My bad for jumping into the conversation after a few days.
I saw your comment about there being no beast and missed the revolt coinage in your comment.
Much like you ignored Tet's comments on how the beast is referred to.
The beast was established days ago.
The mark of the beast in the forehead or hand was not coinage.
It is no far stretch to see that by 70 AD only those left alive had received the mark.
The rest had been killed or starved.
lol,I'll be frank,before I became a member of TOL I read through a great multitude of Christian forums and saw an large amount of names to be called. Now I always saw to call mine own self Christian. In a little while that did not suffice,that is in several conversations when the matters of scripture became heated others began to call me different names.
The names they called me were futurist,dispensationist,Hyper,,,Darby follower you name it,they called me all those names,lol. Now at first I thought they were cursing me and trying to use fancy educated words to make me look like a fool,lol.
Thanks to the www I looked up all of the words they were calling me and low and behold I found that they weren't calling me nasty names at all,they were calling me the names best describing my eschatological position/Stinking Dispy,please capitalize it,lol.
Not that I'm meaning this as any offense,I'm not, but but it's best to clear up where mine own heart is standing and I am dispensationist. I think the confusion is in the prophetic clock,the little stop watch. Not that it has any problem keeping time,but rather the other stop watches involved. There is the one keeping time for the nation of Israel,there is the one keeping time for the devil from the time he was told he would crawl on his belly all the days of his life,,,and there is the stopwatch the Lord reached into his pocket and started when he separated out Paul, Deuteronomy 29:29 KJV Acts 9:6 KJV ,,But all these clocks run simultaneously why limit God?
,,,,consider what you say about the mark. If the Christians were told to see the authorities over them as if by God,then if the Christians did use the money/mark of the beast(Caesar) then both Peter and Paul were instructing the Christians to receive the mark of the beast Romans 13,Hebrews 13:17 kjv , 1Peter 2,,,ect.
But that cant be correct which is why I'm pointing it out. It's like the marks are all on the wrong foreheads. There are those being killed because they minted their own money and the ones who are being told to honer those same authorities are fleeing to Pella and being spared the wrath of God for buying and selling with Caesars money(it's backward),,,
I do stick my tongue out of one side of my mouth and then the other,Paul is the credit to this that to the Jew I am as an Jew,Unto the Gentile as an Gentile,,,