Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Were Altered, Analysis Finds

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New member
Hall of Fame
Not at all. You consistently leap to your own narrow minded parochial interpretations of my stance on things,
I am opposed to the aborting of viable living human beings! I have stated that what is done with the remains, while deplorable, is not the thing with which we ought to concern ourselves.
The videos show abortions being performed by what I assume are licensed, trained health care professionals who swear to "do no harm".
I am sick to death over this and I hope it is contagious!

That's a separate issue entirely from the "PP sells body parts" charade. Lies, deceptive editing, fake IDs to secure interviews under false pretenses--how do you trust the provenance of this video campaign? How can you? They were made and presented by admitted liars. That the videos don't hold up to scrutiny should surprise no one.

As with many other secular institutions--think of public schools, or higher education, or other settings that Christians seem to have little actual exposure to much of the time--many evangelicals fall into magical thinking, unreality, or bizarre notions of what these institutions are "really" like, then buy whatever urban legend or myth is sold to them by folks interested in convincing the faithful. The lies might be comforting, and serve to reinforce what's already believed, but they remain untrue just the same. Moving the goalposts doesn't change that.

Jose Fly

New member
This is a frighteningly astute post, and well articulated, too. Which I predict the self-proclaimed conservatives here will completely ignore, or even stranger still, will simply not comprehend. At all.

Thanks. But I think for the conservatives, it isn't a question of comprehension; it's a matter of trust.

Which I find disturbingly fascinating.

Me too. It's why I'm here.


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Temp Banned
-many evangelicals fall into magical thinking, unreality, or bizarre notions of what these institutions are "really" like, then buy whatever urban legend or myth is sold to them by folks interested in convincing the faithful. The lies might be comforting, and serve to reinforce what's already believed, but they remain untrue just the same.
That's the bare-naked reality of it. And the politicians and the media have realized that these people are easy suckers. And so are now praying on their 'magical thinking', wholesale, with an endless parade of phony news stories intended to get these magical thinking evangelicals all fired up and on their side, or all fired up and watching and listening to their broadcasts.

These evangelicals are being exploited, shamelessly, but they're too willfully ignorant of reality to recognize it, and too ego-centric (self-righteous) to admit it even if they did. They are the perfect patsies.

And that's the bare naked truth of it, too.

(We need a bare naked truth smiley!)


New member
Thanks. But I think for the conservatives, it isn't a question of comprehension; it's a matter of trust.

Me too. It's why I'm here.

What's the fuss? We are in the hands of liberals. Conservatives aren't in charge of anything.
Is it that you are called to have us all goose step to your tune?
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