ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Our Deputy Chief Medical Officer has reported that a fit healthy 13yr old boy died today in London, and s 19yr old fit man, both of coronavirus.
This virus does not just kill the infirm, elderly or sick.
It's much more deadly that was thought at first.

If your leaders had been telling you that the Chinese Flu only killed the infirm, elderly or sick, then you were woefully misinformed

God's Truth

New member
Our Deputy Chief Medical Officer has reported that a fit healthy 13yr old boy died today in London, and s 19yr old fit man, both of coronavirus.
This virus does not just kill the infirm, elderly or sick.
Those TWO people might not have as good of care, or they might have had depression. You don't know and two people means what? Trump is going by a medical team.

It's much more deadly that was thought at first.

Over 3400 have died in the USA, and President Trump is now set to save over a million lives with his decisions, he explains.

Italy and Spain lose higher death rates every day at present, as do we on the UK.

We have conveyed the giant Excel Venue building in docklands London in to a vast hospital and it will be manned by dentists, airline crews, previously retired health workers and such.

I don't like the lie about wearing masks don't help. I like it that Trump never jumped on speaking that terrible lie from the CDC and other medical professionals.

The liberal media wants to jump on Trump and say see he is ignorant not going by the medical professionals. Thank you Trump knowing when they are hiding things and lying. Just like Trump knew the malaria pills works, but even the dr fauci tried to go against him because they want to hide the truth for some reason or another.

The reason we are told to stay six feet away from each other is because THEY TOLD US NOT TO WEAR MASKS.

I love Trump because he wants to drain the swamp and doesn't want to lie to us, like most all the people in government do.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Hi ok doser, with all due respect, and kindness, I hope you don't report anyone and have them banned. Discussion is good, and we can always ignore if we need to do so.

I report harassment and trolling

not disruptiveness - that's all Sherman

Gary K

New member
Those TWO people might not have as good of care, or they might have had depression. You don't know and two people means what? Trump is going by a medical team.

I don't like the lie about wearing masks don't help. I like it that Trump never jumped on speaking that terrible lie from the CDC and other medical professionals.

The liberal media wants to jump on Trump and say see he is ignorant not going by the medical professionals. Thank you Trump knowing when they are hiding things and lying. Just like Trump knew the malaria pills works, but even the dr fauci tried to go against him because they want to hide the truth for some reason or another.

The reason we are told to stay six feet away from each other is because THEY TOLD US NOT TO WEAR MASKS.

I love Trump because he wants to drain the swamp and doesn't want to lie to us, like most all the people in government do.

Like so many other recommendations like quarantine times by the media and governments around the world 6' is not guaranteed to be a safe distance. It is an optomistic guess.

Ever since COVID-19 became a threat to our daily lives health officials have followed the "six foot rule" for social distancing, but is it enough?
You've probably heard this repeatedly, when it comes to social distancing, you should stay at least six feet from others to protect yourself from coronavirus.

But is the six-foot rule enough?
Some people have interpreted the rule to mean that you can still get together in large groups as long as everyone is six feet away from each other.

Doctors say that’s not a good idea.
“Six feet is kind of a general recommendation,” Dr. James Miner says.
Miner is the chair of emergency medicine at the Hennepin County Medical Center.

He says the six-foot rule is only an educated guess.

It’s the world’s top health officials estimate for how far the coronavirus may be able to travel in the air, but he says doctors are still learning new things about the virus every day.

“I don’t think anyone knows enough about this virus yet to say how long it’s going to persist in every situation,” Dr. Miner says.

Recently there has been some disagreement about whether the six-foot rule is truly accurate.

New research out of MIT suggests the coronavirus may be able to travel up to 27-feet in the air.

MIT associate professor Lydia Bourouiba has spent years researching how particles in coughs and sneezes travel in the air.

Her study was published in the Journal of American Medical Association last week and it shows a study that suggests exhalations, sneezes and coughs, could create gaseous clouds that can travel up to 27 feet.
You need to remember that the coronavirus is an aerosolized particle that is as small as, or even smaller than, dust mote. You know, those things you see floating in midair in beams of sunlight. It can float a long ways. Early reports out of China said that if you entered a room, with no protection, containing multiple infected people there would be enough virii floating in the air to infect you within 2 seconds of entering. This virus is much smaller and lighter than the droplets projected in a sneeze. It is ejected into midair just by breathing. It is not a naturally occurring virus. It is a bioweapon.

To read the rest of the article click on the following link.

By the way, the 27 foot distance has been known for months.

God's Truth

New member
Like so many other recommendations like quarantine times by the media and governments around the world 6' is not guaranteed to be a safe distance. It is an optomistic guess.

You need to remember that the coronavirus is an aerosolized particle that is as small as, or even smaller than, dust mote. You know, those things you see floating in midair in beams of sunlight. It can float a long ways. Early reports out of China said that if you entered a room, with no protection, containing multiple infected people there would be enough virii floating in the air to infect you within 2 seconds of entering. This virus is much smaller and lighter than the droplets projected in a sneeze. It is ejected into midair just by breathing. It is not a naturally occurring virus. It is a bioweapon.

To read the rest of the article click on the following link.

By the way, the 27 foot distance has been known for months.

Well it isn't about floating smaller than dust mites virus; it is about coming out with small about of spit from an infected person's mouth.

Besides, so what how small it is when they make maskes for virus' and bacteria.

Gary K

New member
Well it isn't about floating smaller than dust mites virus; it is about coming out with small about of spit from an infected person's mouth.

Besides, so what how small it is when they make maskes for virus' and bacteria.

You are completely missing the point. The coronavirus is ejected from an infected person's breath. Meaning it is as small or smaller than a dust mote. It is measured in nanometers. That's in billionths of an inch in size. This is why so many people have gotten the coronavirus on cruise ships. They didn't go hacking a spewing all over each other. The virus was communicated through the central airconditioning/heating system ducts that are an integral part of a cruise ship.

God's Truth

New member
You are completely missing the point. The coronavirus is ejected from an infected person's breath. Meaning it is as small or smaller than a dust mote. It is measured in nanometers. That's in billionths of an inch in size. This is why so many people have gotten the coronavirus on cruise ships. They didn't go hacking a spewing all over each other. The virus was communicated through the central airconditioning/heating system ducts that are an integral part of a cruise ship.

You aren't listening. They make masks for all sizes of virus' and bacteria.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
That is what Trump is saying now.
Trump is getting ready to stop the great efforts.
There is probably no other way around it?
Why not 15 more days, for the sake of having our older people with preexisting illness have a little bit more of a chance?
We can't save everybody. If we try and save everybody now, other people will die in the global economic depression we're actively plunging into later. If we try and save these people, then more people will die now. Which do we prefer?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
If your leaders had been telling you that the Chinese Flu only killed the infirm, elderly or sick, then you were woefully misinformed
The average age of victims is still 79 last I read though, so it takes up lots of data to make an average and there are a lot of youngsters and there are a greater concentration of oldsters who are catching and succumbing to the covid pneumonia.

Gary K

New member
We can't save everybody. If we try and save everybody now, other people will die in the global economic depression we're actively plunging into later. If we try and save these people, then more people will die now. Which do we prefer?

That is absolutely true. The depression we are going into is going to make the great depression seem like child's play. And back then we still had money that had intrinsic value. Now we have money that is nothing but debt. It has no value whatsoever if people can't pay what they owe. Fiat currency is nothing but a scam. A ponzi scheme.

And we are now entering a time of extreme debt creation by the Federal government. They have already added multiple trillions of dollars to our deficit spending which was already putting us further into debt at $1+ trillion a year. And doing that in an economy that is shrinking rapidly means major inflation. Prices are going to skyrocket and goods are going to vanish off the shelves.

I was looking for whole wheat flour tonight on the web in a bulk quantity because we bake our own bread. I couldn't find a single supplier that had a 50 lb sack of whole wheat flour available. And those used to be so common that flour in that quantity was less than a dollar a pound. Now the price is more than $2/lb and no one has any.

Another aspect of this is that zombie companies make up at least 10% of the total number of businesses nation wide. World wide it is even worse. It's 13% world wide. What's a zombie company? A company that is hanging on through debt. They aren't actually make any profit. They are going to be declaring bankruptcy left and right with huge job losses. And how many businesses that have been making money but have had their supply chains broken through this international panic are going to survive a few months of disruption? Who knows? It may be as small as 5 or 10% or it could be as much as 50% as corporate debt is at all time highs meaning a lot of companies are going to have to close their doors because their revenue stream has vanished.

It just seems like hardly anyone understands this stuff. I've been warning people here for a couple of years that extremely bad economic times were coming . That our economy was very fragile because of all the debt, and urging them to prepare for very hard economic times.. No one wanted to listen.

I tried to tell you all because I care about what happens to my fellow man, but I was considered to be a rash, ignorant, conspiracy nut who was out of my skull. Well,those times are now here. The banking system broke in September, and this very suspicious pandemic just advanced the timeline is all. It's the deep state's final push to get rid of Trump. And he is the only president within the history of the US that has ever said during hard times that the common man was going to get direct help even if it's not equal to we're going to lose in the economic crash. But at least he cared enough to insist that we, the little guys, got some help.

And yet we hear nothing but visceral hatred for Trump coming from almost all corners.


Well-known member
ffreeloader, there are some basic issues here, that have nothing to do with Mr. Trump. It is a balancing act between public health and the economy. There is no way to manage this without some damage.

God's Truth

New member
We can't save everybody. If we try and save everybody now, other people will die in the global economic depression we're actively plunging into later. If we try and save these people, then more people will die now. Which do we prefer?

I think it is still worth more time, and glad that the time has been extended.


Well-known member
Those TWO people might not have as good of care, or they might have had depression. You don't know and two people means what? Trump is going by a medical team.

I don't like the lie about wearing masks don't help. I like it that Trump never jumped on speaking that terrible lie from the CDC and other medical professionals.

The liberal media wants to jump on Trump and say see he is ignorant not going by the medical professionals. Thank you Trump knowing when they are hiding things and lying. Just like Trump knew the malaria pills works, but even the dr fauci tried to go against him because they want to hide the truth for some reason or another.

The reason we are told to stay six feet away from each other is because THEY TOLD US NOT TO WEAR MASKS.

I love Trump because he wants to drain the swamp and doesn't want to lie to us, like most all the people in government do.

Really....... still banging your political drum, even now. That's political tribalism at its very worst.....,

Many World leaders are now calling this situation the worst economic and human disaster since WWII and most of us here are tending to unite in a cohesive togetherness......... I just see that whenever I have to go out. ......... and there you are with your sad little drum.

Go on........... bang your drum. But we certainly don't need any like you here in UK, because you just keep on trying to damage the credibility of top medics who are trying to flatten the curve and keep our medical resources intact.


Well-known member
............................................... This is why so many people have gotten the coronavirus on cruise ships. They didn't go hacking a spewing all over each other. The virus was communicated through the central airconditioning/heating system ducts that are an integral part of a cruise ship.

Very interesting point.
You just made me think of sickness such as legionnaires which is transmitted through air-conditioning systems.
I have not heard this mentioned before, and I wonder if air conditioning in large buildings could have transmitted the sickness.

Have you heard about this or did you just figure it out yourself?

Gary K

New member
Very interesting point.
You just made me think of sickness such as legionnaires which is transmitted through air-conditioning systems.
I have not heard this mentioned before, and I wonder if air conditioning in large buildings could have transmitted the sickness.

Have you heard about this or did you just figure it out yourself?

I figured a lot of it out on my own. I spent 20 years as an HVAC tech so I understand air distribution systems. I've also read reports from the people who went into the cruise ships to decontaminate them after the passengers left and those people were scared stiff as the virus was everywhere and that made perfect sense to me. Air filters, unless a person buys the very expensive HEPA filters, have no chance of stopping something as small as a coronavirus so any room that is heated/cooled in a large building has air circulated through it that has been in every other room in the building served by that system of ductwork. And a lot of buildings have only one HVAC system. Really big buildings have multiple systems due to the logistics of moving that much air, but then you're talking 20 stories or so and taller.

I used to change air filters at a hospital, worked for an HVAC company who contracted the hospital's HVAC work, and those HEPA filters were a whole other world. Those filter changing days were back in the 80s and even then it was a scary proposition to change the filters because of all the bugs trapped in them. To be safe even then you had to basically dress for hazmat and the bugs now are far deadlier. Hospitals are breeding grounds for super bugs.

Gary K

New member
ffreeloader, there are some basic issues here, that have nothing to do with Mr. Trump. It is a balancing act between public health and the economy. There is no way to manage this without some damage.

Really? So that's why I see all the criticism of Trump for thinking about our economic welfare in the huge depression that is now in it's beginning stages? His political enemies know the average US citizen hasn't a clue as to what the economic impact of all this is going to be so they attack him on being cold and uncaring and just politically ambitious. He's proven he's not that. He's proven he thinks about the welfare of the little guy rather than just corporations and state power, unlike all his enemies. They are still playing sick political games with we the people as pawns.