Do you believe that it is a good thing to keep the law? Some say that with salvation there is no requirement to keep the law. The government wants us to keep the law or to live without criminal behavior. Do you observe God's Law or the law of the land? What are the benefits of law keeping? What are the things to stay away from?
In light of the fact that people transgress the law can we say that we need more law keepers or should we say we need more people to not break the law? Does the law only tell us what not to do, and as long as we aren't doing those things we do not need to think of or about the law?
no-blood forms: yb02 16-17; hb 18
patients’ rights: yb12 38-39; w04 5/1 26-27; hb 30-31; km 11/90 4-5
patients to be informed of dangers: g90 6/8 28
refusal for children not child neglect: hb 21-22
relieving doctors of liability for not using: hb 18; yb88 30; w86 4/15 27
when a parent’s life is at risk: yb91 58-59; hb 31
Byzantine Empire: g01 10/8 13-14
Code of Hammurabi: it-1 551
discovery: it-1 703; g89 2/22 18
interest on loans: it-1 1212
law on stealing: re 13
Mosaic Law not based on: it-1 551; g89 2/22 18
Mosaic Law superior: w87 11/1 11-13
purpose stated: w90 11/1 19
wife beating permitted: g88 11/22 7
comments by Sir William Blackstone: it-2 140, 224; w96 5/1 15; gm 8
conscience: it-2 220-221, 965-966; w05 10/1 12
reflected in laws: it-2 223-224
trained by laws: w18.06 17-18
copyright laws: w01 2/15 28-29; w01 4/15 29; km 9/95 6
‘defending and legally establishing the good news’ (Php 1:7): w16.09 14-16;w15 2/15 22-23, 27-28; it-1 273; it-2 630; w99 8/15 21-22
discussion: it-2 211-222
disrespect for: g 5/08 30
divorce: w88 5/15 3-4
violent law student: w15 11/1 10-11
antisect bill (2000): yb01 23
Greek word: it-2 211
guarantees (warranties): g90 6/8 26-27
Hebrew words: it-2 211; w02 4/15 14
insurance lawsuits: g88 5/22 12-13
“deep pockets” theory: g88 5/22 11
Jehovah’s law: it-2 222; cl 128-129; w02 4/15 13-18; w96 9/1 8-11, 14; pe 130
based on love: lvs 94-96; lv 79-81; w05 8/15 26-29
before the Law covenant: it-2 222-223; w96 9/1 8-9
benefits: w14 5/15 28-29; w11 11/1 16-17
Christian congregation: it-2 224-225; w05 8/15 25-29; w96 9/1 14-24
consulting (Ezr 7:10): w02 7/1 21
delighting in: w04 7/15 10-15
‘doing by nature’ (Ro 2:14): it-2 965-966; w07 10/15 20-21
faith in: lv 196-199
freedom and benefits under: it-2 971; g90 10/8 7; tp 130
living without (La 2:9): jr 73
love for: w18.06 17; w12 8/15 13-14; w06 6/15 20; w02 4/15 13; w01 3/15 16-17
magnified by sentence against Adam: w89 8/1 24-26
patriarchal times: it-1 549
sacredness: w88 6/15 13
‘sign upon hand and frontlet band between eyes’ (De 6:8): it-1 874-875
‘sinning without’ (Ro 2:12): it-2 965
“source of life” (Pr 13:14): w03 9/15 25
superiority: w02 7/1 28-29
supremacy: w05 12/15 20; jv 699
transgression of: it-2 967-968
written on heart (Jer 31:33): jr 173-175, 178-180; w07 3/15 11; w05 8/15 24-29
written on heart (Ro 2:15): it-2 964-966
Jehovah’s Witnesses: kr 132-134, 136-167; bt 186; w98 12/1 19-22; jv 678-701
attitude toward secular law: w15 2/15 27-28; bt 131-132, 192; pc 28;yb07 69; g05 4/8 27; w98 12/1 18-20, 22; jv 678, 699; w90 11/1 19; pe 130-131; je 29
congregation not required to enforce secular: w86 10/1 31
congregation not required to enforce tax law: w94 11/15 27
contributions to constitutional law: bt 200; w01 5/15 32; w98 12/1 20; g98 4/22 22; g96 7/22 5; jv 690, 698-699; g91 12/8 22, 24;br78 8; g88 6/8 23; g87 10/22 24-27; g86 5/8 26
contributions to medical law: yb96 24
Legal Department (U.S.): w99 11/15 11; yb97 13; jv 82; yb93 23-24;yb92 14
ministers (Newport Beach, California, Municipal Code): g88 4/22 30
ordinances restricting witness work: jv 683-687, 697-698
Sunday witnessing: jv 82-83, 690-691
Jews (ancient):
oral law: w99 1/15 25-27; w97 11/15 25-28; w96 9/1 11-13
regarding court trials: w11 4/1 20, 22
‘judging law’ (Jas 4:11): it-2 224-225
“kingly law” (Jas 2:8): it-2 222; w06 5/1 29-30
Magna Carta (13th century): g 2/06 25; g02 12/22 12-14
manual on disaster law (New York State): g 5/12 29
meaning of term: it-2 211
moral (natural) law: w96 5/1 15-16
God’s adherence to: it-2 412
natural (physical) law: it-2 211-212
Bible view: w11 7/1 24-28; g 2/11 22-23; w05 4/1 6-7
evidence of Creator: g 12/09 5-7; sh 336-338
miracles: it-2 411-412; gm 73-74
new covenant: it-2 221; jr 173-175
number of laws:
United States: w96 9/1 9
obedience to secular: lvs 54-55; lv 44; re 282; w90 11/1 19; g90 8/8 6; w86 7/1 6; tp 131-136
“of faith” (Ro 3:27): it-2 221
“of God” (Ro 7:22): it-2 221
‘of husband’ (Ro 7:2): it-2 221-222; w07 2/15 18-19
“of my mind” (Ro 7:23): it-2 404-405
“of sin and of death” (Ro 8:2): w11 11/15 12-13
“of the Christ” (Ga 6:2): w15 3/15 29; it-2 221, 224; cl 153-156; jr 174-175;w08 8/15 26; w06 5/1 29-30; w05 8/15 25-29; w99 9/15 22-26; w96 9/1 14-24
out-of-date laws:
São Paulo, Brazil: g87 11/22 30
“perfect law that belongs to freedom” (Jas 1:25): w18.04 3-4; w12 7/15 7-10; w99 5/1 5; w97 11/15 12; w96 9/1 15
privacy: g88 2/22 4
registration of religions: yb16 31; kr 158; yb09 25
relationship to principle: w02 4/15 19, 22; w97 10/15 28-30
“sin’s law” (Ro 7:23, 25): it-2 221, 964-965, 1169
drinking and driving: g86 2/22 20; g86 3/8 11-12
traffic fines: g87 4/8 30; g87 11/22 30
when proper: it-2 224
why many laws are good: it-2 474-475
why not to take law into own hands: tp 130-133
women’s rights: g92 7/8 11
LawgiverInsight on the Scriptures, Volume 2
Jehovah as the Lawgiver. Jehovah is actually the one true Lawgiver in the universe. Attributable to him are the physical laws governing inanimate creation (Job 38:4-38; Ps 104:5-19), and animal life. (Job 39:1-30) Man also, as a creation of Jehovah, is subject to Jehovah’s physical laws, and since he is a moral, rational creature, capable of reasoning and of spirituality, he is equally subject to God’s moral laws. (Ro 12:1;1Co 2:14-16) Furthermore, Jehovah’s law governs spirit creatures, angels.—Ps 103:20; 2Pe 2:4, 11.
Jehovah’s physical laws are unbreakable. (Jer 33:20, 21) Throughout the known visible universe his laws are so stable and reliable that, in areas where scientists have knowledge of these laws, they can calculate the movements of the moon, planets, and other celestial bodies with split-second accuracy. One who goes contrary to the physical laws experiences immediate application of their sanctions. Likewise, the moral laws of God are irrevocable and cannot be circumvented or violated with impunity. They are as sure of enforcement as are His natural laws, though the punishment may not be as immediately enforced. “God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap.”—Ga 6:7; 1Ti 5:24.
Christians take to heart Jesus’ words: “Pay back, therefore, Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God.” (Matthew 22:21) They obey “Caesar,” or the governmental authorities, by diligently fulfilling the responsibilities that are required of citizens, such as paying taxes and complying with census laws and marriage registrations. However, when there is a conflict between Caesar’s law and God’s requirements, they follow the example of the first-century Christians, who said: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.” (Acts 5:29)
God's biblical direction always trumps any laws that mankind can come up with, no matter what country one lives in.
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