Dear Clete,
John, in his letters is "referencing" intimacy with God.
God's ways are beyond our logic. Jesus would have told yu that because He didn't know somethings Himself. Our logic, yes, maybe but, beyond it. . . Unless you believe yourself God to have no need for the Holy Spirit to teach you?
You lunatics who want to believe anything you want, whether it makes sense or not, always say that the nonsense you want to believe (but really don't) is "beyond logic". I left out the word "our" because there is only one reality and therefore there is only one kind of logic.
No matter how vast your knowledge or how modest, it is your own mind that has to acquire it. It is only with your own knowledge that you can deal. It is only your own knowledge that you can claim to possess or ask others to consider. Your mind is your only judge of truth—and if others dissent from your verdict, reality is the court of final appeal.
Nothing but a thinking mind can perform that complex, delicate, crucial process of identification which is thinking. Nothing can direct the process but his own judgment. Nothing can direct his judgment but his moral integrity.
Reason is our moral faculty. A process of reason is a process of constant choice in answer to the question: True or False? — Right or Wrong?
Will this wild animal harm me? Yes or no?
If I press this key will it produce the letter 'A'? Yes or no?
Is the sky yellow? Yes or no?
Should I give the drunk man on the corner some money that he hasn't earned simply because he has the audacity to hold his quivering hand out?" Right or wrong?
Does God exist? Yes or no?
If God exists, is He just? Yes or no?
Shall I obey what this preacher is saying? Right or wrong?
Is the Bible true? Yes or no?
Is this proposed doctrine consistent with the bible? Yes or no?
You have answered similar questions in your own mind with every presentation of any truth claim that you have either accepted or rejected, including the one that told you not to trust your own mind which you were using to make that decision. You accept that there are truths of reality that are beyond logic and use logic to accept it just as you use logic in your attempt to convince me to accept it. This is, of course, because you cannot do otherwise. There is no way to communicate without using logic. There is no way to argue the veracity of any claim without using logic to do it. There is no way to undermine the veracity of logic without using the very logic you're attempting to ruin. You are, therefore, the walking, talking epitome of a literal idiot. You contradict yourself every time you open your mouth. You cannot utter a single meaningful sound without defeating your own doctrine. You're reduced to something lower than a slobbering cave man who can at least grunt and point to convey meaning to his fellow Neanderthals.
I wish I had bothered to read more of the thread prior to having responded to your opening post. I wouldn't have bothered wasting my time trying to have a rational conversation with someone who rejects the veracity of reason. As I said a moment ago, welcome to my ignore list.
P.S. Just to make your heads all explode. Those of you who are well read might recognize portions of this post as being quotes of Ayn Rand! :rotfl: