What was the very first sin?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Truster What was the very first sin.

Col 1:23 tells us in a hint that every person under heaven, that is, created in GOD's image, has heard the preaching of the gospel as a finished act and that this proclamation has been repeated ever since.

Pre-conception existence theology contends that before the Satanic rebellion everyone was innocent, ie, having never made a free will moral choice, so were not good nor bad but...innocent. As innocents we heard the gospel of salvation as a promise of salvation from any and all future sins to all those who wanted to live with their GOD as HIS Bride in heaven...a promise called election. It is obvious that to me that this promise was applied to those who put their faith in YHWH as their creator GOD and in HIS Son as their Saviour. Faith was how we came under the promise of election to heaven by salvation from all sin as well as how we again enter that promise after choosing to reject it by choosing to be evil.

The corollary was that any who withheld their faith in YHWH's deity and HIS promises of election and salvation would not come under the promise. Such a sinner as outside of the promise must be an eternally sinful being as no one can save themselves and they have scorned GOD's salvation.

What could motivate someone to reject YHWH and HIS promises when hell was on the line? NO one who believed that YHWH was indeed GOD Almighty could have rebelled like this so it is logical to assume HE had not yet given proof of HIS deity but just made the claims and commanded the proper response. Satan must have believed, put his faith in the unproven hope that YHWH was a false god and as the first liar and blasphemer claiming to be GOD was the first and therefore the greatest sinner in creation. This sin, attributing GOD's claims to evil is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, the only sin that cannot be forgiven since it is the only sin that rejects GOD's saving grace. Those who sinned this sin are the demons, some of whom live on the earth sown into the world by the devil as tares and goats, those condemned already for their unbelief in HIS Son's name (saviour attributes) John 3:18.

Satan et al knew before they chose to commit their faith that if YHWH ever proved HIMself to be GOD then they were going to hell. The sinful elect rejected GOD's plan for our lives but as elect, they are under the promise. So committed was the Satanic community to the idea that YHWH was a false god and a liar that they scorned to keep themselves safe from hell like the sinful elect had done, considering that to have to live with YHWH as HIS Bride forever in heaven was much worse than hell, a sentiment often heard by non-believers here on earth.

As patrick jane suggested, it was probably pride that caused Satan to work his way into such an evil sin... When some heard YHWH's claims to be our creator GOD, they were faced with their first true moral decision, that is, to accept HIS claims or to reject them. James teaches in James 1:13 When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. that all sin comes first as an evil desire which when it becomes mature enough, ends in sin.

It is because of the momentous nature of this decision that I see it is logical to suggest that after our creation as spirits in the image of GOD, we had a time of coming to maturity, making bonds with others, and living a non-physical, purely mental life of math, music and language, etc. For someone who may have felt superior to others to suddenly be faced with an unproven claim someone was vastly superior to him may have started to vex him and the desire to rebel started to grow, especially after being exercised in talking with others about the possibilities of what YHWH meant and the repercussions.

Finally the time came when everyone had finished making their choice about their relationship with YHWH and HE proved HIS Divinity and Power to everyone created in HIS image by the creation of the physical universe,
Rom 1:20, the memory of which all sinners have repressed due to their love for evil over their love for the truth as per the bulk of Romans 1.



New member
Col 1:23 tells us in a hint that every person under heaven, that is, created in GOD's image, has heard the preaching of the gospel as a finished act and that this proclamation has been repeated ever since.

Pre-conception existence theology contends that before the Satanic rebellion everyone was innocent, ie, having never made a free will moral choice, so were not good nor bad but...innocent. As innocents we heard the gospel of salvation as a promise of salvation from any and all future sins to all those who wanted to live with their GOD as HIS Bride in heaven...a promise called election. It is obvious that to me that this promise was applied to those who put their faith in YHWH as their creator GOD and in HIS Son as their Saviour. Faith was how we came under the promise of election to heaven by salvation from all sin as well as how we again enter that promise after choosing to reject it by choosing to be evil.

The corollary was that any who withheld their faith in YHWH's deity and HIS promises of election and salvation would not come under the promise. Such a sinner as outside of the promise must be an eternally sinful being as no one can save themselves and they have scorned GOD's salvation.

What could motivate someone to reject YHWH and HIS promises when hell was on the line? NO one who believed that YHWH was indeed GOD Almighty could have rebelled like this so it is logical to assume HE had not yet given proof of HIS deity but just made the claims and commanded the proper response. Satan must have believed, put his faith in the unproven hope that YHWH was a false god and as the first liar and blasphemer claiming to be GOD was the first and therefore the greatest sinner in creation. This sin, attributing GOD's claims to evil is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, the only sin that cannot be forgiven since it is the only sin that rejects GOD's saving grace. Those who sinned this sin are the demons, some of whom live on the earth sown into the world by the devil as tares and goats, those condemned already for their unbelief in HIS Son's name (saviour attributes) John 3:18.

Satan et al knew before they chose to commit their faith that if YHWH ever proved HIMself to be GOD then they were going to hell. The sinful elect rejected GOD's plan for our lives but as elect, they are under the promise. So committed was the Satanic community to the idea that YHWH was a false god and a liar that they scorned to keep themselves safe from hell like the sinful elect had done, considering that to have to live with YHWH as HIS Bride forever in heaven was much worse than hell, a sentiment often heard by non-believers here on earth.

As patrick jane suggested, it was probably pride that caused Satan to work his way into such an evil sin... When some heard YHWH's claims to be our creator GOD, they were faced with their first true moral decision, that is, to accept HIS claims or to reject them. James teaches in James 1:13 When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. that all sin comes first as an evil desire which when it becomes mature enough, ends in sin.

It is because of the momentous nature of this decision that I see it is logical to suggest that after our creation as spirits in the image of GOD, we had a time of coming to maturity, making bonds with others, and living a non-physical, purely mental life of math, music and language, etc. For someone who may have felt superior to others to suddenly be faced with an unproven claim someone was vastly superior to him may have started to vex him and the desire to rebel started to grow, especially after being exercised in talking with others about the possibilities of what YHWH meant and the repercussions.

Finally the time came when everyone had finished making their choice about their relationship with YHWH and HE proved HIS Divinity and Power to everyone created in HIS image by the creation of the physical universe,
Rom 1:20, the memory of which all sinners have repressed due to their love for evil over their love for the truth as per the bulk of Romans 1.

You are making verbal smoke screens from scriptures you have contorted.


New member
The last sin shall be a corporate sin. A sin that spreads to all, is committed by all, approved of all and is encouraged by all mankind. And it is such fun...it is applauded by all.

The sin that will permeate and pollute everyone will be pride.​

Pride of life will probably be in the lead and although approved of in self it is often despised in others and leads to backbiting and jealousy.

I read somewhere that the last sin a regenerate man is plagued with is pride. When the man has been humbled pride shall be waiting in the wings...


New member
The sin that will permeate and pollute everyone will be pride.​

Pride of life will probably be in the lead and although approved of in self it is often despised in others and leads to backbiting and jealousy.

I read somewhere that the last sin a regenerate man is plagued with is pride. When the man has been humbled pride shall be waiting in the wings...

Pride says look at me, look at my house, look at my car, look at my job, look at my wife, look at my children and on it goes until the proud and arrogant sinner is either saved or destroyed.


New member
Mankind espouses and promotes excessive pride at sporting events and pollute their children in the same filth.

Professional sport is an example of idolatry and pride that will lead men to hell.

Sporting stadiums are places of worship where the dead meet to worship the dead.


New member
I'm expecting a visit from the police as I have been commenting on a march they policed yesterday. It was called "PRIDE" and featured lots of rainbows. Until 1964 homosexual acts were a crime. Now it is a crime to speak out against them. In my defence I only asked who picked up the bill for policing the march and that I had an issue with the term "Pride" and not, in this case, the object or subject of the pride.

The police have not given an answer to the question.


New member
The sin that will permeate and pollute everyone will be pride.​

Pride of life will probably be in the lead and although approved of in self it is often despised in others and leads to backbiting and jealousy.

I read somewhere that the last sin a regenerate man is plagued with is pride. When the man has been humbled pride shall be waiting in the wings...

There will be pride because there is no fear of Elohim. Who in reverential fear could proudly oppose Him? It is the lack of trust, in the fear of Elohim, that leads to pride.

By trust Noah, being warned of Elohim of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the justness which is by trust.