ECT What Madists never preach.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It may take years (God is patient) but, they eventually come crashing down
on their mountains of gold while it's being taken away from them.


Well-known member
His Father -inlaw- wasn't. Ever hear of Smith Wigglesworth? Google him. He preached crippled up and in great pain on more than one occasion all the while bringing folk to Christ. So don't be too quick to presume you know so much about Pentecostalism and Pentecostal preachers..

Spoken like a oneness pentecostal.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
His Father -inlaw- wasn't. Ever hear of Smith Wigglesworth? Google him. He preached crippled up and in great pain on more than one occasion all the while bringing folk to Christ. So don't be too quick to presume you know so much about Pentecostalism and Pentecostal preachers..
Pentecostalism is not Christianity. There isn't one preacher of it that is even saved, never mind admirable. They preach lies and turn God into Santa Claus. Its pitiful stupidity and blind superstitious non-sense that has nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity or scripture. It is a lie from beginning to end, designed to control its followers and grab their money and nothing else. It is a crime and every soul that dies as a result of their con game is one more murder they'll give an account for on judgment day.
Madists teach that it is sufficient only to believe Christ died for their sins 2000 years ago in order that they are saved.


There's generally a problem with one-verse sorts of theologies, something cults are especially good at, in their case often extrapolating a misinterpreted verse into an entire fable system. (I don't speak for this MAD thing, have read little about it.) The Lord gave us the Bible to learn from the mind of God, which is discovered in the whole gospel, where we also learn of repentant faith being genuine, being born again of the Spirit a requirement, worshiping in spirit and in truth, etc. If we only needed one verse, we'd only have one verse. If being saved were reciting or agreeing with the magic words in our heads, then it's "life" as usual with the world, the flesh and the devil, we'd just be given the magic words. Easy believism, which is actually unrepentant, is the scourge false gospel of our time, with a god not our Holy God, as if a winking god who can be toyed with, mocked, and it's going to send countless virgins with no oil in their lamps, Loadiceans, that is, unrepentant friends of the world, who pay a sort of lip service to Christ, straight to hell. The Old Testament has some pretty juicy stuff, also, such as this prescient statement, going to the heart of the deceptive, ear tickling problem with false gospels: Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
You doubt Copeland's anointing?

You ever notice who these mega-millions TV "preachers" go after at times? Here is a hint. He is faith only, DBR for sin, and OSAS. That certainly puts a target on his back for the sons of the devil like Copeland, Robertson, Hinn and others.

You will see people like andyc, crossreference, Lazy Afternoon, Cruciform....say he is a universalist. That happens when you quote Romans 5:18 in a word for word format without telling us what it really means.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There's generally a problem with one-verse sorts of theologies, something cults are especially good at, in their case often extrapolating a misinterpreted verse into an entire fable system. (I don't speak for this MAD thing, have read little about it.) The Lord gave us the Bible to learn from the mind of God, which is discovered in the whole gospel, where we also learn of repentant faith being genuine, being born again of the Spirit a requirement, worshiping in spirit and in truth, etc. If we only needed one verse, we'd only have one verse. If being saved were reciting or agreeing with the magic words in our heads, then it's "life" as usual with the world, the flesh and the devil, we'd just be given the magic words. Easy believism, which is actually unrepentant, is the scourge false gospel of our time, with a God that's mocked, and it's going to send countless virgins with no oil in their lamps, Loadiceans, that is, unrepentant friends of the world, straight to hell. The Old Testament has some pretty juicy stuff, also, such as this prescient statement, going to the heart of the deceptive, ear tickling problem with false gospels: Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

The Bible is for us (gentiles, Body of Christ) but, not
all of it pertains to us. You must rightly divide the
written word of God.


Well-known member
You ever notice who these mega-millions TV "preachers" go after at times? Here is a hint. He is faith only, DBR for sin, and OSAS. That certainly puts a target on his back for the sons of the devil like Copeland, Robertson, Hinn and others.


You will see people like andyc, crossreference, Lazy Afternoon, Cruciform....say he is a universalist. That happens when you quote Romans 5:18 in a word for word format without telling us what it really means.

Well, they're corrupt.
The Bible is for us (gentiles, Body of Christ) but, not
all of it pertains to us. You must rightly divide the
written word of God.

Very true. There's so much going around that people try to adulterate the gospel of Jesus Christ with, when the scripture audience was, in fact, Israel, or generally a case of the Lord dealing with a certain people, at a certain time. In addition to context, one must be very cognizant the audience in scripture. I've especially seen scripture applying to a Jewish audience that people mix into basic gospel doctrine, to create a real mess, and no wonder so many people are confused and arguing.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Very true. There's so much going around that people try to adulterate the gospel of Jesus Christ with, when the scripture audience was, in fact, Israel, or generally a case of the Lord dealing with a certain people, at a certain time. In addition to context, one must be very cognizant the audience in scripture. I've especially seen scripture applying to a Jewish audience that people mix into basic gospel doctrine, to create a real mess, and no wonder so many people are confused and arguing.

Good post.