let's not become cases of 'positionitis'. Instead of saying so and so destroyed preterism, please say what was said.
For ex., I reposted or bumped the list of 10 propositions (exegetical conclusions) about what NT eschatology was like. One of the dimmer members here reposted the list with a NOT in each line. Duh. That is not a discussion. The question is what does the passage actually say, then, if it does not go in the direction of the proposition.
God wants us to creatively express these things. There is no 'magic' language or set of words which will ever do it once and for all time because evil and darkness are dynamic and must be countered, fresh, each generation.
That is my purpose here. No one here needs to know that the opponent of their position opposes their position, yet 90% of communication here is merely that.
It's like getting blood out of turnips. When one of the dimmer members here finally stated why they hate so many references to Josephus, it was very illuminating: 'IT (the graphic warnings) OF CHRIST DON'T NEED OUTSIDE PROOF!' (my paraphrase). So then you'd have the most unusual circumstance: a massive volume from antiquity about the greatest catastrophe of the ancient world, even with its flaws, is to be totally ignored about that event! Why? Anything for the empire of Dispensationalism! That's why. Which is a ridiculous position to get into. It is irrational, and puts the NT message into the realm of 'religion' and neo-orthodoxy.
That's the level our discussions could be instead of redundant restatement of positions.