What is a Soul Worth?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
If you listen to a Calvinist a soul is not worth very much. They believe that God gives life to billions of souls for the purpose of destroying them in hell.

A soul is of infinite value to God because Christ died for every soul that has been born upon the face of the earth.

"But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor, that he by the grace of God should taste death for EVERYONE" Hebrews 2:9.

Because Jesus died for every soul, every soul is of infinite value to God. It is God's will that every soul be respected, regardless of what they have done or who they are. This is why I try to refrain from calling people names on the Forum. I have a lot of respect for God's creation, even if that person is a wicked sinner or is a heretic. They still belong to God and Christ did die for them. I have not always embraced this view of humanity, but recently I have and I believe that it is of the Spirit.

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his soul" Mark 8:36.

There is nothing like a human soul. Everyone has a different DNA which is God's serial number. I heard that even twins have a different DNA. I have never met nor known of two people that were alike, except for twins. We all look different, talk different and have our own thoughts and then there are the different races, red and yellow, black and white. Different customs, different ways of life. Everyone is here on this earth by the will of God. The birth process is a miracle in and of its self. God loves everyone of them, just like they were the only ones on the earth and has provided salvation for each and everyone of them through the doing and the dying of Jesus.

This is why, "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise (of a savior) as some men count slackness: but is long suffering towards us, NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH, but that all should come to repentance" 2 Peter 3:9.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
If you listen to a Calvinist a soul is not worth very much. They believe that God gives life to billions of souls for the purpose of destroying them in hell.
Perhaps your deity just likes killing, he is recorded to have killed "millions" in the old testament.
A soul is of infinite value to God...
So, I wonder, why would your deity "punish" billions of people in "hell" for the "sin" of simply not believing he exists if a "soul" has such great value? It doesn't make sense. Would you put down a dog having infinite value for the "sin" of peeing on your shoe?
Because Jesus died for every soul, every soul is of infinite value to God. It is God's will that every soul be respected, regardless of what they have done or who they are... Everyone is here on this earth by the will of God. The birth process is a miracle in and of its self. God loves everyone of them, just like they were the only ones on the earth and has provided salvation for each and everyone of them through the doing and the dying of Jesus.
Does a "soul" have "infinite value on its own or does "the dying of Jesus" give it value? If a "soul" has infinite value on its own what was the point of Jesus' "sacrifice"?

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Perhaps your deity just likes killing, he is recorded to have killed "millions" in the old testament.
So, I wonder, why would your deity "punish" billions of people in "hell" for the "sin" of simply not believing he exists if a "soul" has such great value? It doesn't make sense. Would you put down a dog having infinite value for the "sin" of peeing on your shoe?
Does a "soul" have "infinite value on its own or does "the dying of Jesus" give it value? If a "soul" has infinite value on its own what was the point of Jesus' "sacrifice"?

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You don't have to go to hell. You have chosen to go to hell.

Without our relationship to Christ all flesh is as grass, 1 Peter 1:24, 25.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
You don't have to go to hell. You have chosen to go to hell.
That's not what you said in your OP nor is it an answer to my questions, it borders on Pascal's wager. Here are my prior post questions:

So, I wonder, why would your deity "punish" billions of people in "hell" for the "sin" of simply not believing he exists if a "soul" has such great value? It doesn't make sense. Would you put down a dog having infinite value for the "sin" of peeing on your shoe?

Does a "soul" have "infinite value on its own or does "the dying of Jesus" give it value? If a "soul" has infinite value on its own what was the point of Jesus' "sacrifice"?

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
"God so loved Silent Hunter that he gave his only begotten Son, so that if Silent Hunter would believe upon him, Silent Hunter would not perish, but would have everlasting life" John 3:16.
Why are christians so afraid of death/dying? Aren't they anxious to enter heaven?

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patrick jane

Perhaps your deity just likes killing, he is recorded to have killed "millions" in the old testament.
So, I wonder, why would your deity "punish" billions of people in "hell" for the "sin" of simply not believing he exists if a "soul" has such great value? It doesn't make sense. Would you put down a dog having infinite value for the "sin" of peeing on your shoe?
Does a "soul" have "infinite value on its own or does "the dying of Jesus" give it value? If a "soul" has infinite value on its own what was the point of Jesus' "sacrifice"?

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Christ died and rose again for you !!

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
The second death is the problem.
How is it a problem?
That is separation from God. And no, I don't want it.
Exactly what makes separation from your version of deity problematic? Did it matter before you existed? If it didn't, what makes oblivion after this life any different than it was before you were born?

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Christ died and rose again for you !!
Yeah, so?

Does a "soul" have "infinite value on its own or does "the dying of Jesus" give it value? If the latter, how so? If a "soul" has infinite value on its own what was the point of Jesus' "sacrifice"?

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Why are christians so afraid of death/dying? Aren't they anxious to enter heaven?

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God has instilled it unto all of us to want to live.

Christians have no fear of death. But you should hang on to every second of your life, because on the other side is eternal damnation.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
God has instilled it unto all of us to want to live.
And your evidence for this is in a book of fables written by ancient bedouins? Surely, you have something better.
Christians have no fear of death.
Jesus sure was. "Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will," Matthew 26:39 (see also Luke 22:42).
But you should hang on to every second of your life..,
I'll live as long as I'll live and you'll live as long as you'll live.
... because on the other side is eternal damnation.
If by "damnation" you mean "oblivion" then, yes, it awaits even you.

Meanwhile, when do you think you will be getting around to answering my questions concerning your OP or should I just accept that you never will?

Does a "soul" have "infinite value on its own or does "the dying of Jesus" give it value? If the latter, how so? If a "soul" has infinite value on its own what was the point of Jesus' "sacrifice"?

Or perhaps this one to Nick,

How is it a problem? Exactly what makes separation from your version of deity problematic? Did it matter before you existed? If it didn't, what makes oblivion after this life any different than it was before you were born?

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
And your evidence for this is in a book of fables written by ancient bedouins? Surely, you have something better.Jesus sure was. "Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will," Matthew 26:39 (see also Luke 22:42).I'll live as long as I'll live and you'll live as long as you'll live.If by "damnation" you mean "oblivion" then, yes, it awaits even you.

Meanwhile, when do you think you will be getting around to answering my questions concerning your OP or should I just accept that you never will?

Does a "soul" have "infinite value on its own or does "the dying of Jesus" give it value? If the latter, how so? If a "soul" has infinite value on its own what was the point of Jesus' "sacrifice"?

Or perhaps this one to Nick,

How is it a problem? Exactly what makes separation from your version of deity problematic? Did it matter before you existed? If it didn't, what makes oblivion after this life any different than it was before you were born?

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The fact that God's Son died for you means that your soul is of infinite value to God.

To reject God's great free gift of salvation that has been provided for you by the doing and the dying of Jesus is what will bring God's wrath upon you.