I'm questioning those who say we don't have any will of our own , to the point we aren't even capable of choosing to follow Christ . They say God does everything for us .
My question is , that if the angels in heaven God created could choose to rebel against Him , why wouldn't the called out ones have the same capability , to either follow Him or rebel against Him ?
How do people come to the conclusion we have no choice to follow Him or not ?
I believe it is because 1. they believe that we are created at conception or at birth and 2. we are born sinners enslaved to sin so there is no time or place for us to have a will free of sin.
Since I reject the created on earth theory of mankind, I believe all beings created in the image of GOD (yes, angels too) were created at the same time with a free will in the spirit world before the creation of the physical universe. I believe that we all had an equal ability and opportunity to CHOOSE to become either perfectly eternally holy and righteous or to become perfectly eternally evil in HIS sight.
By our free will all of creation was separated into:
the elect, those who accepted YHWH's claims to be our GOD and put their faith in HIS Son as saviour and were chosen to be
HIS Bride under the promise of salvation from any and all future sin;
the reprobate non-elect who chose to put their faith in the idea that YHWH was a liar and a false god driven by the power of evil (thus becoming eternally evil by this blasphemy of the Spirit); condemned for non-belief already,
Jn 3:18.
and the sinful elect (lost sheep, sinful good seed) who became sinful in rebellion against their GOD probably over the issue of the judgement of the non-elect which would have been the next order of business after all choices were made but which was postponed because the sinful good seed would be pulled up with the tares if the judgement was not postponed. These are the believers who are sinful but not condemned because they are under the promise of election, mentioned in
Jn 3:18.
Since these are the sinful elect spirits sown (not created, the devil sows also) by the Son of Man into the world
Matt 13:36-39, we have no free will until our rebirth frees us from the enslavement of the addiction to evil but our fate was self chosen by us and now we live lives predestined to conform to our choices and sinfulness so as to have the election promise of salvation redeem us the best way possible.