What's happening to Trump?



:mock: Trump haters

It's hard to mount a convincing rebuttal based on the facts - when they're all stacked against you!

patrick jane

It's hard to mount a convincing rebuttal based on the facts - when they're all stacked against you!
I'm just letting you rubes hash it out amongst yourselves. I feel sorry for you all with the roller coaster ride you've been on. Every day you hope and pray for Trump to be gone but he's always in your face. This is the best President in over 50 years.





I'm just letting you rubes hash it out amongst yourselves. I feel sorry for you all with the roller coaster ride you've been on. Every day you hope and pray for Trump to be gone but he's always in your face. This is the best President in over 50 years.

Paul Manafort

General Flynn and son

Rex "the President is a MORON" Tillerson

Steve Bannon

Michael Wolff

With "friends" like these, who needs enemies!

Gary K

New member
The reports of him repeating the same set of comments over a reducing number of minutes, that really strikes me as a sign of dementia. I've seen it first hand in other people. I can't imagine that the stress of what he's going through is helping his mental health.

Thanks, rexlunae, you gave me a good laugh. I see the same dementia in the Democrats/Marxists/socialists here. They repeat the same things over and over and over again when speaking of Donald Trump. It really worries me too. I'm hoping all of you go and get checked by your doctors after displaying such obvious signs of dementia.... ;)



Thanks, rexlunae, you gave me a good laugh. I see the same dementia in the Democrats/Marxists/socialists here. They repeat the same things over and over and over again when speaking of Donald Trump. It really worries me too. I'm hoping all of you go and get checked by your doctors after displaying such obvious signs of dementia.... ;)

The true sign of "dementia" in politics is Trump's repeated tweeting - diverting the American public's attention away from his Administration's agenda and supposed successes!

Instead of convincing an already dubious American public of the benefits of the Republican tax reform legislation, "The Donald" would rather trade insults with Hillary Clinton, former DBI Director Comey, Special Council Mueller, Michael Wolff (Fire and Fury), former chief adviser Steve Bannon, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi .....

All the Democrats need do is stand back and allow the "S. S. Trump" to self-destruct, sinking ever lower in the polls - at some point in "The Donald's" descent to the bottom, the Republicans in the House will be forced to "jump ship!"
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patrick jane


The true sign of "dementia" in politics is Trump's repeatedly tweeting - diverting the American public's attention away from his Administration's agenda and supposed successes!

Instead of convincing an already dubious American public of the benefits of the Republican tax reform legislation, "The Donald" would rather trade insults with Hillary Clinton, former DBI Director Comey, Special Council Mueller, Michael Wolff (Fire and Fury), former chief adviser Steve Bannon, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi .....

All the Democrats need do is stand back and allow the "S. S. Trump" to self-destruct, sinking ever lower in the polls - at some point in "The Donald's" descent to the bottom, the Republicans in the House will be forced to "jump ship!"
The polls are up even though they lie. You can comfortably add 10 points to any poll. Winning !!!


Gary K

New member
The true sign of "dementia" in politics is Trump's repeatedly tweeting - diverting the American public's attention away from his Administration's agenda and supposed successes!

Instead of convincing an already dubious American public of the benefits of the Republican tax reform legislation, "The Donald" would rather trade insults with Hillary Clinton, former DBI Director Comey, Special Council Mueller, Michael Wolff (Fire and Fury), former chief adviser Steve Bannon, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi .....

All the Democrats need do is stand back and allow the "S. S. Trump" to self-destruct, sinking ever lower in the polls - at some point in "The Donald's" descent to the bottom, the Republicans in the House will be forced to "jump ship!"

LOL. After all the Democrat's missteps, lies, and illegal activity you're making fun of Trump? What you gonna do when it comes out that Debbie Wasserman Schultz gets indicted for murder, treason, and fraud? She is reported to have hired MS13 to murder Seth Rich. These charges are just as legit as anything the fraudulent and corrupt MSM throws at Trump. It's been well over a year of hysteria about Trump colluding with the Russians and what has been dug up? A report that is widely acknowledged to be completely fraudulent and was commissioned by Hillary and her pals. And how about Donna Brazile throwing the DNC and Hillary under the bus by acknowledging that she was fearful for her own life after Seth Rich was killed. Oh, that's right she's not really a Democrat. She's an under cover Republican. Right?

You just keep on digging yourself holes with all the nonesense you spout.



The polls are up even though they lie. You can comfortably add 10 points to any poll. Winning !!!

In politics, one dismisses the polls only when they're not favourable - if Trump was riding high in the polls, does anyone doubt that "patrick jane" would be citing them nonstop!

LOL. After all the Democrat's missteps, lies, and illegal activity you're making fun of Trump? What you gonna do when it comes out that Debbie Wasserman Schultz gets indicted for murder, treason, and fraud? She is reported to have hired MS13 to murder Seth Rich. These charges are just as legit as anything the fraudulent and corrupt MSM throws at Trump. It's been well over a year of hysteria about Trump colluding with the Russians and what has been dug up? A report that is widely acknowledged to be completely fraudulent and was commissioned by Hillary and her pals. And how about Donna Brazile throwing the DNC and Hillary under the bus by acknowledging that she was fearful for her own life after Seth Rich was killed. Oh, that's right she's not really a Democrat. She's an under cover Republican. Right?

You just keep on digging yourself holes with all the nonesense you spout.

If "ffreeloader" thinks that the Democratic Party are all headed for "the slammer" over the tragic death of "Seth Rich," whom am I to tell him that there is no "Easter Bunny" or "Tooth Fairy!"
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patrick jane

In politics, one dismisses the polls only when they're not favourable - if Trump was riding high in the polls, does anyone doubt that "patrick jane" would be citing them nonstop!

If "ffreeloader" thinks that the Democratic Party are all headed for "the slammer" over the tragic death of "Seth Rich," whom am I to tell him that there is no "Easter Bunny" or "Tooth Fairy!"
How's your collusion case going?



How's your collusion case going?
Given that Steve Bannon already considers Donald Jr. and Jared Kushner to be "traitors" for meeting with the Russians, how long will it be before he joins General Flynn and George Papadopoulos in cooperating with Mueller?

Trump would have be well advised not to alienate Bannon, he is the one advisor who knows where "all the skeletons are buried!"

Manafort will be next to "flip" because he's not prepared to serve jail time if he can make a deal - the problem is that the longer he waits, the more Mueller will be able to get whatever information he has to trade, from other sources!
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New member
Manafort will be next to "flip" because he's not prepared to serve jail time if he can make a deal - the problem is that the longer he waits, the more Mueller will be able to get whatever information he has to trade, from other sources!

Did you see Manafort's civil suit? I think he's still trying to outrun Mueller. If he flips, it's going to be only as a last resort. Manafort more than most has a lot to lose in all this, maybe more than Trump himself. I don't believe it will happen soon.

The Barbarian

In his interview with the Mail on Sunday, Mr Wolff said White House insiders speculated whether Mr Trump had "the early stages of dementia."

"Whether it's lack of sleep, the compounded effects of age… or there's actually some impairment – and that's a possibility – everybody around him discusses that."

The author and journalist added: "Everyone around him says the symptoms have got worse in the year he has been in office – his attention span has lessened, his verbal patterns are more peculiar."


President Donald Trump has hit out at “very weak” libel laws in the US as he branded an explosive new book detailing the inner workings of the White House as “fiction”.

Suggesting he would like to see tougher laws on speech, Mr Trump said that if libel laws “were strong... you wouldn’t have things like that happen where you can say whatever comes into your head” – referring to Michael Wolff’s book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.

The book has caused a storm of controversy and has left the President facing questions about his mental state, with quotes in Fire and Fury – including from Mr Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon - suggesting that even those close to Mr Trump had questioned his capability.

Early on Saturday, Mr Trump wrote a string of messages on Twitter where he rejected such claims, saying he was a “very stable genius” whose two greatest assets are his “mental stability and being, like, really smart”.


The Barbarian

While President Donald Trump was giving his historic speech Wednesday to announce that the United States would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, some on the internet focused on the manner in which he made his statement.
Toward the end of the news conference, some on Twitter and Facebook noted that the President's usual speech pattern changed and that he started to slur his words -- and they speculated about what it could mean.
The official term for slurred speech is dysarthria, when the muscles you use to speak weaken or you have a hard time completely controlling their use.

People can slur their words for any number of reasons. It can be a sign of problems with a nervous system disorder like a brain tumor or a stroke. People who have cerebral palsy or Guillain-Barré Syndrome can struggle with slurring. Multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Lyme disease, Huntington's, Myasthenia gravis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's and Wilson's disease all can cause it.
Dental work -- such as ill-fitting dentures -- can also be blamed. Medication can impact speech, as can drugs and alcohol. Or people can simply slur their words when they get tired.

CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a practicing neurosurgeon, said he watched the video closely a few times. "There is clearly some abnormalities of his speech," he said. "You could call it slurring or just a little bit of difficulty forming the words."
Michael de Riesthal, a speech and language pathologist, agrees. "There was definitely some imprecise progressive change in articulatory precision and slowing of his speech that is not typical in normal speech," said de Riesthal, an assistant professor in hearing and speech sciences at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the director of the Pi Beta Phi Rehabilitation Institute. "The distortion of his articulation, though, is unknown in etiology."


The Barbarian

Trump says he’s ‘like, really smart,’ ‘a very stable genius’
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump felt compelled Saturday to let the world know he’s playing with all his marbles and is among the sharpest cookies around.

In a series of tweets, Trump defended his mental fitness and boasted about his brains, saying he is “like, really smart” and “a very stable genius.” It was the latest pushback against a new book that portrays him as a leader who doesn’t understand the weight of his office and whose competence is questioned by aides.

“Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart,” Trump tweeted from Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland, a few hours before a strategy session on the 2018 legislative agenda with Republican congressional leaders and Cabinet members.

And when Trump addressed reporters later, the Ivy League graduate was ready for the question.

“I went to the best colleges for college,” said Trump


The weird thing is that he's saying that the media is using the same approach with him that they did with Reagan.

Who we now know, was in the early stages of dementia in his second term.

Didn't think that one out very well. Which is what one would expect from the symptoms seen so far.

By all accounts, Reagan faced his increasing difficulties with courage and grace, depending on his wife and aides to help him with things that were no longer easy for him. Trump shows no sign of that kind of character.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

President Donald Trump’s decision to brag in a tweet about the size of his “nuclear button” compared with North Korea’s was widely condemned as bellicose and reckless. The comments are also part of a larger pattern of odd and often alarming behavior for a person in the nation’s highest office.

Trump’s grandiosity and impulsivity has made him a constant subject of speculation among those concerned with his mental health. But after more than a year of talking to doctors and researchers about whether and how the cognitive sciences could offer a lens to explain Trump’s behavior, I’ve come to believe there should be a role for professional evaluation beyond speculating from afar.

I’m not alone. Viewers of Trump’s recent speeches have begun noticing minor abnormalities in his movements. In November, he used his free hand to steady a small Fiji bottle as he brought it to his mouth. Onlookers described the movement as “awkward” and made jokes about hand size. Some called out Trump for doing the exact thing he had mocked Senator Marco Rubio for during the presidential primary—conspicuously drinking water during a speech...Then in December, speaking about his national-security plan in Washington, D.C., Trump reached under his podium and grabbed a glass with both hands. This time he kept them on the glass the entire time he drank, and as he put the glass down. This drew even more attention. The gesture was like that of an extremely cold person cradling a mug of cocoa. Some viewers likened him to a child just learning to handle a cup.

Then there was an incident of slurred speech. Announcing the relocation of the American embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem—a dramatic foreign-policy move—Trump became difficult to understand at a phonetic level, which did little to reassure many observers of the soundness of his decision...The frontal lobes also control speech, and over the years, Donald Trump’s fluency has regressed and his vocabulary contracted. In May of last year, the journalist Sharon Begley at Stat analyzed changes in his speech patterns during interviews over the years.

The "ONLY" people who are "Concerned" are the far-left wing liberal Dems. They hate our President and will go to all lengths to see that he's removed from office. I believe with all my heart that Donald J. Trump was chosen to be our President by the Will of God. The Far-left are not only at war with the President but, are at war with the "Will of God," as well. That's a war, they'll ultimately lose. Wouldn't you agree?


Hall of Fame
By all accounts, Reagan faced his increasing difficulties with courage and grace, depending on his wife and aides to help him with things that were no longer easy for him. Trump shows no sign of that kind of character.

I never worried about Reagan insofar as his love of our country and his commitment to the American people. Also, though she wasn't my favorite First Lady, Nancy was a positive influence and took good care of Reagan.