People like Tet, LA, Nang, et al, often make me wonder something.
The warnings to the redeemed end-times Jewish churches regarding "Jews who are not..." (Rev 2:9, 3:9). Could those false Jews in "the synagogue of Satan" be the millions of works-oriented Gentiles of Christendom left behind at the Rapture who will receive the strong delusion, who will receive the mark, who will bow to Antichrist when he sits in the temple (which at that time will amount to a synagogue of Satan)...all because they now believe (to one degree or another) they alone and forever are God's Israel? Based on what they already believe, wouldn't what we're told about Antichrist give them exactly what they're expecting?
What you think, I way out in the tall grass on this one?
PS Note this question is directed specifically and exclusively to MADs, but watch how many non-MADs jump on it, demonstrating not only how rude they are but an utter lack of self-control, demonstrating 2 Timothy 3:3.