When were we chosen?


"So you think when God said to Adam "thou shalt not..." He was giving him freewill."
Did Adam eat the apple? Ge 3:6

"You say he is dead...do dead men have freewill then?"
Adam was born into a perfect world (Ge 1:31). Men in Adam are born spiritually dead due to the Fall (Rom. 5:12, 16).

"If you were seeking God's good and perfect will you would not be so wrapped up in man's [supposedly] freewill. So you equate going on in your own "free" will with going on in sin."
I'm not going on in sin (1 Jn 5:18). :dizzy:



Totton Linnet

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Did Adam eat the apple? does that prove what? he was free, he could choose, he chose sin over righteousness
bondage over freedom
death over life

Having chosen death he no longer has a choice, he MUST die, he doesn't want to die, he MUST die.

If he had freewill he would live and not die.

Choice is not freewill, freewill means you can do as you wish, no consequences.

THAT is what the world thinks you mean when you say they have freewill. They say "if God gave me freewill then He can't complain if I use it"

God gave man a choice between two options, obey and live, and continue to do God's will...or rebel and die.

God had PROVED that His will for man is wonderful, why wouldn't man choose to obey and live...he chose to die.

Dead men do not have freewill.

Totton Linnet

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Man has a will.

Adam fell. Men after him must choose to live (Eze 18:31).
One is a slave to sin (Jn 8:34) or a slave to righteousness (Ro 6:16).

Man has a will, it is not free, Paul says it is in bondage....bound to sin, bound to die.

Men can only choose IF

they are given a choice, for example Pharoah was not given the choice, God hardened his heart.

Now YOU are saying we are slave to righteousness or to sin

Slavery does not = freewill

China did not receive the gospel, the Redskin did not receive the gospel, therefore they were heathen, they had no choice.


"...[F]reewill means you can do as you wish, no consequences."
Sin has consequences. Setting one's own will above God's will (Heb. 10:26) has eternal consequences (Heb 10:38).
"That is what the world thinks you mean when you say they have freewill. They say "if God gave me freewill then He can't complain if I use it"
God does not tempt men to sin (Jas 1:13). Sin comes from men's own wicked heart (Mt 15:19). Unrepentant sinners will be punished (Ex. 32:34).
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Totton Linnet

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Man was made a moral being (Ge 9:6)--free to chose good or evil. He must be--or love isn't real (Is. 43:7; Rev. 4:11).

Man was FREE

Choice is not freewill

There were only 2 options...obey and live, this was God's will
Disobey and die...dead men have no freewill.

Having chosen Sin over righteousness
bondage over freedom
death over life

Man has no more choice, he MUST sin, he must die.

The only hope he can have is if God has mercy upon Him.

Thank God He is plenteous in mercy.

Totton Linnet

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Look all around you at man with his "freewill"

He is in bondage, he is like a fish outta water, thrashing around.

What man needs is to re-discover God's good and perfect will [even Christians too] then he will be like a fish put back in water, see how happily he swims, God's will is man's true environment.

Totton Linnet

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Will is the ability to choose good or evil (1 Sam. 15:1–35, 2 Pet. 2:4).

Therefore the only one who has free sovereign will is the One who gives the options....whichever option is taken it is God's will which is done in respect of either choice.

And we must choose if the options are given, we cannot choose not to choose.

But I say to you that God does not always present man with the option.

In the ninth of John we see that Christ hid Himself from them in fulfilment of Isaiah "He hath closed their eyes and stopped up there ears and hardened their hearts, lest they should turn to Me and be converted and I should heal them"

We see that it wasn't given to the Pharisees to believe.

I would also point out to you the Redskin

They had to wait until the Europeans came to America before they heard the gospel.

The fact is that man has already chosen and his choice was not good, it is not for man now to demand any choice, his only hope is that God will have mercy...I thank God He is plenteous in mercy.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
Paul tells us when we were chosen.

According as He hath chosen us [in Christ] before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love

Who is we? And if the "we" is adopted, then who are the others?


"Therefore the only one who has free sovereign will is the One who gives the options.."
You say options. I say will (Ge 2:17).
"...In the ninth of John we see that Christ hid Himself from them in fulfillment of Isaiah "He hath closed their eyes and stopped up there ears and hardened their hearts, lest they should turn to Me and be converted and I should heal them[.] We see that it wasn't given to the Pharisees to believe."
God gives every man the opportunity to repent and believe (1 Pe 2:12). He would have preferred Pharaoh repent. He did not. He would have preferred Judas repent. He did not.

"I would also point out to you the Redskin..."
:AMR: Ac 4:12

"They had to wait until the Europeans came to America before they heard the gospel."
Man has an internal testimony (Ro 2:15), an external testimony (Ps 19:1) and the scriptures (Jas 1:18). He is without excuse (Ro 1:20).

"The fact is that man has already chosen and his choice was not good..."
What man? Adam? He chose poorly. Don't do the same. :plain:

"Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: Choose Wisely, Chose Poorly

"...t is not for man now to demand any choice..."
Man has a choice to humble himself before God or not (Mt 18:3).

"...[H]is only hope is that God will have mercy..."
God has been merciful (Ro 5:8). Men must respond to the light they've been given. Responsibility is increased by: sight (Jn 9:39–41), privilege (Jn 15:22, 24), opportunity (Matt. 11:20–24), continuance in sin (Matt. 23:31–35) and rejection (Matt. 10:11–15). Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1996). Nelson’s quick reference topical Bible index (p. 529). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
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Totton Linnet

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Who is we? And if the "we" is adopted, then who are the others?

All are adopted children, the only distinction is between spiritual Israel and ethnic Israel that is the nation...they were laid aside, not the Jewish church which is the body of Christ and into whose commonwealth we are made fellow citizens...one body.

patrick jane

Paul tells us when we were chosen.

According as He hath chosen us [in Christ] before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love

Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself according to the good pleasure of His will.

ize jus chosen a few minute agooo :banana: again !!!!!!!!!!!

Totton Linnet

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You say options. I say will (Ge 2:17).
God gives every man the opportunity to repent and believe (1 Pe 2:12). He would have preferred Pharaoh repent. He did not. He would have preferred Judas repent. He did not.


Man has an internal testimony (Ro 2:15), an external testimony (Ps 19:1) and the scriptures (Jas 1:18). He is without excuse (Ro 1:20).

What man? Adam? He chose poorly. Don't do the same. :plain:

"Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: Choose Wisely, Chose Poorly

Man has a choice to humble himself before God or not (Mt 18:3).

God has been merciful (Ro 5:8). Men must respond to the light they've been given. Responsibility is increased by: sight (Jn 9:39–41), privilege ()Jn 15:22, 24), opportunity (Matt. 11:20–24), continuance in sin (Matt. 23:31–35) and rejection (Matt. 10:11–15). Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1996). Nelson’s quick reference topical Bible index (p. 529). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

You are being presumptious to say God would rather Pharoah repent...there is no supporting scripture. The scripture supports the belief that God purposed to harden Pharoah's heart that He might show His power.

When Adam sinned you sinned in him, as did I, each time we sin we prove that for we are endorsing Adam...we sinned as a race, we fell as a race

"As by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin so death passed upon all men for that men hath sinned."

Who bar One hasn't done likewise?

There is no excuse for exchanging God for the likeness of creatures, there may be a consciousness of good and evil, but there was no gospel witness for the Redskin to have chosen.

Nobody could even guess at the gospel.

Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice and follow Him, but the devil's children do not understand His words, they do the will of their father the devil.

Who can choose not to sin? we are born in sin and shapen in iniquity, every man bar One who has ever lived has sinned.....we are BOUND to sin, we are in bondage.

Man has a choice if God gives him a choice.

Man must respond...how will he believe what he has not heard?

I believe there will have been saved even among the Redskins, but it won't be because they responded to the gospel for until the Europeans got there there was no gospel.

What options has God given man Obey and live or rebel and die.

Well if they obey it is God's will they are obeying, if they rebel they die...dead don't have freewill.

Freewill is a nonsense, 's' no such thing as freewill.


If man has freewill there is no need for Christ to die, for all a man has to do is choose.

The fact is Paul says man is a slave to sin...do you understand slaves to have freewill?

Man is a slave and only by dying with Christ can he be set free.

There is no such thing as unlimited free will

Mans will is bound to his sin nature thus his will only chooses rebellion


Man was FREE

Choice is not freewill

There were only 2 options...obey and live, this was God's will
Disobey and die...dead men have no freewill.

Having chosen Sin over righteousness
bondage over freedom
death over life

Man has no more choice, he MUST sin, he must die.

The only hope he can have is if God has mercy upon Him.

Thank God He is plenteous in mercy.

After the fall did Adam choose to repent? No, he hid himself and if God did not force Adam to come clean Adam would never have come clean, never ever, because sin had touched every part of Adam fully separating himself from the relationship he once had with God.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
After the fall did Adam choose to repent? No, he hid himself and if God did not force Adam to come clean Adam would never have come clean, never ever, because sin had touched every part of Adam fully separating himself from the relationship he once had with God.

I am in total agreement