You are the only child around here, sonny boy.
Why do you deny, old, wimpy looking "man," that the Lord Jesus Christ is not God, not a man today, and not our mediator, in "flesh and bones," per Luke 24:39 KJV, Ephesians 5:30 KJV, deny that He was the only sinless person, ever to walk the earth, as you assert that children,and "the virgin Mary," are sinless, identical to the Saviour, and that the "virgin birth/conception," Him being conceived by the Holy Spirit, was/is unnecessary, superfluous, as all children are born sinless,
through males, and assert that that "the rapture" is the same thing as the second coming, and was prophesied, in Matthew-John, and in Hebrews-Revelation, as it was not part of the mystery, revealed exclusively to Paul, as you argue, that he was just a flunkie, as there is no difference between prophecy, and mystery, as "it all says the same thing," according to your Acts 2 blender interpretive methodology, as the 12 could have done what Paul did,and why do you assert that men/women, today, are not born in the likeness, after the image of fallen Adam, per Genesis 5:3 KJV, but are born sinless,
identical to the Saviour, and why do you butcher/pervert Ecclesiastes 7:29 KJV, that, w/o a doubt whatsoever, when referring to "upright,"
refers to the LORD God's "pre-fall" creation of Adam/Eve, not us, who are after Adam "post fall" per Genesis 5:3 KJV, which you assert is translated wrong, and why do you assert that Job was a child, when he was discussed in the book of Job, as he was "upright," per your Ecclesiastes 7:29 KJV "verse in isolation" scam, per Job 1:1 KJV, Job 1:8 KJV, Job 2:3 KJV, and why do you deny that you are an Acts 2 Walvoordite/Ironsideite Acts 2 proponent, posing as a mid Acts dispensationalist, and why do you deny that you are a man worshiper, witness your avatar, and spamming what "sir" Robert Anderson, Paul Sadler of the Berean Bible Society,........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................says, on 1/3 posts, unable to "connect the dots" on your own, missing the "big picture," as you are still in the milk of Acts 2, in childhood, and why do you deny that you are scamming others, with your "post one verse in isolation" deception, ignoring surrounding verses, and ignoring who is being addressed, as youassert that "itall says the same thing?"?
We see that you have no answers, Acts 2 blender,
sower of discord amongst the brethren, whose "shtic" on TOL, is misquoting members, misrepresenting others' views, explaining why you've been banned from numerous Christian forums, including[/U].
We see that the admitted bible corrector, is running and hiding.