Originally posted by firechyld
I'm also bothered by the assumption that if teens are dating, then they are either already having sex or are about to.
"Dating" is not necessarily synonomous with "having sex".
No, it doesn't, and that is one of many reasons why this is a broader topic than simply "to go on a date or not?"
Teenagers need to be taught biblical standards for friendships, rommance, sex, etc. These standards should be applied from the ground up, rebuilt if necessary, rather than just tacked on to an existing method simply because its the norm.
A new trend I've noticed lately regardign teens and sexuality is "friends with privledges." (ie. Teens who do not want the hassle of being boyfriend/girlfriend but want to experiment sexually.) Then there is an even newer trend where a young man gives a braclet of a certain color to his girlfriend. This braclet indicates just what privledges his friends can have with her.
We have cheapend commitment. We have cheapened sex. Is dating to blame? Maybe not, but its not a sacred institution that must be preserved at all costs. Its time to examine this aspect of a teenager's life and rethink how we teach.
Originally posted by firechyld
As for the youth group thing, has anyone seen the episode of King Of the Hill where Bobby Hill joins a "cool" youth group?
Of all things, King of the Hill often has some very astute observations on Churches in society.
So, the "cool" youth group is at times laughable, so what is a church to do with teenagers? How should a church reach teens? How should a church disciple teens? Is there a place for the "coolness?"
Personally, as I've said all along, I'm not opposed to it. I'm a full-time youth pastor but I think we need to question all of this. I'm currently remodeling our youth center and you better believe that its going to be pretty "cool." I'm just trying to make sure that the subwoofer, lights, Third Day music, etc don't take center stage.