patrick jane

You seem to think that sinners want to be saved, but they don't. Not a one.

God must first change the human heart, mind, and will to want to believe and turn away from sin. And that miracle is called "regeneration."

It is equivalent to being brought to life from death. Only God has such resurrection powers.

Denial of this miracle, is to think sinners have spiritual capacities to believe abiding in them, when they do not. Denial of this miracle is to think sinners have virtue inherent to their nature to want to turn from sin, but they do not. Denial of this miracle was the belief of Pelagius, who the church body condemned as being heretical. Of such belief is your ilk.
regeneration happens the moment someone hears and believes 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV -

Lazy afternoon

You seem to think that sinners want to be saved, but they don't. Not a one.

God must first change the human heart, mind, and will to want to believe and turn away from sin. And that miracle is called "regeneration."

It is equivalent to being brought to life from death. Only God has such resurrection powers.

Denial of this miracle, is to think sinners have spiritual capacities to believe abiding in them, when they do not. Denial of this miracle is to think sinners have virtue inherent to their nature to want to turn from sin, but they do not. Denial of this miracle was the belief of Pelagius, who the church body condemned as being heretical. Of such belief is your ilk.

Yes, but Grosnick praises his own efforts of believing with his whole heart.

He does not of course, or he would treat people like Christ does.



Well-known member
Not a few think that repentance is saying a prayer, sorrowful weeping, and some regret. No doubt there is an aspect of these things that may accompany repentance. But the very word repentance is pregnant with the view of actually turning from one's sins. We know from Scripture that the unregenerate cannot turn from their sins until regenerated. Repentance is a fruit of the faith (faith being the first fruit of regneration) that comes from regeneration. Never in Scripture is repentance given a treatment that implies repentance is means to our being born-again versus the way faith is credited with the instrumentality of accomplishing one's re-birth (e.g. Eph. 2:8).

Repentance and faith are both necessary for salvation, but they are related to justification in different ways. Faith alone is the instrument by which Christ is received and rested on as Savior. Justification is by faith, not by repentance. But faith (and therefore justification) cannot exist without repentance. Repentance is as necessary to salvation by faith as the ankle is to walking. The one does not act apart from the other. I cannot come to Christ in faith without turning from sin in repentance. As one cannot have true faith without faith yielding works, so one cannot have true faith without simultaneously having repentance. Genuine repentance is the proof of one's faith.

Because of the close association between faith and repentance in Scripture (e.g., Mark 1:15; Acts 20:21; Hebrews 6:1), when we talk about conversion in terms of the logical order of salvation, we often speak of these two as alternate sides of one coin, or some similar analogy. In general, then, repentance unto life (Acts 11:18) is the ordinary, proper, and reasonable heartfelt reflex of saving faith (Heb.10:39).

The Pharisees demonstrated the exact opposite reaction (Matthew 21:32). This does not negate the historical experience of salvation, whereby we are often brought to great hatred and disgust at our own sin, and turn from it to look unto Jesus (Heb.12:2), the object of our faith. But it is not the turning that delivers us nor the faculty of faith (nothing in man), but Christ the object of faith outside of man. Nor should we wish to deny that further acts of repentance even after we "first believed" may feel stronger than our earlier repentance. This only makes sense, as stronger faith only opens our heart's understanding further, both to the nature and corruption of sin, as well as the surpassing greatness of the Savior. This is but growth in grace.

Then God also granted repentance to life to the Gentiles” (Act 11.18). The Arminians hold that it is in our power to repent. Error! We can harden our hearts, but we cannot soften them. This crown of freewill has fallen from our head. There is not only impotency in us, but obstinacy (Acts 7:51). As Thomas Watson once wrote, therefore beg God for a repentant spirit. He can make the stony heart bleed. His is a word of creative power. See here.

Mental prison! The persona is a mental entity programmed from birth to feel degenerated and helpless, in need of a hero/saviour motif that misdirects/enables the inner trek Galatians 4:23-28 concerning the treasure/pearl within us Luke 17:20-21, the outer focus of theology grand that it may be to the intellect/emotion! falls short of the original intent that opens the door for those still walking in the flesh Matt 11:11, Talmud/Calvin!!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Mental prison! The persona is a mental entity programmed from birth to feel degenerated and helpless, in need of a hero/saviour motif that misdirects/enables the inner trek Galatians 4:23-28 concerning the treasure/pearl within us Luke 17:20-21, the outer focus of theology grand that it may be to the intellect/emotion! falls short of the original intent that opens the door for those still walking in the flesh Matt 11:11, Talmud/Calvin!!

As usual, you're not making any logical sense. Keep up the good work.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No one can hear and no one can believe until they are first changed and given new hearts to believe and new ears to hear.

Nope! Don't you grow weary of being wrong? Calvin was wrong and so are you. Face the facts, you'll sleep better at night Nangster.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You seem to think that sinners want to be saved, but they don't. Not a one.

God must first change the human heart, mind, and will to want to believe and turn away from sin. And that miracle is called "regeneration."

It is equivalent to being brought to life from death. Only God has such resurrection powers.

Denial of this miracle, is to think sinners have spiritual capacities to believe abiding in them, when they do not. Denial of this miracle is to think sinners have virtue inherent to their nature to want to turn from sin, but they do not. Denial of this miracle was the belief of Pelagius, who the church body condemned as being heretical. Of such belief is your ilk.

Please don't think by being cranky and having a superior attitude about yourself will lead me or others to the doorstep of the very dead, John Calvin.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
As religious as Nangster pretends to be, you'd think she'd act, Kind, patient, forgiving, loving, etc? But, no, she's acts the opposite. Which makes me wonder about her authenticity?


New member
?? Further information is necessary.

(( None of YOU Care What GOD SAYS!! S-O-O-O DON'T Read the Following!!!!!!!!

((((( Acts 19:2-5 KJV ))))) -- 2- "He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.
3- And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism .
4- Then said Paul, John verily baptized (((( With the Baptism of Repentance )))), saying unto the people, that they should believe on HIM which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.
5- ((( When they heard THIS, They were B-A-P-T-I-Z-E-D ))) ---///-------- IN the N-A-M-E of the Lord Jesus". THE "LIVING WATER" B-Y Water Baptism!!!!!!!!! --- (((( "N-A-M-E" IS """"A-U-T-H-O-R-I-T-Y"""" ))))!!!!

Read the Book About Water Baptism; Jesus W-A-S "WATER BAPTIZED"!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060716

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
(( None of YOU Care What GOD SAYS!! S-O-O-O DON'T Read the Following!!!!!!!!

((((( Acts 19:2-5 KJV ))))) -- 2- "He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.
3- And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism .
4- Then said Paul, John verily baptized (((( With the Baptism of Repentance )))), saying unto the people, that they should believe on HIM which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.
5- ((( When they heard THIS, They were B-A-P-T-I-Z-E-D ))) ---///-------- IN the N-A-M-E of the Lord Jesus". THE "LIVING WATER" B-Y Water Baptism!!!!!!!!! --- (((( "N-A-M-E" IS """"A-U-T-H-O-R-I-T-Y"""" ))))!!!!

Read the Book About Water Baptism; Jesus W-A-S "WATER BAPTIZED"!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060716

Your point being??
I kind of give Letsargue a pass because he happens to be insane.

I give most of TOL a pass for the same reason. Do you ever just weary of opening some thread, only to find people arguing over things most Christian children have an understanding of, from Sunday school? A lot of this is like some endless debate over skim milk of the word of God, and they can't even get that straight. Who needs the "grand debates" in the first place? It would be sufficient from some people to just say they don't believe or understand scripture, and leave it at that. I'd settle for some of these people to have the simple humility to say "I believe that...", or "In my opinion...", instead of making no sense and coming on like it's a matter of fact. And people don't need to repeat themselves five hundred times. It's like watching Rain Man.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I give most of TOL a pass for the same reason. Do you ever just weary of opening some thread, only to find people arguing over things most Christian children have an understanding of, from Sunday school? A lot of this is like some endless debate over skim milk of the word of God, and they can't even get that straight. Who needs the "grand debates" in the first place? It would be sufficient from some people to just say they don't believe or understand scripture, and leave it at that. I'd settle for some of these people to have the simple humility to say "I believe that...", or "In my opinion...", instead of making no sense and coming on like it's a matter of fact. And people don't need to repeat themselves five hundred times. It's like watching Rain Man.

Good post my friend.
You make a good point.

You make some good points, and I also like the way you point out some pointy heads. But have you ever asked yourself just what's the point of making a point? It sometimes seems like there's this big wall of obscene graffiti, and about the best one can do is correct some of the punctuation. I'm not exaggerating, I was going through page after page of a thread recently, and couldn't make sense of what anybody was saying, any connection to truth, all of them disagreeing, and all of them wrong, at least when you could make something coherent of the entire interaction of vacuous diatribes. Any second I expected Rod Serling to make an appearance in a popup, at the side of the screen, commenting on how little did people know, who entered the thread, they were entering the Twilight Zone.