When God Kills Kids


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When God Kills Kids

This is the show from Thursday January 30th, 2014


* God's Punishments: In the Bible, when God punished nations or even the world, many children also died as a result. Can God kill innocent children and remain righteous? Bob explains on today's show.


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A cold cloudless night here in New England so the stars are bright. So as I am outside whistling at the dog to come in I consider that cosmologists tell us that the universe is billions of years old and there are billions of stars we cannot see. Given my acceptance of that, I am going to listen to someone who ignores the evidence and posits the universe is only 6000 years or so old provide excuses for his god's history of killing children?

Nah, I don't think so.


New member
A cold cloudless night here in New England so the stars are bright. So as I am outside whistling at the dog to come in I consider that cosmologists tell us that the universe is billions of years old and there are billions of stars we cannot see. Given my acceptance of that, I am going to listen to someone who ignores the evidence and posits the universe is only 6000 years or so old provide excuses for his god's history of killing children?

Nah, I don't think so.

How rational or intelligent are you when you can't even respond directly to the point? Not very.


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Age of Accountability is a nonsense doctrine. Aside from it not being taught in the Bible, the unsaved individual wouldn't reach the Age of Accountability at any age. They're blind and deaf, ignorant at any age.

Children suffer for sin, either their own, or their parents, or their ancestors who caused The Fall. When they die, God is bringing home those who are is, and there will be no more suffering.


New member
How rational or intelligent are you when you can't even respond directly to the point? Not very.

What's the point? Your god kills kids? Find a rational explanation and post it here, I don't bother to listen to Pastor Bob anymore.


New member
Age of Accountability is a nonsense doctrine. Aside from it not being taught in the Bible, the unsaved individual wouldn't reach the Age of Accountability at any age. They're blind and deaf, ignorant at any age.

Children suffer for sin, either their own, or their parents, or their ancestors who caused The Fall. When they die, God is bringing home those who are is, and there will be no more suffering.

If he is so compassionate, why does he allow some people to remain and continue to suffer? And are you suggesting that all infants who die go to heaven? Without having to make the choice?

Your holy book can support an interpretation you wish to arrive at.


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When God Kills Kids

This is the show from Thursday January 30th, 2014


* God's Punishments: In the Bible, when God punished nations or even the world, many children also died as a result. Can God kill innocent children and remain righteous? Bob explains on today's show.

Let me take a wild guess what the answer's gonna be.:chuckle:


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If a Creator makes a creature that will live a life in 2 stages - a brief stage followed by an eternal stage - could anyone logically show that the Creator has no right to bring his creatures from the first stage to the second?


New member

Ah, so is that the answer? Now it makes sense. Well except for all the suffering, because if the intent of your god is to simply bring his created to him to live in bliss forever, why suffering and pain?

1 just because he can.
2 to show us he is so much bigger than we are
3 or your god enjoys it

Given the theology here it can't be in order to obtain eternal bliss, because I am pretty sure that you believe your ticket was punched by Jesus without any real work on your part---the whole faith v works issue.

So try to come up with a better justification for why your god kills kids.


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Jukia, if God made sure that all those who are going to go to heaven died without any pain, then He would have to be creating constant miracles.

Miracles harden the hearts of God-haters to hate Him even more because a miracle shoves the truth of God's existence down the throat of the unbeliever and says to him, "See? Now you HAVE to believe." To which the unbeliever reacts, "Oh yeah? Nobody tells me what I HAVE to believe!!!"

The Bible is filled with miracles. The result was almost always deeper rebellion.

And you still didn't answer the question: If a Creator makes a creature that will live a life in 2 stages - a brief stage followed by an eternal stage - could anyone logically show that the Creator has no right to bring his creatures from the first stage to the second?


New member
And you still didn't answer the question: If a Creator makes a creature that will live a life in 2 stages - a brief stage followed by an eternal stage - could anyone logically show that the Creator has no right to bring his creatures from the first stage to the second?

Sure he could. But why bother to make 2 stages, one filled with toil and strife and one with eternal happiness (if singing the praised of this god equals happiness)? What was the original plan---preFall? were people going to live on earth happily forever? did Adam and Eve's descendants each have a chance to anger your god? Or were people going to be zapped into heaven once they had proved themselves on earth?

He could have 17 stages if he wished. Or not bothered at all.

If your god made all in 6 days a few 1000 years ago---why? Best I can tell according to your theology he was, and is, complete in himself. So why bother?


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What was the original plan---preFall? were people going to live on earth happily forever?

If your god made all in 6 days a few 1000 years ago---why? Best I can tell according to your theology he was, and is, complete in himself. So why bother?
To spread the joy of God's love to more beings.


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Originally Posted by Jukia View Post
What was the original plan---preFall? were people going to live on earth happily forever?

If your god made all in 6 days a few 1000 years ago---why? Best I can tell according to your theology he was, and is, complete in himself. So why bother?
To spread the joy of God's love to more beings.

Jefferson: The spreading God's love answer is nonsense and really cannot be disputed if you buy your story.
But the living forever on earth? So the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is somehow the result of The Fall 6K years ago? Up until then physics was different?


Children suffer for sin, either their own, or their parents, or their ancestors who caused The Fall.

No strong enough words exist to castigate this post sufficiently. If I wrote something so disgusting I wouldn't be able to look myself in the eyes.


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Originally Posted by Jabin View Post
Children suffer for sin, either their own, or their parents, or their ancestors who caused The Fall.
No strong enough words exist to castigate this post sufficiently. If I wrote something so disgusting I wouldn't be able to look myself in the eyes.

Great isn't it? A 6 month old gets to suffer from some alleged misdeed 6000 years ago. And the world is governed by a loving god? But then I guess it all works out cause the kids get to live that eternally blissful life with the angels, Jesus, etc.

Anything to justify the theology.


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So the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is somehow the result of The Fall 6K years ago? Up until then physics was different?
Boy, that's a hoot. Someone who believes the universe created itself out of nothing (in violation of the 1st law of thermodynamics) attempting to criticize someone else's view of the laws of thermodynamics. :rotfl:


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Boy, that's a hoot. Someone who believes the universe created itself out of nothing (in violation of the 1st law of thermodynamics) attempting to criticize someone else's view of the laws of thermodynamics. :rotfl:

So you have no answer to my specific question. Based on your theology, your god instituted at least the 2nd Law 6000 years ago. Lets just agree that is what you need for your "worldview" and interpretation of the evidence.