Re: Re: Count me in!
Re: Re: Count me in!
Originally posted by cleo
Of course there is. Why do you imagine that I think otherwise? I do oppose the current occupation of Iraq, but to extrapolate from that that I would never think there is a "just" war defies logic. Did you really think I said that, or are you letting Sozo do your thinking for you?
I imagined otherwise because if our war in Iraq is not a just war then there is no such thing as a just war.
And no one does my thinking for me.
I think we should have hunted Osama Bin Ladin down like the dog that he is.
We have and are doing just that.
Instead, he is a free man.
You are stupid. If he is alive he is living in a cave or some third world hut, running like a scared rabbit.
Bush lied about Osama's connections to Saddam, figuring correctly that many of you were too stupid or to notice the difference,
You are a bald faced liar. You know that this is not true nor could it be. Everyone and I mean everyone who knew half a wit about what they were talking about believed that the information that the President had been given was true and reasonably accurate, including Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, the entire CIA, the English Secret Service, and anyone else who was in a position to know anything about it.
...and now over a hundred thousand innocent Iraqis are dead. Go figure.
Far fewer than would have been under Saddam's tyrannical rule.
Other than Sozo's false witness, why would you think I have ever advocated such a thing?
Because you do and have. I can read Cleo. You give all kinds of reasons why it would be a bad idea to criminalize abortion, that's what I call advocating the murder of unborn babies.
Are you another one who will defend the killing or unborn Iraqi babies?
Yes. In the context of this discussion, you bet your butt. If it had been necessary to wipe out every man woman and child in the city of Baghdad in order to remove Saddam from power, it would not only have been justified but worth it. The point is that it was not necessary and the limited loss of life, both civilian and miliary is the lowest of any war that has ever been fought!
I don't get it. Is it a race thing? A religion thing?
This question makes very little sense.
Race is a complete non issue.
Religion defines one's worldview and so is undeniably vital to a coherent understanding of anything.
No, I don't agree with you. I don't want to see either babies or old people killed, either here or in Iraq.
Then why not advocate the criminalization of abortion? If you are pissed off about Iraq then the abortion in this country alone should nearly put you into a catatonic state! We've murdered more babies in the last thirty years than there have been grown people killed in all the wars in history combined!
Maybe it's time for you to wake up from your rest.
I never suggested that I was asleep, but I will never stop resting in Him.
When Christ set you free, he didn't intend for you to be imprisoned ever again, even by bonds of laziness, ignorance, or intolerance.
Had you left off "intolerance", you would have made a correct statement. I, being in Christ, hate those things which He hates and am intolerant of those things He is intolerant of, including child killers, homos, adulterers, etc.
"Truth smacker"? Yes, from what I have seen on this thread, you do seem intent on smacking down truth whenever it rears its head.
Only your version of it. It's sort of easy too! :chuckle:
Resting in Him,