Literal lunatic
Trump has managed to bluff his way through the last 8 months, but the question has always been how he would cope with when confronted with a real emergency!
Puerto Rico has the potential to become a real human catastrophe - without food, water and medical supplies, there is a distinct possibility for the outbreak of communicable diseases usually associated with 3rd world countries.
The clock is ticking, and no matter how much this White House attempts to drift into its own "alternate reality," this Administration has already squandered away valuable time!
There's been 3 emergencies in almost as many weeks.
There were many tons of supplies in Puerto Rico before yesterday.
It's not Trump's job to personally supervise every action being undertaken.
Only after the military is in place was it a good idea to let foreign ships move indiscriminately between U.S. ports.( by lifting the Jones Act)
Just because there is an emergency does not mean folks should run around helter skelter throwing all caution to the wind.
Trump's kept a cool head and used his brain, maybe you should try it.
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