How long should we ignore it? It is disgusting. It's not like we haven't asked him to stop and been offered promises to quit.
So you resort to voting on what is most disgusting about him?
How does someone who doesn't know Christ know what is Christ-like?
are you saying that if you read buddhist writings or hindu writings you still wouldn't be able to tell what a hindu or buddhist should be like just because you are still a christian and don't pracitce hinduism or buddhism?
Because this thread didn't start in a vcacuum. It was spawned from another discussion. I'll ask you again... Would you be so upset about this thread if it had a different title?
What discussion did it spawn from? Maybe if I see the context of it I'll understand more. And no, I already said a different title wouldn't matter to me, if it still had a poll about what is most disgusting about beanieboy I'd still disapprove.
Do you really believe this is the first time Poly ever witnessed to bean? Could it be, just maybe, this is her last resort in witnessing to him?
No, I don't believe this is the first time she has witnessed to him. And maybe this is her last resort, but so far she said she was just curious to know what people thought what was most disgusting about beanieboy which is basically just a bashing session, so as of now I have no reason to believe she had any good motives for it. Does that mean she didn't have good motives? No, but I have not seen them.
Surely you jest. Elijah was taken straight to heaven. So if God had a problem with it, it must have nort been a very big one.
No, I wasn't too serious about that.
Let me tell you a secret. Bean doesn't like to be told he is sinning. When he is told he will either misunderstand, ignore, reject, whine about it or hide behind the skirts of theologians who agree with him. Like I said before, just because satan can quote the Bible doesn't mean he's a saint or right in his judgement.
Ha, thanks for the secret...

and certainly just because beanieboy quotes scripture doesn't mean he's right. but, in my opinion, just because he doesn't follow christ doesn't mean he's automatically wrong, and that seems to be one thing we are disagreeing on.
In essence, there are more ways than one to witness.... as long as they meet your approval.
Not necessarily, yes I disapprove of this but not just because I randomly don't like it, I disapprove because I feel it isn't christlike.
let me say this, if Poly's point in this was to witness to beanieboy and be harsh as a last resort because she truly cares about him than I'm ok with it, or at least my disapproval is greatly lessened, but I didn't see any motive in it except to bash him, and like I said before, she said herself she was just curious which to me just seems like she wants to have a collective bashing party, but.....
I am in no place to judge her motives and her heart in this and I was wrong to assume the worst. Poly I'm sorry.....
now....assuming that her motives were good....I still do not see anything from Jesus like this. He didn't say to preach the gospel, if they reject it, mock them, and if they still don't repent, then to leave and shake the dust from their sandals. He just said to leave. If someone does respond to mockery and the like than that's awesome, but I think it's by far the exception and not the rule and you will push more people away than draw near, but you certainly know the history of beanieboy and the people on TOL better than me so I won't even try to say that people haven't gone other routes. I fully believe they have.
As far as being a last resort this is how I see it....To me if someone uses mockery as a last resort than it truly is a last resort because it will either work or it won't, and if it doesn't work than I think the great majority of the time the door will be closed to that person because they will be turned off to you and Christ. But, if you stay steady and keep a less harsh manner I think the door will be more open to that person and they may eventually come because the Lord will work on the person's heart through other ways and maybe come to you on their own.
but like I said, I don't understand the beanieboy situation as well as you/Poly so maybe beanieboy doesn't fall into my line of thinking.....