Are you trying to 'ignore' the fact that, Christ came to Saul (Paul)
on the 'Road to Damascus?' The Grace message that we go by
today was given to Paul by, "The Risen Lord Jesus Christ!"
Henceforth, Paul was established by that, self-same Gospel! Paul
describes it as, "his Gospel!"
Romans 2:16--"In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men
by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
Which the council of Jerusalem approved of and made doctrine.
And which Peter said was GOOD TEACHING.
And which when Paul visited the Pillars of the Church they approved of his message....
Of which the NON GREEK Church in damascus also approved of.
Not to mention the fact that in Jesus Church there is no Jew or Gentile. DO you know why that is? No M.A.D. boyo that I've ever met can answer that.
Because the Messiah established a church, forever, in the order of Melchizedek> OR SET UP LIKE MEL'S WAS.
What does that look like?
It was before a JEW ever existed.
It was before sacrificial forgiveness of sins.
It was before a holy people was chosen.
It was before a Jewish law was written.
If you are part of that church you are neither jew nor gentile, you are before.
M.A.D. ignores this and claims they are "special". Well they are very special. And my momma told me to be nice to "special" kids. I'd almost be willing to PAY for a real debate with one of them. But no one on this site has ever shown they even CAN debate in a proper way.
Your most voiciferous defender thinks calling people homosexual refutes their biblical claims. AND THAT PERSON IS DEFENDED AND PRAISED!!!!!
So, sure, We AAAAALLLLllllll take M.A.D. people seriously. They are so dang consistent and all that in their beliefs and Bible comprehension.