Stay fragmented at your own peril. That too, is all about having a freewill. It is included in the package. However, along with Peter, James and John, who beheld His Glory even more so, Paul as they did, explained Jesus Christ but, to a different crowd.. Embracing the whole of THEIR teaching should be a no-brainer. Albeit, it is always easier for one who hasn't had his/her mind messed with by agenda ridden 'religionists'. . . . . Just something added there for anyone making the attempt at considering what they take into their thinking, need to be careful for..
Remember, we gentiles were never the chosen people nor were we
ever under any law. The Jews were under the law and understood
the law. On the other hand, we were considered dogs. Paul was sent
to the gentiles with the message of Grace through faith alone. He
didn't preach the law to us. We had no law.
Today both gentle and Jew are under the Grace Gospel. (Paul's Gospel)
According to Paul we're living in the Dispensation of Grace.
When it comes to God's final judgement, the unsaved will be judged
by their
works. The saved won't be judged by God because
we have the righteousness of Christ Himself.
We'll be judged according to what rewards we'll receive during
the course of our lives. Christ Himself will judge us according to
the rewards we'll receive or the ones we will miss out on. However,
for the saved, there is no judgement nor condemnation. Because,
we are in Christ and He is in us. We're also sealed by the Holy Spirit.