What is the meaning of grace!


Active member
Circumcision starts with Abraham. It is only in the series of covenants with the Jews.

Genesis 17:10 (NIV2011)
10 This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised.

As for Gentiles,

Romans 2:14-15 (NIV2011)
14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law.
15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)

Romans 3:1 (NIV2011)
1 What advantage, then, is there in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision?

Roman 2:17 - Roman 3:8 are about how the Jews should do about the Law (Mosaic Law) and circumcision.

God's Truth

New member
I have nothing to weep for. I am full of joy. It is a fruit of the Spirit.

Galatians 5:22 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

People who receive the Holy Spirit are people who obeyed. Believe Acts 5:32.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
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A gift is free to the recipient but not so with the giver who bears the expense. The free gift of grace was purchased by the Son of God who shed his holy blood on a Roman cross and rose from the grave for our justification.

Correct. Our Lord Jesus Christ paid dearly when the Father poured his wrath out in the Son who became sin for us. He took what I deserved. He is by far the best friend I have.
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God's Truth

New member
Correct. Our Lord Jesus Christ paid dearly when the Father poured his wrath out in the Son who became sin for us. He took what I deserved. He is by far the best friend K have.

You say Jesus is your friend, is that correct?

What does Jesus say?

Who does Jesus say is his friend?


Well-known member
You compare repenting of sins to Jesus to that of repenting to a Catholic priest. You are the Catholic.

Catholics: repent of ongoing sins by confessing them (to a priest), promising never to do it again, then sinning again, then confessing again, etc. Absolute, plenary forgiveness per Col 2:13 cannot be claimed as a present standing before God, as it depends on ongoing repentance/confession. Failure/damnation is very much a possibility.

GT: repent of ongoing sins by confessing them (in prayer), promising never to do it again, then sinning again, then confessing again, etc. Absolute, plenary forgiveness per Col 2:13 cannot be claimed as a present standing before God, as it depends on ongoing repentance/confession. Failure/damnation is very much a possibility.

No difference.


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Catholics: repent of ongoing sins by confessing them (to a priest), promising never to do it again, then sinning again, then confessing again, etc. Absolute, plenary forgiveness per Col 2:13 cannot be claimed as a present standing before God, as it depends on ongoing repentance/confession.

GT: repent of ongoing sins by confessing them (in prayer), promising never to do it again, then sinning again, then confessing again, etc. Absolute, plenary forgiveness per Col 2:13 cannot be claimed as a present standing before God, as it depends on ongoing repentance/confession.

No difference.
Yep. Well said.

You have them complaining to MADs that it is 'cheap grace' to say you still sin when you are saved.
Not realizing that they have almost an identical view that says they too still sin when they are saved.

The difference being that they try to lay claim of being a co-redeemer of themselves by paying that wage owed with their own works, and we know that Christ is our only redeemer and paid the price IN FULL.


Catholics: repent of ongoing sins by confessing them (to a priest), promising never to do it again, then sinning again, then confessing again, etc. Absolute, plenary forgiveness per Col 2:13 cannot be claimed as a present standing before God, as it depends on ongoing repentance/confession. Failure/damnation is very much a possibility.

GT: repent of ongoing sins by confessing them (in prayer), promising never to do it again, then sinning again, then confessing again, etc. Absolute, plenary forgiveness per Col 2:13 cannot be claimed as a present standing before God, as it depends on ongoing repentance/confession. Failure/damnation is very much a possibility.

No difference.

Big Shocker here... You nailed it Musty!

The "I promise I won't do it again, but this time I mean it" crowd are B-L-I-N-D to the very meaning of S-U-R-R-E-N-D-E-R and J-U-S-T-I-F-I-C-A-T-I-O-N by Him taking our rotten corpses and giving us HIS Perfect, Resurrected Cloak of Righteousness that is a 1 Cor. 15 promise of what we have in store when all is renewed, or we go home a little before "all is renewed".

Underneath the Mighty RIGHT HAND of GOD that grasps me tight, I'm nothing more than a forgiven sinner.

The Gospel is Faith + Nothing = Free Ticket Home to Be with our Majestic Daddy!

Anything else is (a) sham/hack/lie/Snake oil/Iniquity/Divination/Adultery/Denial/Profanity of HIS BLOOD.

# Amen to Musterion boasting in Jesus, alone!
# Did you get a haircut?


Well-known member
Yep. Well said.

You have them complaining to MADs that it is 'cheap grace' to say you still sin when you are saved.
Not realizing that they have almost an identical view that says they too still sin when they are saved.

The difference being that they try to lay claim of being a co-redeemer of themselves by paying that wage owed with their own works, and we know that Christ is our only redeemer and paid the price IN FULL.

Exactly. I've said for years that Catholics (and everyone else like GT) have the cheapest (non)grace because they trust in themselves to bring about forgiveness by requesting it endlessly...which is a work, among others. It's the old "Christ made the down payment but I have to make the monthlies OR ELSE."

Whereas we rest in the finished, perfect work of the Cross and Tomb for our forgiveness and justification, claiming to add nothing nor take anything away from His free gift. A gift we couldn't earn, can't lose and can't repay, while they say it can be earned, can be lost and can be repaid.

And we're the ones who cheapen grace?

Satan is laughing at them behind their backs. For now.


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Exactly. I've said for years that Catholics (and everyone else like GT) have the cheapest (non)grace because they trust in themselves to bring about forgiveness by requesting it endlessly...which is a work, among others. It's the old "Christ made the down payment but I have to make the monthlies OR ELSE."

Whereas we rest in the finished, perfect work of the Cross and Tomb for our forgiveness and justification, claiming to add nothing nor take anything away from His free gift. A gift we couldn't earn, can't lose and can't repay, while they say it can be earned, can be lost and can be repaid.

And we're the ones who cheapen grace?

Satan is laughing at them behind their backs. For now.
I know.
It's very disheartening to hear folks trying to be co-redeemers instead of relying on the one and only true redeemer.
The wage was paid in full by our Lord and Savior.
And that 'paid in full' is our FREE gift (unearned).
We can't get a cheaper deal than FREE.

God's Truth

New member
Catholics: repent of ongoing sins by confessing them (to a priest), promising never to do it again, then sinning again, then confessing again, etc. Absolute, plenary forgiveness per Col 2:13 cannot be claimed as a present standing before God, as it depends on ongoing repentance/confession. Failure/damnation is very much a possibility.

GT: repent of ongoing sins by confessing them (in prayer), promising never to do it again, then sinning again, then confessing again, etc. Absolute, plenary forgiveness per Col 2:13 cannot be claimed as a present standing before God, as it depends on ongoing repentance/confession. Failure/damnation is very much a possibility.

No difference.

You say and believe what the Catholics say and believe.

God's Truth

New member
The comparison is that MADs know that Jesus is the only true redeemer and paid the price IN FULL for the wage of sin, and others (like you and Catholics) opt to try and be co-redeemer that pays for the wage of sin.

Read and believe what Musterion says.


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