Besides...who said, "All of humankind can not know everything?"
My mother is a Pentecostal and will NEVER EVER believe she is saved until she speaks in tongues (and she's 76).
LoL!! I know what you mean! When it things aren't taught properly these have a tendency to go a little over the top or not at all. The good news is that the Lord knows the heart and I don't of a Pentecostal mother whose heart was "wrong" before the Lord. That said, I also don't know of one whose heart wasn't always at the alter of His Life just to make sure they were covering all the bases.
Sign seeking instead of His Life seeking Pentecostals usually carry about them an emotion that doesn't cover all the bases of what Jesus would have them understand about the teaching of the Holy Spirit. Now, having said that, I don't know of any other Christian sect that has more going for them then the Pentecostals i.e., more 'tools' to work with in this life. I have the full confidence to say rest easy re you mother. Her salvation is secure and our response to her doubt
can only be to celebrate that we know to bring a rejoicing into the equation when called for.
She has always attended AoG and NO ONE can tell her otherwise. May God, in His infinite mercy, help her to understand.
As with other Pentecostal efforts, AoG is no exception when considering the pluralistic error of many in the way. I attended for several years and found it to be little more than a step up conservative social religious gathering. My understanding is more narrow that carries with it a cost, an abandonment to God. Chambers, Fromke and now Bonhoeffer, have very instrumental in help me operate out the "imitation bacon bits" from the real ones. Both, of course, being "salty" but only one worth it..