Warmbier deserved his cruel torture because of white privilege

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The following article from La Sha of the Huffington Post is absolutely disgusting and stems from poisonous racial thinking being taught vigorously to millennials the past two decades.

If you support any of the hateful thinking this woman espouses, defend it here if you can.

"Every economic, academic, legal and social system in this country has for more than three centuries functioned with the implicit purpose of ensuring that white men are the primary benefactors of all privilege."

Implicit purpose? No, for generations it was pretty plainly expressed, both in social convention and, to some extent, in the law itself. And while it's difficult to upend the ethnocentric driven momentum of power in this country, until the rich began to ensure the slow, tortuous death of the middle class, minorities were expanding into the upper and middle strata, gaining ground.

Real progress has been made. More needs to be.

Her response to the plight of a young man in need of common sense reminds me a good deal of how more than a few here felt about a woman who was attacked coming home from a bar. The old "she was asking for it" applied to a different scenario. I didn't think much of that then and I don't value it now (I see anna noted that as well).

The writer is investing a young man who made a stupid mistake with a host of unrelated sins he can't rightly be held accountable for. She can't get past color and the complaints that attend it to see the blood and suffering beneath it. That's a sad thing to see in someone who has more reason than the young man to see the error and danger in that thinking...It's a shame her earlier compassion and head shaking over her mother's comments haven't translated to her maturity. Her mother might be proud of it, but she knew better once.

It's a compounding of errors to no good end and little illumination. Here's hoping the outcome, his death, will lead her to reexamine.
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Well-known member
until the rich began to ensure the slow, tortuous death of the middle class, minorities were expanding into the upper and middle strata, gaining ground.
Imho, more this than the other. It touches us all. I acquiesce some more than others as well, but when the overall is the same, we need those resources. Part of it is our fault, too. We 'allowed' economics to assess our houses out of the means of most people. My stepfather's house payments were $300 a month, making about the same wage as a first year teacher, as a blue-collar worker. Different thread, but I'm not feeling as 'privileged' as I would have been in the 70's. Perhaps, just perhaps, it is a more important discussion than race. The church used to be able to send all underprivileged kids to camps. Corporations used to, also. There is a decline in all of these and a place, where, I really think we 'can' make a huge difference.


like marbles on glass
You guys are sure cowards. You don't want to directly address the issue and so you do something you know that will make that possible. Those threads from 18 months ago were divisive and hateful and had to be shutdown. You know that in order to address your red herring, we will have to resurrect old wounds. I wouldn't expect anything else but pure evil tactics from liberals.

I chose the part of the OP I was interested in responding to - that unfeeling mother resonated, and that's what I chose to talk about. I don't care what you think about what I chose to respond to, because I'm not here to please your sensibilities.

And try to keep things in perspective. It's not "pure evil" when someone on an internet forum doesn't reply to your OP the way you think they should. When you do that, you lessen the horror of real evil.


New member
I chose the part of the OP I was interested in responding to - that unfeeling mother resonated, and that's what I chose to talk about. I don't care what you think about what I chose to respond to. I'm not here to please your sensibilities. And try to keep things in perspective. It's not "pure evil" when someone on an internet forum doesn't reply to your OP the way you think they should. When you do that, you lessen the horror of real evil.
I didn't say you were here to please my sensibilities. Why do you say what you are here or not here for when nobody demanded it in the first place?


New member
Trying to reopen old wounds because you are such a loser that you are too cowardly to address the issues, makes you flat out evil, but then I haven't seen one day pass here when your wickedness was not on full display.


like marbles on glass
Trying to reopen old wounds because you are such a loser that you are too cowardly to address the issues, makes you flat out evil, but then I haven't seen one day pass here when your wickedness was not on full display.

Unless a thread is pruned, the words people say are still here to be read. It would be good if we all kept that in mind.

I'll note that you don't seem to be too bothered that you're "wounding" me. Funny how that works.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
The article had one good point, he was stupid for going to NK in the first place. But it was because he was a liberal not because he was white. Liberals never see the world as it really is.

BINGO! :BRAVO: That was my take as well, and I will add that American liberals admire & laud despotic socialist countries like NK & Cuba without understanding the implications of living under such tyranny...they just don't get it.


New member
Oh, I don't know... maybe because you called us cowards, and pure evil for not answering the OP the way you thought we should.

You said what you thought, I said what I thought. Seems fair.
You say things that nobody is talking about. Continue to be an idiot that you are known for. I called you a coward because you are acting cowardly. I'm sorry your too retarded to understand that isn't a demand on what you have to say


New member
Unless a thread is pruned, the words people say are still here to be read. It would be good if we all kept that in mind.

I'll note that you don't seem to be too bothered that you're "wounding" me. Funny how that works.
I'm wounding you???? Really? I sincerely doubt that. You're a cold hearted itchypoo. Yes thats a made up word , but I think you know what word I wanted to use. If you are truly wounded, I will refrain. Just remember that I give as good as I get. If you don't want to be wounded, perhaps you could talk in a more respectful manner and be less condescending.


like marbles on glass
I'm wounding you???? Really? I sincerely doubt that. You're a cold hearted itchypoo.


Yes thats a made up word , but I think you know what word I wanted to use. If you are truly wounded, I will refrain.

I wish I could believe you but based on your past history, I can't.

Just remember that I give as good as I get.

Don't you realize that you "gave" before you got?

My initial comment wasn't about you at all, and yet you called me a coward and pure evil for not answering the OP the way you wanted.

If you don't want to be wounded, perhaps you could talk in a more respectful manner and be less condescending.

You're the one who's thrown the insults in this thread. Look to yourself.


like marbles on glass
cowards... pure evil

such a loser...cowardly ... flat out evil...

idiot... coward... cowardly... your too retarded

cold hearted itchypoo...you know what word I wanted to use

And there you are. You're something to behold.

Anyway, get it all out, because you only have a limited amount of time. I'll be here until the 26th, and after that I don't know when I'll be back. So you only have four more days. Look at it as a chance to broaden your vocabulary.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The article had one good point, he was stupid for going to NK in the first place. But it was because he was a liberal not because he was white. Liberals never see the world as it really is.
So she holds him in contempt because of his skin color and you use him as a political tool. That's what amounts to progress these days, both sides willing to trade shots over a grave.

BINGO! :BRAVO: That was my take as well, and I
will add that American liberals admire & laud despotic socialist countries like NK
No they don't. Who is praising North Korea outside of Dennis Rodman? You shouldn't use "like NK" so you can tag liberals with the association.

& Cuba without understanding the implications of living under such tyranny...they just don't get it.
Another problem with you guys, left and right toward the wings, this peculiar notion that the other guy is too naive, stupid, or corrupt to understand your position or he'd agree with it.

Anyway, back to the kid. You could just go dig him up and kick the corpse around a bit. Maybe invite the family.

I thought conservatives would treat the dead with more respect. Okay, some conservatives around here...you, for instance.


like marbles on glass
So she holds him in contempt because of his skin color and you use him as a political tool. That's what amounts to progress these days, both sides willing to trade shots over a grave.

No they don't. Who is praising North Korea outside of Dennis Rodman? You shouldn't use "like NK" so you can tag liberals with the association.

Another problem with you guys, left and right toward the wings, this peculiar notion that the other guy is too naive, stupid, or corrupt to understand your position or he'd agree with it.

Anyway, back to the kid. You could just go dig him up and kick the corpse around a bit. Maybe invite the family.

I thought conservatives would treat the dead with more respect. Okay, some conservatives around here...you, for instance.


Thank you for reminding me what's important, and it's the life and death of this young man, and the grief of his family. It was good for me to read this tonight.


New member
Koreans in general, and North Koreans especially are very racist against all non-Koreans, but especially against BLACK people (whom they call gum-dingy).

Tourists are blocked from the floor where the alleged "crime" took place, and surveillance tape does not positively identify Warmbier, as the face is not visible.

Several Americans, who have been legally working as English teachers, have been imprisoned without trial lately. They are virtually hostages.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond