This is satanic Preterism:
"If you deny the NC, then you deny what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross.."-Craigie, thed admitted anti Semite
"I never said someone was saved or not saved based on whether or not they believe the NC is in place today."-Tellalie
And this, from the obsessed psychopath, hater of the Jewish people, like his daddy the devil....
The accuser of the brethren, admitted anti-Semite, Tellalie, asserts that all those who take a dispensational viewpoint, are anti-Christ-on record:
"All dispensationalists are Darby followers."-Tellalie
"Darby followers don't believe that. Darby followers claim there will be animal sacrifices for sin in the future.You are anti-Christ when it comes to what was accomplished at the cross."-Tellalie