ECT Was Jesus, from His birth not a "quickened" mortal body?

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Is not the "quickening Spirit" of God the means of "quickening" anyone's body at anytime either in life or death?

What means can that only be and how 'bout one's mind, wouldn't that be included?

Cross Reference

New member
My Op is intended to be a perspective for understanding more about what it means to be born again of God's Spirit and why, since it has nothing to with resurrection, it is to be worked our in mortality for it to be immortal in finality. Jesus did this that the new born of Him is also equipped with the same Spirit. Does not the scriptures state that Jesus "became" a life giving Spirit? (cf 1 Cor 15:46; John 20:22) Where is the argument?
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Word based mystic

New member
ecclesiastes 12:7 then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.

The spiritual death that adam experienced destroyed the aspect of the spirit that was capable of eternal life. The soul/spirit remained, incomplete in many areas, Dysfunctional conscience, ability to house or commune with Spirit of God and other areas.

being born again restored that aspect that was lost. He came to restore all things.

The quickening of unredeemed or people not born again can be quickened for judgement but not for an eternal life.

The restored spirit/born again person now has a spirit birthed ark or vehicle that is empowered by the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit in us and We in Christ/life we become one in the same fashion as the Son and the Father are one.

I see in scripture and experience that We are to be strengthened in our inner/spirit man by Love. Developing the fruits of the Spirit in us to give us a broader foundation for living in righteousness and power NOW.
And to increase our muscles and "comprehension" (defined as experience not head knowledge) so we can have a greater measure to begin with when we step into eternity. The more we commune and hear and obey Gods development of his Spirit fruits in us the more we can be trusted to have authority in all manners in the Kingdom of God.

This is why Christ so emphatically told us to keep our eyes on the Kingdom of God and seek its principles first in every way. Preparing us for communion and being responsive to the Spirits unctions gives us a better foundation for exercising our spiritual senses.

Cross Reference

New member
ecclesiastes 12:7 then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.

The spiritual death that adam experienced destroyed the aspect of the spirit that was capable of eternal life.

As being what, since man's soul cannot be, in actuality die but, at any time, alive or dead, merely separated from God?

The soul/spirit remained, incomplete in many areas, Dysfunctional conscience, ability to house or commune with Spirit of God and other areas.
What thinking makes you use the word "dysfunctional"?

being born again restored that aspect that was lost. He came to restore all things.
I wholeheartedly agree with that but only on the same terms Jesus laid by His life which expressed the Father.

The quickening of unredeemed or people not born again can be quickened for judgement but not for an eternal life.
I don't believe this kind of quickening is meant to be relevant to the context.

The restored spirit/born again person now has a spirit birthed ark or vehicle that is empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Good way of expressing His indwelling life. .:)

The Spirit in us and We in Christ/life we become one in the same fashion as the Son and the Father are one.

True but only if we pursue Him, be truly led by Him, upon entering our new born life and not rest on our laurels in any altercall salvation or otherwise, subjective experience. Jesus prayed they we wouldn't but move on to perfection in the Father. (John 17:21)

I see in scripture and experience that We are to be strengthened in our inner/spirit man by Love. Developing the fruits of the Spirit in us to give us a broader foundation for living in righteousness and power NOW.
And to increase our muscles and "comprehension" (defined as experience not head knowledge) so we can have a greater measure to begin with when we step into eternity. The more we commune and hear and obey Gods development of his Spirit fruits in us the more we can be trusted to have authority in all manners in the Kingdom of God.
This is why Christ so emphatically told us to keep our eyes on the Kingdom of God and seek its principles first in every way. Preparing us for communion and being responsive to the Spirits unctions gives us a better foundation for exercising our spiritual senses.

Amen and Amen!!!

Isn't it sad that most reform people see this understanding as being "works salvation" and not as being God's Mind for His reason for creating man? As Paul wrote: "Eye has not seen nor ear heard what God has prepared for those who love Him".

Post of the year, WBM. Thank you!