when on the deathbed


New member
I've recently watched several loved ones die.

I realize I might want to reconsider my religious views.

Do any of you have any ideas as to what of the many religions have serious claims towards being the "true" one?

I'm especially interested in the exclusivist religions.

Do any of them seem to have have the greatest amount of unique, reasonable evidence for it? This could be documented 'miracles' to fulfilled prophecies to archaelogical evidence, etc.

I guess the question is, if you HAD to pick a faith based on external evidence of any form (not on how it agrees with your personal viewpoints of the world), which one would you pick?
Just want some food for thought.



Well-known member
Greetings Vadca,
I've recently watched several loved ones die. I realize I might want to reconsider my religious views. Do any of you have any ideas as to what of the many religions have serious claims towards being the "true" one? I'm especially interested in the exclusivist religions.
Perhaps the Minister sent them all to heaven and you were not so sure. I believe that when we die we return to the dust and wait for the return of Jesus to raise us and give us immortality and an in inheritance in the Kingdom of God upon the earth. I am not sure if your present beliefs would accept this, and this belief may seem exclusive of the popular views, but I suggest this is what the Bible teaches.
Do any of them seem to have have the greatest amount of unique, reasonable evidence for it? This could be documented 'miracles' to fulfilled prophecies to archaelogical evidence, etc.
I suggest that fulfilled prophecy is evidence that we are in the last days before the return of Jesus. The return of the Jews to the Holy Land in unbelief of Jesus as Messiah fits Ezekiel 38 and many other prophecies, indicating that the rest of this prophecy will be fulfilled, including the conversion of a significant number of these Jews and their incorporation into the Kingdom of God with Jesus Christ on the throne of David in Jerusalem Isaiah 2:1-4, Micah 4:1-8.
I guess the question is, if you HAD to pick a faith based on external evidence of any form (not on how it agrees with your personal viewpoints of the world), which one would you pick?
Just want some food for thought.
I suggest starting with Acts 8:5,12.

Kind regards


New member
i think its Hindus that teach one is born into the religion they need to deal with in that life. Jesus taught the kingdom is within, IMO thats where your going to find the Father Jesus taught us about, not switching back and forth from different religions.

patrick jane

I've recently watched several loved ones die.

I realize I might want to reconsider my religious views.

Do any of you have any ideas as to what of the many religions have serious claims towards being the "true" one?

I'm especially interested in the exclusivist religions.

Do any of them seem to have have the greatest amount of unique, reasonable evidence for it? This could be documented 'miracles' to fulfilled prophecies to archaelogical evidence, etc.

I guess the question is, if you HAD to pick a faith based on external evidence of any form (not on how it agrees with your personal viewpoints of the world), which one would you pick?
Just want some food for thought.

Christianity is the one true faith. No doubt about it.


New member
I’m going to echo other replies but the true peace comes from knowing Christ. When it comes to “evidence” that you seek, the oral tradition dating back thousands of years testifying to the life, miracles , and teachings of Christ is too compelling. It remains unchanged no matter the source or time period. But I also know from first hand experience that the moment faith is determined by being able to “touch it with your fingers” so to speak, it loses something. I believe that God works in mysterious ways, and can use many situations to draw people to him. My faith started with an 8 year heroin addiction, homelessness, and losing friends. I knew something had to change, and I prayed for a mustard seed of faith. And God has surpassed and continues to surpass every expectation of mine. If you’re open to it, read a little bit of the Bible. I’d suggest something from one of the gospels. Anyways, I will keep you in my prayers. I hope my rambling helped in some small way. God bless.

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Well-known member
I've recently watched several loved ones die.

I realize I might want to reconsider my religious views.

Do any of you have any ideas as to what of the many religions have serious claims towards being the "true" one?

I'm especially interested in the exclusivist religions.

Do any of them seem to have have the greatest amount of unique, reasonable evidence for it? This could be documented 'miracles' to fulfilled prophecies to archaelogical evidence, etc.

I guess the question is, if you HAD to pick a faith based on external evidence of any form (not on how it agrees with your personal viewpoints of the world), which one would you pick?
Just want some food for thought.


Logically you would want to start the biggest and most popular religion simply because the majority are usually right, this is Christianity of course, so you're in the right place. Christianity's evidence is the Resurrection i.e the fact that people started saying Jesus had risen from the dead after His crucifixion. The simple question here is 'where did Jesus' dead body go?' Because everyone had a reason to find his dead body but no one could. Here is a flow chart to help you understand the arguments for and against:



I've recently watched several loved ones die.
My condolences.
I guess the question is, if you HAD to pick a faith based on external evidence of any form (not on how it agrees with your personal viewpoints of the world), which one would you pick?
Echo Watchman:
Christianity's evidence is the Resurrection i.e the fact that people started saying Jesus had risen from the dead after His crucifixion.
Furthering this, people willingly submitted to the death penalty, rather than recant their witness to Jesus Christ rising from the dead. They just had to say, "We made it up," and they could have avoided torture and death, and none of them did. NONE of them. The word in ancient common Greek that's translated "witness" is MARTYR.


Well-known member
I've recently watched several loved ones die.

I realize I might want to reconsider my religious views.

Do any of you have any ideas as to what of the many religions have serious claims towards being the "true" one?

I'm especially interested in the exclusivist religions.

Do any of them seem to have have the greatest amount of unique, reasonable evidence for it? This could be documented 'miracles' to fulfilled prophecies to archaelogical evidence, etc.

I guess the question is, if you HAD to pick a faith based on external evidence of any form (not on how it agrees with your personal viewpoints of the world), which one would you pick?
Just want some food for thought.


Any and all religious put God in a box.

They all suck.

Jesus stated in John 8:32

And ye shall know

a. religion

b. the truth

and the truth shall

a. put God in a box

b. put you in a box

c. set you free


Well-known member
My condolences.
Echo Watchman:
Furthering this, people willingly submitted to the death penalty, rather than recant their witness to Jesus Christ rising from the dead. They just had to say, "We made it up," and they could have avoided torture and death, and none of them did. NONE of them. The word in ancient common Greek that's translated "witness" is MARTYR.

Not be pedantic but the link I gave states that and many christian's often recanted when faced with torture and death; probably the vast majority did/do. However, that is not to say they are not still saved.


Not be pedantic but the link I gave states that and many christian's often recanted when faced with torture and death; probably the vast majority did/do. However, that is not to say they are not still saved.
None of the Apostles or early bishops ever did. That would have ended the Church, right then and there.


Apostle yes but without looking I'm sure a few early 'bishops' or leaders did, and how early is early ?
You don't have to put quotes around "bishops," they were real. Timothy and Titus were bishops. By early I mean in the Apostles' lifetimes and very shortly thereafter, men who knew the Apostles personally. None of them cowered to unjust death penalty threats and sentencing.


Well-known member
You don't have to put quotes around "bishops," they were real. Timothy and Titus were bishops. By early I mean in the Apostles' lifetimes and very shortly thereafter, men who knew the Apostles personally. None of them cowered to unjust death penalty threats and sentencing.

I put the quotes their because I could see you are probably bias toward the KJV.

The Greek word used is episkopos meaning a superintendent or an overseer:


Now I have had a quick look but it is probably impossible to find an account of an early Christian leader recanting but I'm can't imagine at least one doing so before all the second generation of leaders were gone. Remember Peter denied knowing Christ and almost all the Apostles fled in fear. It's only human nature for some to 'flight' rather than 'fight'.


I put the quotes their because I could see you are probably bias toward the KJV.

The Greek word used is episkopos meaning a superintendent or an overseer:


Now I have had a quick look but it is probably impossible to find an account of an early Christian leader recanting but I'm can't imagine at least one doing so before all the second generation of leaders were gone. Remember Peter denied knowing Christ and almost all the Apostles fled in fear. It's only human nature for some to 'flight' rather than 'fight'.
It is, and that speaks to the gravity of the evidence, that they did not, not after the Lord rose from the dead. (Peter denied Him before He rose, and submitted to being crucified upside down afterward Jn21:18KJV, Jn21:19KJV.)


Well-known member
It is, and that speaks to the gravity of the evidence, that they did not, not after the Lord rose from the dead. (Peter denied Him before He rose, and submitted to being crucified upside down afterward.)

Well I think the onus is on you to provide the citation that supports your claim.


Well-known member
So a citation to someone confirming there are no citations? :)
Undoubtedly. Which is why I'm so confident.

So all you have to do is find a citation of said research and your theory could be corroborated. At the moment you do not know who the first recanter was or when the first recantation occurred. You are just guessing.


So all you have to do is find a citation of said research and your theory could be corroborated.
No, I don't.
At the moment you do not know who the first recanter was or when the first recantation occurred. You are just guessing.
No, I'm not.

I know that had there been a damning recantation at any important point in history, it would have been recorded and reported and not only I but you and anybody else would have heard of it, or, more likely, we just would have never heard of Jesus Christ at all; but instead, all we both know for certain is that the Christian Church has grown into the world's largest religion, and that multiple dead paganisms lie in our wake.