What Dictates What You Believe?


New member
It is the work of Satan to place man's word over the word of God.

God told Adam that if he ate of the tree of good and evil that he would die, Genesis 2:17, and what did the serpent say to Eve?

"And the serpent said unto the woman, you shall not surely die" Genesis 3:4.

Eve chose to believe the devil lie and ate of the tree and gave some of it to Adam. All of the cults and false religions have chosen to believe the devils lie. They have replaced God's word with the words of the devil.

What have YOU done? Don't you believe the lie of Satan when he said, "You will certainly NOT DIE!"?

God said that Adam and Eve would die. Yet you and almost everybody else here believe that we DON'T die when we die. We go on living in some other realm. You have chosen to believe Satan.


New member
Technically, Eve was fooled. Adam rebelled. But I don't want to change the subject. I believe what I do because it is true. When we can't see or have no record, that is when we go with the Bible. Like with the creation. I know evolution didn't happen because Moses said "six days".

I don't believe the theory of Darwinian Evolution either, but Moses' "six days" was not 24-hour days. They were of undetermined length. If you think a day was 24 hours, explain Genesis 2:4.


I think a lot of people believe out of fear.

Ahh, ~Catholicism~ :plain:

The Church has a history of trying to scare the hell out of people to have them believe and be obedient.

Most people today, in fact, believe out of hope and a heart after God.


New member
I think a lot of people believe out of fear. Fear of not going to heaven,

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But God's purpose for the earth is for humans to live HERE. (Isaiah 45:18) His plan wasn't scrapped because Adam rebelled! Why would people need to be afraid they aren't going to make it to heaven? This planet is our home, and Jesus gave up his human life so that we can keep ours forever, right here.

Psalm 37:9-11,29

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I don't believe the theory of Darwinian Evolution either, but Moses' "six days" was not 24-hour days. They were of undetermined length. If you think a day was 24 hours, explain Genesis 2:4.

What is there to explain?


New member
Ahh, ~Catholicism~ :plain:

The Church has a history of trying to scare the hell out of people to have them believe and be obedient.

Most people today, in fact, believe out of hope.

Out of hope that I won't go to hell when I die? LOL kidding. I like the way you put that though. That is also very true. This is why I enjoy considering multiple viewpoints on boards like this. There is always more to learn and more views to consider.


New member
Do you really believe that?

And for the record you ignorant fool, Christianity is an exchanged life, not a changed life. No one has done good, no, not one. The Lord Jesus Christ did good on my behalf, obedient unto death. God the Father accepted his work on my behalf, saving me through grace.

Sorry, you pompous moron, but you are wrong. Christianity IS a changed life! We are expected to change our worldly ways, doing the best we can to conform to God's way of doing things.

"I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Romans 12:1,2, NASB)

"Now really put them all away from you, wrath, anger, badness, abusive speech, and obscene talk out of your mouth. Do not be lying to one another. Strip off the old personality with its practices, and clothe yourselves with the new personality." (Colossians 3:8-10)

It looks like we each have some CHANGING to do, doesn't it?


Out of hope that I won't go to hell when I die? LOL kidding. I like the way you put that though. That is also very true. This is why I enjoy considering multiple viewpoints on boards like this. There is always more to learn and more views to consider.

The Scriptures do not leave the option available of a person entering Heaven without believing in Christ, it's just that simple.

That is something between a person and God, whether they will instead go to Hell- we simply say what has been promised in faith.


New member
The Scriptures do not leave the option available of a person entering Heaven without believing in Christ, it's just that simple.

That is something between a person and God, whether they will instead go to Hell- we simply say what has been promised in faith.

I also wanted to point out that believing out of hope tends to orient us toward the future and believing out if fear tends to orient us toward the past. Guess where salvation lies?

Yes I am aware of what the scriptures say but this Christ we think is a person is symbolism for the soul. Does John 1:1 indicate Christ is infinite and eternal? This is a trick question.

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New member
What have YOU done? Don't you believe the lie of Satan when he said, "You will certainly NOT DIE!"?

God said that Adam and Eve would die. Yet you and almost everybody else here believe that we DON'T die when we die. We go on living in some other realm. You have chosen to believe Satan.

Under 'Law' people died, Jesus came that we might have life.

Joh 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
Joh 11:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?


Robert Pate

Well-known member
You are consistently spouting off your own ideas as if your beliefs came from the bible! And people go right along with your ideas. Your little jab at JWs (which you label as a "cult") is a lie, pure and simple. We do not have "other writings over the Bible." For a hundred years we used the King James Version, and even now we'll use any version a person wants to use. I have told you this, but you won't listen. You are the one perverting the scriptures and placing men's ideas over God's.

I have asked you to explain certain scriptures but you decline to do so, even though you say that you believe ALL of the Bible. Can you tell me how the following verses agree with your idea that Jesus is God Almighty?

All from the Gospel of John: Chapter 5:19,30; Chapter 6:38; Chapter 8:28,29; Chapter 12:49,50; Chapter 14:24,28; Chapter 17:3; Chapter 20:17

One of the most important scriptures in the book of John is John 8:24.

"If you don't believe that I an HE, you will die in your sins"

Only God can forgive sins. Only God can raise the dead. Only God can feed 5000 with nothing.

Prepare to die in your sins.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Genesis 1

5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.

These terms are explicitly used to show the day as you know it is the day he means.

God's Truth

New member
I have always allowed the Bible to call into question what I believe. The Bible is the only accurate source of information for the Christian. I allow the Bible to dictate what I believe and you should to.

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" 2 Timothy 3:16.

All cults have one thing in common, they all have writings other than the Bible. They all place their writings over the Bible. This is where they go wrong and this is what causes them to believe doctrine that is contrary to the scriptures. What they do is they place man's word over God's word. They pervert the scriptures with the word of man.

It is very difficult to reach people that are into writings other than the Bible with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Calvinist have the Canons of Dort as their source of information because it supports predestination. The Bible does not support predestination. The Bible supports the doctrine of justification by faith apart from the works of the law. If you believe in justification by faith you will not believe in Calvinism.

The Catholic religion does NOT allow the Bible to dictate what they believe. The Catholic church is their source of authority and information and not the Bible. The biggest problem with the Catholic church is that there is nothing in the New Testament that resembles Catholicism and then there are many, many scriptures that are contrary to the Catholic religion.

The main reason that we should let the Bible dictate what we believe is because the Holy Spirit is present in the scriptures. Like 2nd Timothy says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God". When the apostles wrote the Bible they were being inspired by the Holy Spirit. I believe the Bible and I believe all of it. If there is a scripture that I don't understand it is probably because I have not studied it enough.

You say the Bible dictates what you believe, but you cut out too much and say it is not to you.

All the Old Testament is for EVERYONE, but you do not understand how somethings changed and why.

You do not understand that what the Lord and Savior says is to everyone.


New member
I have always allowed the Bible to call into question what I believe. The Bible is the only accurate source of information for the Christian. I allow the Bible to dictate what I believe and you should to.

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" 2 Timothy 3:16.

All cults have one thing in common, they all have writings other than the Bible. They all place their writings over the Bible. This is where they go wrong and this is what causes them to believe doctrine that is contrary to the scriptures. What they do is they place man's word over God's word. They pervert the scriptures with the word of man.

It is very difficult to reach people that are into writings other than the Bible with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Calvinist have the Canons of Dort as their source of information because it supports predestination. The Bible does not support predestination. The Bible supports the doctrine of justification by faith apart from the works of the law. If you believe in justification by faith you will not believe in Calvinism.

The Catholic religion does NOT allow the Bible to dictate what they believe. The Catholic church is their source of authority and information and not the Bible. The biggest problem with the Catholic church is that there is nothing in the New Testament that resembles Catholicism and then there are many, many scriptures that are contrary to the Catholic religion.

The main reason that we should let the Bible dictate what we believe is because the Holy Spirit is present in the scriptures. Like 2nd Timothy says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God". When the apostles wrote the Bible they were being inspired by the Holy Spirit. I believe the Bible and I believe all of it. If there is a scripture that I don't understand it is probably because I have not studied it enough.
There are people that claim the Bible is the only accurate source of information, but still they hold to beliefs about God, Jesus, and salvation that come from the doctrines of men instead of the Bible.


New member
Under 'Law' people died, Jesus came that we might have life.

Joh 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
Joh 11:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

How does that relate to my post?


New member
So you can't explain your position when he says "six days"?

I sure can. I asked you to explain Genesis 2:4. You, I think, believe that the "days" were 24 hours in length. If you think that the days MUST be 24 hours long, then what does Genesis 2:4 mean? It says that God made earth and heaven in a "day" (singular). Explain.