Unity of Messiah and Gospel

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Well-known member
To show further that explaining Messiah from scripture and the Gospel were one topic and one message, see how Acts 17:2-4 summarizes Paul's "custom" at an outlying synagogue. He is in the OT showing that Messiah had to suffer for sins and why he would be raised (for his perfect accomplishment).

So all the amateur theories of 2P2P that there are none of this in the OT or in the beliefs of the apostles are simply hooey. Nor is Jerry "on to something" by dividing Christ from Gospel as though Christ had some identity apart from the Gospel event and action.

2P2P is totally foreign to the Bible and forces people to find all kinds of nonsense that is simply not there, being an artificial intelligence, and fake theology.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
To show further that explaining Messiah from scripture and the Gospel were one topic and one message, see how Acts 17:2-4 summarizes Paul's "custom" at an outlying synagogue. He is in the OT showing that Messiah had to suffer for sins and why he would be raised (for his perfect accomplishment).
You made that part up. Paul did not go that far when he preached "Jesus is the Christ" in the synagogue.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
So all the amateur theories of 2P2P that there are none of this in the OT or in the beliefs of the apostles are simply hooey. Nor is Jerry "on to something" by dividing Christ from Gospel as though Christ had some identity apart from the Gospel event and action.

Is God powerful enough to have something written down, and keep it veiled until he is ready to reveal it?
Is your god that powerful?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
So all the amateur theories of 2P2P that there are none of this in the OT or in the beliefs of the apostles are simply hooey.

What is hooey is the ridiculous idea that the Twelve were preaching that the death of Christ was for our sins at Luke 9:6 even though later we see that they did not even know that He was going to die (Lk.18:33-34).

That idea is not only amateurish but it comes straight from the looney bin.

I hope they treat you well in your padded cell!


New member
What is hooey is the ridiculous idea that the Twelve were preaching that the death of Christ was for our sins at Luke 9:6 even though later we see that they did not even know that He was going to die (Lk.18:33-34).

Jesus' execution, entombment, and resurrection occurred during the feast of Passover. All the Jews in the world knew about it and all the Jews in the world knew quite well Isaiah 53.

All the Twelve needed to do was claim that Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled the prophecy and the Jews either believed it or they didn't.


Well-known member
What is hooey is the ridiculous idea that the Twelve were preaching that the death of Christ was for our sins at Luke 9:6 even though later we see that they did not even know that He was going to die (Lk.18:33-34).

That idea is not only amateurish but it comes straight from the looney bin.

I hope they treat you well in your padded cell!

Because that can't be true and is not what it meant.

You don't understand denial, in a clinical sense. That is what is going on. They knew it too well, and just found out it conflicted with their flesh.

Your pet theory does not stand a moment's chance in John, although I can see why you might try it in the synoptics.

You keep vacilating between 'did not know he would die' and 'did not know his death would be for sin', which is it? But neither are true.

There is no explanation for Peter's outburst in the confession scene unless they truly knew already.

You, Jerry, have never dealt with that issue, because you are too busy being the ward nurse who assigns various people to padded cells.
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Well-known member
Interesting how Jerry stops talking and finds some other issue to be the most misunderstood rather than make a progression here.


Well-known member
Interesting how Jerry stops talking and finds some other issue to be the most misunderstood rather than make a progression here.

Hi and that means you will answer how a 1P 1P how you can be saved , with verses ??

And where do you go when you DIE ??

Come on , trobsixx says I never answer , so are you going to DANCE or ANSWER ??

dan p


New member
You made that part up. Paul did not go that far when he preached "Jesus is the Christ" in the synagogue.

According to scripture what IP posted is exactly what Paul did.

Acts 17:2-4 2 Then Paul, as his custom was, went in to them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures, 3 explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead, and saying, “This Jesus whom I preach to you is the Christ


Well-known member
According to scripture what IP posted is exactly what Paul did.

Acts 17:2-4 2 Then Paul, as his custom was, went in to them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures, 3 explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead, and saying, “This Jesus whom I preach to you is the Christ

The division between Messiah and Christ is 2P2P's last stand to try to keep it going.


Well-known member
I see that ! What kind of insanity is it to remove what Jesus meant from who Jesus is and what His purpose was ?

It is industrial-strength overthought theology from Dallas Seminary, which would be too embarrassed to admit that 2P2P is a fraud so it supports it any way it can. Jerry just quoted one of their new ones recently, blathering about an "identity" of Christ that was totally different from Christ crucified etc. Or else they just don't know enough about Judaism at the time to know when they are regurgitating it.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
It is industrial-strength overthought theology from Dallas Seminary, which would be too embarrassed to admit that 2P2P is a fraud so it supports it any way it can. Jerry just quoted one of their new ones recently, blathering about an "identity" of Christ that was totally different from Christ crucified etc. Or else they just don't know enough about Judaism at the time to know when they are regurgitating it.

Gobbledy gook...

Jesus is the Christ
Christ died for your sins

Not the same.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I'm just a garden variety idiot, and no genius like Interplanner, but if dying for sins was "built in" to the understanding of "The Christ", wouldn't "Christ died for your sins" be redundant?
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