,,,I look at things this way,if someone plants a garden it is the fruit of his own hands. as he watches it grow at times he determines the weeds to be pulled and none see him as disobedient in pulling them(not likening children as weeds). as time goes on and their garden grows insects come and they determine to rid the garden of them(not likening children to insects).
later as the garden grows and the plants begin to multiply some are too close so the person determines to move some and pull up others(not likening children to unwanted plants),,just simply pointing out that the garden we,as humans grow we completely justify in our own mind what will take place and when.
if an insect is eating our tomatoes,we kill the bugs,if a squirrel is eating them we shoot the squirrels. if birds come we put up a scarecrow,,and if our puppy pulls the tomatoes at the bottom and rolls them around and plays with them we pick the lower one he can reach and let them ripen in the window.
On the other hand god is as a gardener,he tilled a planet called earth. he planted it with man and beast and all living things. now at times he as the gardener will look at the works of his hands and see a "green tomato" and in his opinion if left on the plant to ripen will be eaten by insects. if left it might fall to some cruel disease. he will decide at times to let some ripen in the window sills of heaven and spare them from being rolled around on the ground by man.
this is the garden god has planted,we are the fruits he is tending. This is the garden that Adam was told by god to tend,and mankind is the most overlooked fruit to be tended in the garden by us whom descended from the first man.
mankind is a very important fruit to be weeded,to be protected from the enemy. we are in neglect of this i think,when we should have hilled up the dirt around man we did not. when we should have protected those from the birds we did not.
At times god i think see's the things we do and did not do and takes some and transplants some of mankind into a different row. at times he removes the insects to protect the others,at times a scarecrow will suffice. but at times he will look at one of us and let them be picked and ripen them in his house. others he will let ripen in the field,that is he will look at them and think "if i pick them now their flavor will not be full,and some will be sweeter if i pick them now",,,,
we fully understand the decisions we make in our garden, we justify every act we commit with our hands. we say well i learned better to do this different next time, and learn from our errors. there is a better gardener than us who has planted the garden of mankind,he is god. we i think should trust him in his judgment as to when to pick each fruit.
at the beginning god dug his hand into the soil,cupped his hands around it and breathed the breath into it and planted Adam in the row. he then measured over and planted eve,then Cain then able,then Seth. he measured out man row by row,that is year after year they were planted in the garden. Noah was planted then Shem,Ham and Japeth,,,then you and me and we will all be harvested in due time,trust the gardener who will put his hand on you we are a man made of dirt,but the fingerprints in the mud of an man are gods,,,,,