What is the reading of the old covenant?

Ben Masada

New member
What is the old covenant? What is the reading of the old covenant? What is the old covenant that it would be read?

Do you read and study Torah?

The reading of the Old Covenant is the Decalogue. That's what Jesus implied when he warned us to listen to "Moses" aka the Law. (Luke 16:29-31)

Ben Masada

New member
A covenant is an agreement. The Pharisees made the mistake of turning their covenant into an overly legalistic matter, and many Christians tend to further that mistake.

Can you prove what you say about the Pharisees? As long as they did not add or diminish from the Decalogue, what is so terrible about them that you guys keep looking for faults to charge them with?


Can you prove what you say about the Pharisees? As long as they did not add or diminish from the Decalogue, what is so terrible about them that you guys keep looking for faults to charge them with?

Take it up with Jesus and the Apostles, it's all in the New Testament.

Jesus compared them to whitewashed sepulchers, who look extravagant on the outside but full of dead bones. He charged them basically with using the Law to make themselves appear holy and oppress others.

Ben Masada

New member
Take it up with Jesus and the Apostles, it's all in the New Testament.

Jesus compared them to whitewashed sepulchers, who look extravagant on the outside but full of dead bones. He charged them basically with using the Law to make themselves appear holy and oppress others.

I can't take it up with Jesus and the Apostles because they have been dead for about 2000 years already. How can I expect any thing from the dead when even the living don't know what they are talking about? Tell me, do you think Jesus would have liked to be addressed as a whitewash sepulcher? I didn't think so! In that case, he broke
the Golden Rule that says not to do unto others what he would not like they did unto himself. Besides, the Golden Rule covers the whole second part of the Decalogue. Serious transgressions right there if you ask me! If you understand what I mean, clear your mind from Christian preconceived notions and stop claiming that Jesus was without sin because he was not. Only in that text of Mat. 23:13-33, he broke the Golden Rule 15 times.


New member
Serious transgressions right there if you ask me! If you understand what I mean, clear your mind from Christian preconceived notions and stop claiming that Jesus was without sin because he was not. Only in that text of Mat. 23:13-33, he broke the Golden Rule 15 times.

Yeshua was the "Arm of the LORD" that brought the Hebrews out of Egypt.
He appeared "face-to-face" with Moses. He wrote the LAW. The Pharisees
bastardized the LAW of Moses. As the "author" of the LAW, He rightly
called the Pharisees "vipers" and drove the money-changing bastards out.

Ben Masada

New member
Yeshua was the "Arm of the LORD" that brought the Hebrews out of Egypt.
He appeared "face-to-face" with Moses. He wrote the LAW. The Pharisees
bastardized the LAW of Moses. As the "author" of the LAW, He rightly
called the Pharisees "vipers" and drove the money-changing bastards out.

You must have a faith that moves mountains but only to hurt other people who don't think as you do. I had thought of only 15 times that Jesus broke the Golden Rule. Now you have revealed one more and a very serious one, when he armed himself with a whip and caused financial and physical damages to the money changers before the Temple who were doing their job from authorization of the High Priest to make it easier for the Jews coming from abroad to change their foreign money with the Temple shekel so that the sacrifice remained kosher. I find it very hard to believe that Jesus could have done that but, hey! It is written in your own NT!


New member
Yes. The old testament is important to understand properly. It's how you can understand Christ.

You can't understand Christ by reading the OT. You can see how He fulfilled it, but the NT reveals Him as we need to know Him.


New member
After the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus the ministry only used the old testament scriptures. Jesus himself preached the gospel of God from the Old Testament. It's still relevant.

The preaching of the Gospel is not quoting OT verses. The OT Scriptures were quoted to show that Jesus fulfilled them. Jesus did not preach the OT, He preached His Gospel - something that no one had heard before.

Luke 16:16
The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.

Mark 1:14
Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,

Luke 4
18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19 to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. 20 And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him. 21 And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.


New member

You can keep ignoring the fact that you think Torah is more important than Jesus - all the "no's" is only confirming your refusal to acknowledge what you are doing. Your posts constantly reflect a Torah based lifestyle, not one that is Spirit led.


New member
Would we even know how Jesus blotted out sin if it wasnt for the old testament sacrificial law? can you imagine him doing a lawless sacrifice?

The Old covenant pointed to Jesus. It did not reveal Him. The NT reveals that Jesus blotted out sin. The Old Covenant Law says that no man can die for another man's sins.


You can keep ignoring the fact that you think Torah is more important than Jesus - all the "no's" is only confirming your refusal to acknowledge what you are doing. Your posts constantly reflect a Torah based lifestyle, not one that is Spirit led.

You have said a lot here but it is false.

Do you have one thing that you want me to respond to?