ECT What's MAD?


Well-known member
Danoh wrote:

Now that he is much aware of how tolerant the Mads who own and run this site are; he is revealing his true colors.

To show how Danoh lies:
1, I know nothing of the ownership here
2, those who are MAD have become less tolerant in the past month
3, I'm not always able to make the point as sharp as I would like, but the nonsense about the two towers and the denial about the babes-to-adults time span has certainly ticked me off.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Danoh wrote:

Now that he is much aware of how tolerant the Mads who own and run this site are; he is revealing his true colors.

To show how Danoh lies:
1, I know nothing of the ownership here
2, those who are MAD have become less tolerant in the past month
3, I'm not always able to make the point as sharp as I would like, but the nonsense about the two towers and the denial about the babes-to-adults time span has certainly ticked me off.

Like they say: "If ya can't take the heat, get outta Dodge."


Well-known member
Like they say: "If ya can't take the heat, get outta Dodge."

Except for the fact that I believe I'm maintaining the truth here and battling a lot of denial, ignorance, sidestepping, etc.

My purpose for being here is to produce people who see the mission and the heart of God so well in how the thing is actually laid out in the NT that they are better witnesses for having been here. These MAD people are snide, rude, doctrinaire, and the layout of the Bible is dismal to me.

Right Divider

Body part
Except for the fact that I believe I'm maintaining the truth here and battling a lot of denial, ignorance, sidestepping, etc.

My purpose for being here is to produce people who see the mission and the heart of God so well in how the thing is actually laid out in the NT that they are better witnesses for having been here. These MAD people are snide, rude, doctrinaire, and the layout of the Bible is dismal to me.
You'd have to HAVE some truth to "battle" to "maintain" it.


Well-known member
:BRAVO:Mr. Toxic, the great essay writer. :kookoo:

Kind of like Don Quixote and the windmill.

This is you: View attachment 24730

Do you have specific comments about Acts 13? I didn't see any.

Stop the general slams and talk about specifics or find a healthy pasttime. Putting me down does not put you up. Your identity needs to be more than just how much you hate me.

Btw, your previous complaint was that I don't go through a passage; now, when I do, you put up the cookoo icon. ???

Right Divider

Body part
Do you have specific comments about Acts 13? I didn't see any.
Paul preached Christ in a synagogue. Nothing to earth shattering about that.

Stop the general slams and talk about specifics or find a healthy pasttime. Putting me down does not put you up. Your identity needs to be more than just how much you hate me.
I don't hate you. I just despise your horrible doctrine.

Btw, your previous complaint was that I don't go through a passage; now, when I do, you put up the cookoo icon. ???
Please give me a link to this powerful essay.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
LOL, you can't tell that that is how I see things here? My essay on Acts 13? I'm battling for it each day, and the D'ists here want every single part of the Bible chopped in to compartments that they can.

Chopping for the sake of mass chopment is wrong indeed, while conversely the mixture of things such as oil and water that do not mix is homicidal. The spiritual enterprise of the gospel event must not be overlooked, as we ponder the ramifications, as Holford explained, of this mission never looking backward and moving onward to Eph 2A and 2C. Agreed?


Well-known member
Chopping for the sake of mass chopment is wrong indeed, while conversely the mixture of things such as oil and water that do not mix is homicidal. The spiritual enterprise of the gospel event must not be overlooked, as we ponder the ramifications, as Holford explained, of this mission never looking backward and moving onward to Eph 2A and 2C. Agreed?

Thus your 1, 2, 3 footer list is also taken as a joke.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Do you have specific comments about Acts 13? I didn't see any.

Stop the general slams and talk about specifics or find a healthy pasttime. Putting me down does not put you up. Your identity needs to be more than just how much you hate me.

Btw, your previous complaint was that I don't go through a passage; now, when I do, you put up the cookoo icon. ???

One of your problems is, you don't really understand MAD, do ya? If so, explain it to us in easy terms that everybody can understand. MAD is really quite simple and can be readily explained . Give it a shot?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Except for the fact that I believe I'm maintaining the truth here and battling a lot of denial, ignorance, sidestepping, etc.

My purpose for being here is to produce people who see the mission and the heart of God so well in how the thing is actually laid out in the NT that they are better witnesses for having been here. These MAD people are snide, rude, doctrinaire, and the layout of the Bible is dismal to me.

The problem is, you hate what you don't understand.


Well-known member
The problem is, you hate what you don't understand.

I do understand it. It's got so many confusing and anti-historical parts to it, it needs to be burnt to the ground. I grew up in it. 2P2P gloms on to the Bible but is never in the text. Do you know any MADs who just love Acts 13's sermon? They seem to avoid it like leprosy.


Well-known member
The problem is, you hate what you don't understand.

I do understand it. It's got so many confusing and anti-historical parts to it, it needs to be burnt to the ground. I grew up in it. 2P2P gloms on to the Bible but is never in the text. Do you know any MADs who just love Acts 13's sermon? They seem to avoid it like leprosy.

You might consider a persuasive explanation of it, rather than the Pelosi trick: vote it in, then you'll understand how great it is.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The truth be told, many posters here on TOL might very well get along very well face to face. A public forum allows the safety that anonymity provides. Therefore, creates a breeding ground for bravado. Would people speak in an uncivil manner to one another if they were face to face? Most likely not.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I do understand it. It's got so many confusing and anti-historical parts to it, it needs to be burnt to the ground. I grew up in it. 2P2P gloms on to the Bible but is never in the text. Do you know any MADs who just love Acts 13's sermon? They seem to avoid it like leprosy.

So, if you know what MAD is, explain it in a couple of sentences? You ought to be able to accomplish that small task.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I do understand it. It's got so many confusing and anti-historical parts to it, it needs to be burnt to the ground. I grew up in it. 2P2P gloms on to the Bible but is never in the text. Do you know any MADs who just love Acts 13's sermon? They seem to avoid it like leprosy.

You might consider a persuasive explanation of it, rather than the Pelosi trick: vote it in, then you'll understand how great it is.

What's the problem you're having with that chapter? I just read it and see no problems with it.


Well-known member
What's the problem you're having with that chapter? I just read it and see no problems with it.

As the above post said, it is not problems I'm having. Do you always read things that way?

The problem has been those who won't agree it is the destiny, goal, objective, legacy of Israel: that Christ was resurrected to show that justification from sin had been accomplished and that that is what David's promised kingdom was about (the quote from Isaiah).

As soon as that is pointed out, the monster of 2P2P takes over and says it can't mean that, and that the followup quotes from Isaiah can't mean that etc.

A few ideologies out there have a fundamental diversion from the meaning of the text and are constantly 'around' the text (protecting their doctrines); D'ism / 2P2P is one of them.

Likewise, if I summarize the principles of Acts 26's hearing, there is the same reaction.