Just go read the passage in Acts where Paul circumcised Timothy before taking him with him on the trip to encourage the Gentile Churches with the letter from the Jerusalem council elders and Apostles there, after Paul and Barnabas and Silas and the others returned from the Jerusalem council where it was decided that the Gentiles were not to come under circumcision and keep Moses. Paul circumcised Timothy with his own hands, after that council decision, and it was no sin, and with Apostolic authority Paul commanded Jews called into the Name to not become uncircumcised and for Gentiles to not become circumcised -which was decided by the council at Jerusalem, and not by Paul, sir.
The Jews,
including Paul the Apostle, “kept Moses”, after coming into the Name by “the call”; not as a manner of perfection -which “perfection” is only received for Jew and Gentile in the “Once”, for “all in Adam”, “Accepted Atonement , which was the final offering for “Sin”, which Atonement made an end of the remembrance of sin and kept us from “perfection” since the fall of our firstborn, until the Day of Atonement.
-and all the redeemed of all the earth’s age since the beginning enter into the perfection of spirit by the second birth, from above, and then of body by the regeneration of it’s elements in the resurrection and or translation at the “laqach” of the entire Church/Congregation [His called out people from the beginning of creation], by that “One Atonement’s” “Final and Forever” “Offering“, and “Acceptance“, which was pre-ordained from the beginning of creation because the Creator saw our fall before we fell, and He made us for His glory to indwell and He planned our redemption in the Second Man‘s Name before He made us -so says His Scriptures.
None of the Apostles of the LORD placed any called Gentiles under Moses, and you cannot find one place in the Word where any of them did do so,
and MAD doctrine is false to claim they did do so, for that is what the Jerusalem Council met together to decide the issue of, because of the Judaisers among them who made trouble for the called Gentiles.
And Paul commanded, with Apostolic authority, the Gentiles he wrote to, to do good works much more than James ever spoke of the works of faith. And if you claim to follow Paul the Apostle then, among other things, you should stop your dissembling about his truth of calling for the Believers to maintain “good works” -the works of faith.
Paul outworks “James“, and all the others, in the Faith, so he “claims” -but he did not outwork anyone of the Disciples or Apostles, for all had their call and fulfilled it -which Church history is replete with the stories of the works of the Apostles in the lands they went into in the beginning of the age of the Church, and they all worked hard in the harvest of the LORD“S vineyard and all will receive their own rewards [Paul will have to share some of his rewards for his works of faith with some of those whom he was responsible for the deaths of -that‘s my opinion, only, and I may change it as I see fit].
Paul and works of Faith commanded to be done by the Believers called into the Faith:
1Pe 2:15 For so is the will of God, that with good works ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:
1Pe 3:17 For [it is] better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for good works, than for evil works.
And for the record, Paul is not MAD
"But he said, I am not MAD, most noble Festus; but speak forth the words of truth and soberness".
The works of faith:
Mat 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Mat 26:10 a woman is commended for doing a good work upon Christ Jesus
Mar 13:34
Jesus tells of going away and giving every servant his work to do, and of rewarding the servants who do well when He returns.
Luk 24:19 Jesus was mighty in works and the Word -He told us -who are born again in His name- to do the works He did.
And you have not replied to my post about MAD doctrine being against Israel in the same way the Plantation owners were in the main against the freedom of slaves in the USA....Your doctrince teaches, falsely, that "Israel" is to be kept from heaven, and your "paulinists" will rule earth from heaven: that is anti-Israel bogotry, but the truth is that redeemed Gentiles are grafted into the "Elect Plant of Righteousness", which the natural namesake people are branches in by natural birth, born naturally in "the Name" of the Beloved and only begotten Son of God -even though they each have to personally be born again, as Abraham was promised the Spirit of, which promise is about the adoption in the New Man.
Jews and Gentiles must be born again in the Spirit of promise to receive the spiritual inheritance of the heavenly promises granted only to the Elect Son of God, whose name is "Israel".