What if ISIS tries to capture or kill presidential candidates or attack campaign even


[What if ISIS tries to capture or kill presidential candidates or attack campaign events? Some thoughts on a very real threat. By Joel Rosenberg] "With fewer than thirty days remaining until the Iowa caucuses — and the cancer of the Islamic State and other jihadists metastasizing across the globe in attacks like we’ve seen in Paris and San Bernardino — I am become increasingly concerned about the possibility of an attack by the Islamic State on the campaign trail.

What if ISIS operatives or loyalists (or jihadists affiliated with other terror groups) try to assassinate one or more of the presidential candidates, try to kidnap one or more of them, and/or try to bomb, strafe or otherwise attack a campaign event filled with hundreds or thousands of people?

A terrorist attack against a presidential contender or his/her campaign event would be huge news, reverberating across the nation and around the globe. It would also be chilling to the political process because it could scare people away from attending campaign events as the caucuses and primaries are getting closer.

Most of the presidential candidates — both Democrats and Republicans — are vulnerable because they are so accessible to the public. While local police may provide crowd and traffic control at larger campaign events in certain circumstances, historically they haven’t actually been tasked primarily with protecting the candidates and their families and staffs, or with preventing a terror attack.

Only a handful of the candidates currently have Secret Service protection. Hillary Clinton does as a former First Lady. Donald Trump does as a frontrunner who is drawing specific credible threats. Dr. Ben Carson also has federal protection due to credible threats made against him. (I’m not sure about former Gov. Jeb Bush)..." Full text: What if ISIS tries to capture or kill presidential candidates or attack campaign events? Some thoughts on a very real threat. Mt 24:6

Also see:

Millions of Muslims are leaving Islam as they watch the extremism of Iranian & ISIS leaders, says a top Iranian Christian leader.

What the next US president will need to know about Iran and Islamic State.

ISIS is here. Two Muslim refugees allegedly connected to the Islamic State arrested in California & Texas
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Well-known member
If ISIS wants to harm the United States, the LAST thing they'd want to do is interrupt our political circus. It's the single greatest threat to our national sanity and stability. And they don't have to do a thing but watch.


The ISIS threat is an excellent reason for everybody to be serving the Lord and ready to be present with Him at a moment's notice.
Mt 24:46


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
The ISIS threat is an excellent reason for everybody to be serving the Lord and ready to be present with Him at a moment's notice.

False. Those in Christ are sealed and go whether they are looking or not.


Well-known member
False. Those in Christ are sealed and go whether they are looking or not.

That's a given.

And because God is not willing that ANY should perish, we share the gospel to all.

If rejected their blood is not on our hands.

Back to what I stated earlier...if EVERYBODY is ready to meet the Lord it won't matter what happens because of ISIS. we'll all be ready.

patrick jane

[What if ISIS tries to capture or kill presidential candidates or attack campaign events? Some thoughts on a very real threat. By Joel Rosenberg] "With fewer than thirty days remaining until the Iowa caucuses — and the cancer of the Islamic State and other jihadists metastasizing across the globe in attacks like we’ve seen in Paris and San Bernardino — I am become increasingly concerned about the possibility of an attack by the Islamic State on the campaign trail.

What if ISIS operatives or loyalists (or jihadists affiliated with other terror groups) try to assassinate one or more of the presidential candidates, try to kidnap one or more of them, and/or try to bomb, strafe or otherwise attack a campaign event filled with hundreds or thousands of people?

A terrorist attack against a presidential contender or his/her campaign event would be huge news, reverberating across the nation and around the globe. It would also be chilling to the political process because it could scare people away from attending campaign events as the caucuses and primaries are getting closer.

Most of the presidential candidates — both Democrats and Republicans — are vulnerable because they are so accessible to the public. While local police may provide crowd and traffic control at larger campaign events in certain circumstances, historically they haven’t actually been tasked primarily with protecting the candidates and their families and staffs, or with preventing a terror attack.

Only a handful of the candidates currently have Secret Service protection. Hillary Clinton does as a former First Lady. Donald Trump does as a frontrunner who is drawing specific credible threats. Dr. Ben Carson also has federal protection due to credible threats made against him. (I’m not sure about former Gov. Jeb Bush)..." Full text: What if ISIS tries to capture or kill presidential candidates or attack campaign events? Some thoughts on a very real threat. Mt 24:6

Good job, just for having those ideas you are now on the secret service watch list. You have been thinking of ways to attack the U.S.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
What if ISIS tries to capture or kill presidential candidates or attack campaign even

:think: I still don't think it will be enough to turn public opinion in their favor.