OK. Gonna have to break down your post here.
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
This is such a tired and idiotic argument! Is this the best Calvinism has to offer in an attempt to debunk those who disagree with their heresy?
Its not Calvinism at all. Its Christianity. And just because something isn't open theology doesn't mean it's heresy.
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Do you have something to brag about because you said, "I do" when you married your wife?
No. God brought her into my life. I do brag about her though because I'm proud of her. She is my wife. Equally, I like to glorify God, and show and tell others what He's done for me.
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
When someone gives you a gift for your birthday, do you go around bragging about how terrific it is that you accepted the gift?
No, I did nothing to "get" the gift. Same with salvation. Any concept of salvation other than salvation by grace really isn't salvation at all.
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
If you were drowning in a swimming pool and the lifeguard threw a life preserver to you, would you get the big head and start showing off about how you were so great to have grabbed it?
No. I sure wouldn't. Good analogy though. I'll remember that one.
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Give me a break!
No breaks for you Private Pfeiffer! Now drop and give me 20!
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
You (that is Calvinists in general) give people a hard time saying that they have "saved themselves" and at the same time tell people that if they don't tithe that they've stolen from God.

This doesn't sound anywhere near what a Calvinist might say.
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
In one breath you say that you can do nothing to be saved and in the next you put them under the law and require them to obey.
Not it at all. I think you're confusing the law with exercising faith. Two completely different ideas.
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Calvinist are so internally conflicted that they can't see up from down!
I would expect a comment like this from an OVer.
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
If you want to debate Calvinism on its merits then lets get it on, but don't waste my time with this weak crap that's designed primarily to score cheap emotional points with those who don't know anything about the issues being debated.
Resting in Him,
It's not a debatable issue really. Salvation by grace is clearly taught in most of the NT. This view of how someone can "choose" God and create his own saving faith is not at all Biblical. I would venture to say that you know where these particular passages are, you just draw your own conclusions to fit your own personal views. Don't do that. That's why there are so many different sects of religion out there. They open their ears to a certain passage and close them for another.
And what's "weak" about John 6:44?
No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him. That is very clear. No need for your greek dictionary there.