Yep, that nails it down tight. All the effort was worth it to maneuver Tet into finally revealing exactly what he actually believes. He ends up some kind of Gospel-less universalist because he won't stand for the exclusivity of the Gospel of the grace of God...mainly because MADs are the ones preaching it and he refuses to agree with us, even on that.
Exactamundo, musty. This weasel is so obsessed with us meanie, bully dispies, MAD wackos, that he will pervert the gospel of Christ, and allow others, by definition, to do likewise,
as long as they are not of the dispensational/MAD persuasion. Which leads to the obvious question, that I, and other, asked him,years ago, and continue to ask him: Why are you on TOL, Tellalie?
I am not here to teach, advise, or evangelize anyone."-Tellalie on TOL
"heir denies the New Covenant...They are
deniers of the new covenant….. Dispensationalists deny the New Covenant.Dispensationalists claim Jesus is going to oversee animal sacrifices. Dispensationalists claim God still has a plan with certain fleshly people.
These beliefs are a slap in the face to what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross….You can't deny the New Covenant, and at the same time claim to adhere to Paul's gospel.Denying the New Covenant & Adhering to Paul's Gospel are mutually exclusive…. Denying the new covenant is a MAJOR point in my career.
A denial of the New Covenant is a slap in the face to what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross… If you deny the New Covenant is in place right now, then you deny what Jesus accomplished on the cross… The New Covenant was implemented with the shed blood of Christ Jesus.If you deny the NC, then you deny what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross..”- Craigie/Corky Tet. The Clown
"….You can't deny the New Covenant, and at the same time claim to adhere to Paul's gospel"-devil boy Craigie
I have asserted/responded, on record, for years, to this devil boy, Preterist/AD 70-ist, con artist Craigie, based upon his above "argument," that the NC was enacted, but I deny that it is inaugurated, and will not be, until the second coming. I assert that it's for the remnant, the believing nation Israel. I deny that it is for me. And I asked him, for years, given my on record position, if I am saved, can be saved apart from any covenant, denying the NC is for me, and continuing to deny it, until I die, and thus, according to him, "slapping Christ," denying "what Jesus accomplished on the cross"- Am I lost?
The wimp, weasel, since he has no spine/vertebrae, refused to answer the question, because he is a man pleaser, and has not called out anyone, on TOL, for perversions of the gospel of Christ, as long as they are "anti-dispie." Again, the reasons in the past/now?: No spine, obsession with dispies, man pleasing wimp/weasel.
Now, we can add another reason, on record, for all of TOL to witness:
As I've been contending for years: He is a wolf, sheep fleecer, as he knows not the gospel of Christ, perverting it, on record, per his daddy devil's orders. Anyone can see it. My evidence? His "posts."
Again....and observe, the lies...
I never said someone was saved or not saved based on whether or not they believe the NC is in place today."-Tellalie
So, the question remains-why the h is this punk here? Rhetorical q.
“They are deniers of the new covenant….. Dispensationalists deny the New Covenant.Dispensationalists claim Jesus is going to oversee animal sacrifices. Dispensationalists claim God still has a plan with certain fleshly people. These beliefs are a slap in the face to what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross….You can't deny the New Covenant, and at the same time claim to adhere to Paul's gospel.Denying the New Covenant & Adhering to Paul's Gospel are mutually exclusive…. Denying the new covenant is a MAJOR point in my career.A denial of the New Covenant is a slap in the face to what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross… If you deny the New Covenant is in place right now, then you deny what Jesus accomplished on the cross… The New Covenant was implemented with the shed blood of Christ Jesus.If you deny the NC, then you deny what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross..”- Craigie/Corky Tet. The Clown
If you deny the NC, then you deny what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross"-Tet
So, according to little arms/no chin/no spine Craigie, you can deny the NC, which, according to his own assertion/argument, on record, word for word, is denying "what Jesus accomplished on the cross," hold anti-Christ beliefs, according to this fraud, and still be saved....
I never said someone was saved or not saved based on whether or not they believe the NC is in place today."-Tellalie
Now, punk: I deny the NC. Thus, you assert that I " deny what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross."
Am I lost, Craigie, the wimp? Can one deny the NC, and be saved, even though the denier denies "what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross?"
The wimp won't touch this-I've asked him over 100 times.
All dispensationalists are Darby followers."-Tellalie
"Not to mention,
Darby followers deny that Christ Jesus' one time sacrifice for sin was good enough. They claim people in the future will have to sacrifice animals for sin atonement."-Craigie Tet.
Are dispensationalists lost, slick, greasy Craigie, since, according to you, obviously, "All dispensationalists are Darby followers," again, per your own words, since, according to you, they "deny that Christ Jesus' one time sacrifice for sin was good enough?"
Can one "deny that Christ Jesus' one time sacrifice for sin was good enough," and be saved, you spineless punk?