Victory in Court! Victory in Jesus!
This is the show from Tuesday November 12th, 2013
Broadcasting from the new BEL studios, Bob Enyart with guest Leslie Hanks of American Right To Life, update the audience on some great developments! Pro-life leader Jo Scott had a victory in court today, with a county judge denying a pro-abort's request for a restraining order against Jo. Congratulations Jo! Bob reports on Dorothy Neville's amazing memorial service that he and his wife Cheryl attended in California over the weekend. And then Leslie reported on the awesome States of Refuge Tour in Mississippi last week led by Flip Benham, director of Operation Rescue National / Operation Save America!
This is the show from Tuesday November 12th, 2013
Broadcasting from the new BEL studios, Bob Enyart with guest Leslie Hanks of American Right To Life, update the audience on some great developments! Pro-life leader Jo Scott had a victory in court today, with a county judge denying a pro-abort's request for a restraining order against Jo. Congratulations Jo! Bob reports on Dorothy Neville's amazing memorial service that he and his wife Cheryl attended in California over the weekend. And then Leslie reported on the awesome States of Refuge Tour in Mississippi last week led by Flip Benham, director of Operation Rescue National / Operation Save America!