Covenant = at least one party is obligated to uphold the terms of the deal.
Israel, alone, are the covenant people. God has no covenant with we Gentiles, and Gentiles are not in any sense Israel. We were written off at Babel and were without hope ever since, aliens from the covenants He made with His people.
But since Israel does not exist (as such) today, no one today - Jew nor Gentile - has any access to God via the New Covenant anymore than anyone has access via the Old Covenant. Grace via the Cross is the only way for all.
Today, God is not obligated to anyone for anything EXCEPT His promised gift of the saving Gospel of grace. That doesn't involve a covenant and doesn't need to. Accept it and get over it.
He's not doing that anymore Must. Covenants with all other people are over. That is why Christ was made a covenant for the people and 2 things happen because of that:
1, it is better because there is no more reminder of sins; the problem is solved only in Christ
2, everyone who is in Christ gains all of that, and has that message for the world. That is why through Christ, they become a light to the nations (and to the unbelieving part of the race of Israel).
Nothing in the NT sounds like what you just said.
The very fact that the nations were without a covenant was also inferior. So the new covenant is superior because of that; Christ is how those nations share in it; how can you dare take that feature and throw it into the trashbin of history with failed things humans have tried?
You defy all the celebration and present tense of the NT about the new covenant. So knock it off about the 'deal with it' crap. You don't know anything on this except the delusions of D'ism.