Welcome back Persephone 66.
Allow me to take care of that for you!I'm sure it will be short lived.
Part of me kinda wants to kill my account here to spite aCW, but I think in some way that will cause him to claim victory. Bans seem to bother him at least a little.
Evidently he just got hit with the big one. In my opinion that was a bit of overkill.:jawdrop:
Wasn't Persephone66 both banned and reinstated today. :dizzy:
And then was permabanned today, too? :dizzy:
Am I seeing this correctly? :dizzy:
Welcome back meshak. Please avoid anti-Trins posts or you might be gone for 3 months with another infraction.
Thank you Rusha and Easet.
I hope I can stay a while not just a day and go on long vacation.
Thank you Rusha and Easet.
I hope I can stay a while not just a day and go on long vacation.
Who Are You ? I Hear Your Name Echoed Through The Threads. :rapture:
Can we take a vote?res will be back soon
someone will have to go
res will be back soon
someone will have to go
Are you insinuating I will be gone when he gets back?
It is not fun when I get so many long vacations. I could not even start talking to you at your thread last time. I was all set to talk to you.
do you understand why you keep getting banned?
Of course, I don't agree with most of the forum members. They don't welcome unpopular posters.
so I have to pay the consequences of not being one of them.
This is their forum and I have no right to speak back.
it has more to do with how you post
what you post