view. Scripture will always be right. Christians will face criticism for their views.


I see it as Jesus saying it is better to wholly devote oneself totally to God.

Secular positions on marriage do not change the Bible's view. Scripture will always be right. Christians will face criticism for their views.

Understood. God has given marriage to mankind as a gift. And if we were perfect then it would be a straight forward proposition. But mankind is not in God's expressed will. As a whole mankind is in God's permissive will. That means marriage is not a straight forward gift.

The United States can be describe as the 'prodigal son'. As such the attempt will be made to bring the son back into line. The prodigal wants to live like a pig. Marriage is the highest form of living. Marriage on a prodigal is like a diamond ring on a pig's nose.

Our job is to protect the ring. Let the prodigal wallow in the mire.


We Christians are going to get our Groom to the alter. And we are going to get Him to say "I do".

And that will be that.