What is the reading of the old covenant?


What is the old covenant? What is the reading of the old covenant? What is the old covenant that it would be read?

Do you read and study Torah?


New member
What is the old covenant? What is the reading of the old covenant? What is the old covenant that it would be read?

The shadow of Christ to come, and thanks be to God that we don't have to keep it.

Do you read and study Torah?

No. I read the OT to see how Christ satisfied it. I love that part :)


The shadow of Christ to come, and thanks be to God that we don't have to keep it.

No. I read the OT to see how Christ satisfied it. I love that part :)
I do not know why you say this.

Do you study Torah?

What is the Old Testament?

2 Corinthians 3:14 NKJV - But their minds were blinded. For until this day the same veil remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament, because the [veil] is taken away in Christ.

Do you know?

Is this something we should understand?

What is a covenant?

2 Corinthians 3:14 NASB - But their minds were hardened; for until this very day at the reading of the old covenant the same veil remains unlifted, because it is removed in Christ.


New member
I do not know why you say this.

Because it is the truth.

Do you study Torah?

No, I do not. It is not necessary - we are not under the old covenant Law of Moses, and are in the New Covenant, which is Christ Jesus.

What is the Old Testament?

Genesis through Malachi.

2 Corinthians 3:14 NKJV - But their minds were blinded. For until this day the same veil remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament, because the [veil] is taken away in Christ.

Exactly, that is why we don't keep the old covenant Mosaic Law any longer - it causes a veil over the eyes and one cannot see Jesus or understand His sacrifice. We have freedom in Christ - made free from the Law by His death on the cross, and that only comes by being in the new covenant, not continuing in the old covenant.

What is a covenant?

The Old Covenant was the Law given through Moses to the children of Israel. It was ratified in the blood of animals.

The New Covenant is the Gospel and Commandment of Christ given to all those who believe in Him - Jew and Gentile. It was ratified in the blood of Christ once and for all, for all eternity.


Because it is the truth.

No, I do not. It is not necessary - we are not under the old covenant Law of Moses, and are in the New Covenant, which is Christ Jesus.

Genesis through Malachi.

Exactly, that is why we don't keep the old covenant Mosaic Law any longer - it causes a veil over the eyes and one cannot see Jesus or understand His sacrifice. We have freedom in Christ - made free from the Law by His death on the cross, and that only comes by being in the new covenant, not continuing in the old covenant.

The Old Covenant was the Law given through Moses to the children of Israel. It was ratified in the blood of animals.

The New Covenant is the Gospel and Commandment of Christ given to all those who believe in Him - Jew and Gentile. It was ratified in the blood of Christ once and for all, for all eternity.
No. You did not know the answer.
You claim to be a Jewish convert, yet you don’t know the definition of – בְּרִית b’riyt? If you are truly a Jewish convert you had to undergo a – בְּרִית מִילָהb’riyt miylah, and you would not have even made it that far into the very lengthy conversion process if you didn’t even know the definition of – בְּרִית.

So you are either lying about being a Jewish convert; or you are intentionally playing stupid for some reason or another; or you are legitimately developmentally disabled, in which case you would not even be allowed to convert.

Therefore, if you are indeed a legitimate convert, tell me the definition of – בְּרִית.


Yoḥanon-benYaʿăqov;4855203 said:
You claim to be a Jewish convert, yet you don’t know the definition of – בְּרִית b’riyt? If you are truly a Jewish convert you had to undergo a – בְּרִית מִילָהb’riyt miylah, and you would not have even made it that far into the very lengthy conversion process if you didn’t even know the definition of – בְּרִית.

So you are either lying about being a Jewish convert; or you are intentionally playing stupid for some reason or another; or you are legitimately developmentally disabled, in which case you would not even be allowed to convert.

Therefore, if you are indeed a legitimate convert, tell me the definition of – בְּרִית.
You are asking me about the Hebrew word translated into English as covenant.

I can receive help from you.

I have read the Torah.

I do not know the reasons for you saying what you have said here.
This is very, very simple. Tell me the dictionary definition of the Hebrew word b'riyt. If you are truly a Jewish convert, learning Hebrew is the very first part of the conversion process, so this shouldn't difficult at all.


Yoḥanon-benYaʿăqov;4855224 said:
This is very, very simple. Tell me the dictionary definition of the Hebrew word b'riyt. If you are truly a Jewish convert, learning Hebrew is the very first part of the conversion process, so this shouldn't difficult at all.
I am currently learning Hebrew. I verified my answer with Google after posting it to you.
If you had to google anything, you are obviously a liar. If you are a true convert to Judaism, you wouldn't have to google anything, you would have already learned. Quit lying even chr-stians don't like liars.

By the way I'm still waiting on the definition of B'riyt.



Yoḥanon-benYaʿăqov;4855266 said:
If you had to google anything, you are obviously a liar. If you are a true convert to Judaism, you wouldn't have to google anything, you would have already learned. Quit lying even chr-stians don't like liars.

By the way I'm still waiting on the definition of B'riyt.

I posted my answer in post #9.

I have read the Torah.

Like I said, I am learning Hebrew.
You can't read Torah unless you read Hebrew. If you are just learning Hebrew, you are a liar about being a convert. If you can't read Hebrew , you are not a Jew or a convert. Therefore you are a liar. Will you admit it?


Yoḥanon-benYaʿăqov;4855281 said:
You can't read Torah unless you read Hebrew. If you are just learning Hebrew, you are a liar about being a convert. If you can't read Hebrew , you are not a Jew or a convert. Therefore you are a liar. Will you admit it?
I have the Hebrew to read, and I have read all the English.


A covenant is an agreement. The Pharisees made the mistake of turning their covenant into an overly legalistic matter, and many Christians tend to further that mistake.


New member
Yoḥanon-benYaʿăqov;4855203 said:
You claim to be a Jewish convert, yet you don’t know the definition of – בְּרִית b’riyt? If you are truly a Jewish convert you had to undergo a – בְּרִית מִילָהb’riyt miylah, and you would not have even made it that far into the very lengthy conversion process if you didn’t even know the definition of – בְּרִית.

So you are either lying about being a Jewish convert; or you are intentionally playing stupid for some reason or another; or you are legitimately developmentally disabled, in which case you would not even be allowed to convert.

Therefore, if you are indeed a legitimate convert, tell me the definition of – בְּרִית.

He is not a Jewish convert. He convinced himself that he is a Jew.