Evidently! :idunno: Unbelief!
Nah...... it's just that I'm not a John Nelson Darby follower.
Evidently! :idunno: Unbelief!
I'm the one who believes that when I die, I will meet the Lord in the clouds in an instant.
Dispensationalism teaches "soul sleep". Apparently when Dispies die, they believe their souls "sleep" until the alleged rapture takes place.
Like I said, you can't defend a lie, and Darby's teachings are nothing but a big lie.
What does "alive and REMAIN" mean?
Sounds quite contrived on your part.It means the same thing as "Some of you standing here shall not taste death"
I have never encountered an informed Dispensationalist that believed in 'Soul Sleep'.
STP, heir, and Johnny W believe in it.
"Soul Sleep" was invented by E.W. Bullinger.
Not only did Bullinger invent "soul sleep", Bullinger claimed that every single event in the book of Revelation is a yet future event.
STP, heir, and Johnny W also believe that. They believe the seven churches in Revelation have never existed. They claim they are all future churches.
I've never claimed to agree on every point with anybody, anywhere.
You said you "never encountered an informed Dispensationalist that believed in 'Soul Sleep'"
Was E.W. Bullinger an "informed Dispensationalist"?
How about STP, heir, or Johnny W? Are they "informed Dispensationalists"?
Sounds quite contrived on your part.
I have never encountered an informed Dispensationalist that believed in 'Soul Sleep'.
I know SDAs and JWs do.
Paul said that to be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD.
As for Anthropology, I hold to a mind/body dualism, which I believe the Scriptures support.
When the believer dies, his soul/spirit goes to be in the presence of the LORD, awaitin the resurrection, at which time the soul/spirit will be reunited with the resurrected/glorifed physical body.
I've just encountered a new[to me] category, then.
I would have to change my statement now to "The prominent proponents of dispensationalism with which I am familiar do not believe in soul sleep".
As I've told you several times before, I've never read Bullinger.
You never say anything except asks questions which you think will trip people up, but they never do.
So you do not know the whole gospel of Christ?
It's embarrassing watching STP desperately claiming all Israelites are Jews.
STP claims the two houses of Israel were no longer divided in the first century.
It's so nice to have Tet on ignore!
STP claims the two houses (Israel & Judah) were all Jews in the first century. STP claims there was no distinction between the two houses.
Neither Jesus nor the 12 preached the NC before the cross.
The gospel of the kingdom was old covenant teaching?
Were there twelve tribes in the first century? Were they circumcised and believed in the one true God?
What's the problem?
Platonism and spiritualism.
When Christ died He all died. You believe He just let his body die.
It goes along with the false idea that the word of God was a living being before Jesus was born.
Your Jesus is a God in a body.
2 Cor.ch 5 says one will not be with the Lord until the first resurrection.
One liner theories always mislead people.