What makes Bob Enyart “the man” of this site?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Wait. There is something VERY important I have to say before we continue.

:mock: WaltzingMatilda

OK. Carry on...


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
So Stipe, since you seem to be defending this type of system. Can you please explain how this system works with Christianity and the prinicple's of mercy and forgiveness? :chew:
God never gave us the right to show mercy to murderers and adulterers.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Yes I am a Christian. However, I do not ascribe to the astonishingly judgemental brand of Taliban Christianity practiced by some on this site and, what's more, I'm confident that you'll find out when the time comes that Jesus doesn't view it particularly highly, as well.

This site has been interesting reading. Interesting, and disturbing. What's disturbing to me is that so many of you are so wholly comfortable in your judgementalism, so wholly comfortable in dismissing another human being based on their genetics (homosexuality) or circumstances of birth (Moslems, Hindus, or others not born and raised in a Christian country). Dismissing AND in your judgement sending them to hell.

When did YOU become the arbiter of who goes to hell or not? When did you usurp that job from GOD?

We don't decide that, or claim too be such. However we are commanded to judge rigtheously, as informants for your benifit. God loves you so much he is letting you know you are a pervert and wicked. Not saying you personally, don't know you enough yet.

As for the law and whether or not God endorses it as written, clues are on sale this month at TOL. I suggest you get some.

Allow me to give out a free answer as best I can.

Romans 13

For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake.

I highlighted the key points there. Sounds like God is tough on crime. Nice choice of words. An evil person would see justice as terror. Just like the "christians" here, who claim the Holy Spirit is always giving him visions, but these visions never seem to coincide with what is taught in the Bible. I wonder why? Well, no I don't. The government is to bear the sword, not the keys to life time of 3 hots and a cot. Speaking of capital crimes of course.


New member
No. I'm not allowed to.

And so, given that you HAVEN'T taken such an oath, you believe that tearing down the Constitution is appropriate? Because that's what you're doing here.

Either you're willing to defend the destruction of the Constitution based on your backing of Enyart's judicial code, or it's just so much happy lip service and wishful thinking of what you'd like to see done to the "homos" and "ho's".

Which is it? Do you REALLY want to see the US Constitution destroyed?


Well-known member
What if they are saved? Suppose a saved person engages in homosexuality, then what?
What if a saved person engages in murder? Do we wink and say, oh dont sweat it, your in the club! No. This is criminal justice, not salvation.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
It would appear that there is no provision for mercy or forgiveness. Or if you are saved.

The “code” makes no provision for being a Christian. Just like OT times. :thumb:


You shall not commit adultery. Judges will execute those convicted of bestiality (Ex. 22:19; Lev. 20:15-16); those convicted of incest including with in-laws (Lev. 11-12, 14-15, 17, 19-21); of homosexual acts (Lev. 18:22, 29; 20:13);

Just like Jesus said, "IT IS WRITTEN, BUT YOU SAY...." So says sierrasam, the public denier of Jesus's teachings. One other thing, I know it is hard for you to comprehend. But if you are Christian, you believe Jesus and confess it, and commit murder in anger or rage, you still should get the needle. Perhaps you are actually uncertain about your fate in eternity?


New member
God never gave us the right to show mercy to murderers and adulterers.

Can you expand on this? Are you saying we are obligated to follow the OT law with regard to murderers and adulterers? So for example, in the run in Jesus had with the lady accused of adultery was Jesus correct in not condemning the woman? We the man around him and her also correct in not condemning her?



Well-known member
And what did Jesus do when the people brought an adultress to Him, who was about to be stoned?

Some of should be glad we were shown mercy for adultry.
That is an interesting story. Do you think that before this event, probably hundreds of people had been killed for adultry. Why? Because God commanded it. God wasn't joking when He gave the Law right? Prior to Jesus, do you think God was mad at the Jews for stoning people caught in adultry, I dont think so. It was God's command! The Law was still in effect when the woman was brought before Jesus. So something else was going on there. I think its the wrong conclusion from that story to think that we should now just let off all criminals. What do you think?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
And what did Jesus do when the people brought an adultress to Him, who was about to be stoned? Some of should be glad we were shown mercy for adultry.
He showed the Pharisees the law and how they were falling short of the law. They walked away and there were no more accusers. No more case.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Can you expand on this? Are you saying we are obligated to follow the OT law with regard to murderers and adulterers? So for example, in the run in Jesus had with the lady accused of adultery was Jesus correct in not condemning the woman? We the man around him and her also correct in not condemning her?
Read the law regarding adultery and see if you can figure out what happened in John 7 and 8. I believe you'll have to search through Leviticus.


New member
I wouldn't be overly concerned if that happened...

I just checked your location and see that you're in Taipai. You're not a US citizen, then, working or stationed overseas?

FWIW, for those who agree with Enyart's proposed judicial code who ARE American citizens - what he's proposing countermands almost every protection and freedom written into the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I can understand why non-US citizens would like to see the legal establishment of a country run by Christian Taliban here - it would lead to the eventual destruction of this country.

Is that what you are really driving for, here?


That is an interesting story. Do you think that before this event, probably hundreds of people had been killed for adultry. Why? Because God commanded it. God wasn't joking when He gave the Law right? Prior to Jesus, do you think God was mad at the Jews for stoning people caught in adultry, I dont think so. It was God's command! The Law was still in effect when the woman was brought before Jesus. So something else was going on there. I think its the wrong conclusion from that story to think that we should now just let off all criminals. What do you think?
In reality very few were stoned. The Romans didn't care for people using capital punishment unless they did it. The whole thing was a set up, they had lost site of the purpose for the law. If you look at the OT grace and faith abound. Jesus is so much more than that, He is faith and grace. That is why if we get stuck on the moral code then we in turn must follow the whole law. That is what Paul is trying to say.


New member
In reality very few were stoned. The Romans didn't care for people using capital punishment unless they did it. The whole thing was a set up, they had lost site of the purpose for the law. If you look at the OT grace and faith abound. Jesus is so much more than that, He is faith and grace. That is why if we get stuck on the moral code then we in turn must follow the whole law. That is what Paul is trying to say.

I'm seeing a lot of this going on here:

Luke 18:9-14
(9) And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:
(10) Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.
(11) The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.
(12) I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.
(13) And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.
(14) I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.​


New member
What if a saved person engages in murder? Do we wink and say, oh dont sweat it, your in the club! No. This is criminal justice, not salvation.

But I think that's part of the problem. This Bob dude and his ilk are confusing salvation and criminal justice.

Intuitively, criminal justice implies that a wrong to society has been committed. I can see that with prosecuting murder. I think it's a stretch to suggest the same with homosexuality. Therefore punishment, especially capital punishment, seems to be combining concepts of salvation and criminal justice.
