What part of these Trump tweets is factually wrong?


New member
Cool story.

When I brought up the black on white statistic as compared to the white on black, you all shut up real quick.
I'll be damned if the support for BLM didn't immediately cease on these forums.

I follow a number of activist groups, including BLM, online. And BLM has been pretty quiet since before the election. I suspect that their activism has been largely preempted by more urgent efforts to counter Trump's agenda. Whether they come back in the same form, I can't predict, but the issues they've raised will continue one way or another, you can count on that.


I follow a number of activist groups, including BLM, online. And BLM has been pretty quiet since before the election. I suspect that their activism has been largely preempted by more urgent efforts to counter Trump's agenda. Whether they come back in the same form, I can't predict, but the issues they've raised will continue one way or another, you can count on that.

Why did you ever support BLM when blacks kill whites twice as much as whites kill blacks?

I mean, Black Lives Matter :AMR:

You're an idiot.
An imbecile.
A ~moron~.

A sheep to the media.

And that's all I got to say about that :wave2:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
When I brought up the black on white statistic as compared to the white on black, you all shut up real quick.
Well, that's not true, but don't let a little thing like truth stop you now. It would be out of character. Black on white violence is largely a matter of opportunity.

What I mean by that is where whites comprise the largest single group and blacks around 12% of that overall group, most of the people who are harmed or robbed, etc. are going to be white, as are most of the people involved in traffic accidents. Now when you look at racially motivated crimes, blacks comprise about 24%, which tells you there's a lot of anger in the community, given they're only around 12%, but also tells you that most racially motivated violence is still in another camp.

I'll be damned if the support for BLM didn't immediately cease on these forums.
I'll see if I can have some ice water shipped down for you. What I've said about it is that the BLM is about systemic inequity in treatment by the criminal justice system. Nothing in your attempt to shift focus alters that or makes it a thing that doesn't require scrutiny and address, as with disparate sentencing.

So, there's that :)
Using the line doesn't mean you know when.

Your media betrays you.
It's just "the media". It's not mine and it's not "Jews". It's a number of outlets peddling the day's events to people who are interested.

And The Jews are in your supreme court, in your media, in your legislation- they are instructing you to dismiss your sacred beliefs to follow down a rabbit trail they plan to shoot and skin you from
Sieg nothing. You're like Hitler lite. All the crazy and half the rhetoric.

I'm frankly tired of trying to convince people of the obvious
You misspelled oblivious.

- you want to go be atheist liberal, go be atheist liberal.
That you think those are inseparable goes to the unified nature of your belief system and your ignorance. But it isn't so for everyone.

But drop your cross at the door
Jesus was a Jew. Not your sort of people.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
no, you're the dork who thinks "Jesus was a jew" is a valid counterpoint to a point he hadn't made :chuckle:
No, I'm noting an ongoing inconsistency relating to points he'd gone out of his way to make. But you'd have to care about that instead of simply, publicly salivating for my attention so you could waste it with this effort.

Down boy, down.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Anyway, Cruc has a "Jew" problem, so his dragging the cross into this is like watching a monkey play piano. He's going to hit a few notes, but he's still a monkey playing the piano. :plain:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Anyway, Cruc has a "Jew" problem....

The Jews are in your supreme court, in your media, in your legislation....

i don't believe he's incorrect

there are jews in the supreme court, in the media, in the legislation.....

not sure why there's any benefit to comparing it to a monkey playing piano, but we often see you making labored comparisons in order to get cheers from your support team and material for your shrine to yourself :idunno:

which seems more than a little dorky to me :chuckle:


i don't believe he's incorrect

there are jews in the supreme court, in the media, in the legislation.....

not sure why there's any benefit to comparing it to a monkey playing piano, but we often see you making labored comparisons in order to get cheers from your support team and material for your shrine to yourself :idunno:

which seems more than a little dorky to me :chuckle:

They are cattle for the Jews- they either in the field grazing and being injected with liberal propaganda, or they are on the porch guarding them.
That is their MO- they will scream 'antisemitic' faster then they will scream 'racist' or 'sexist', and they yell those things at the drop of a dime so go figure they can't even begin a conversation without making it clear that you are HaSatan.

Retards :rolleyes: