
New member
You neither know the Almighty nor can you worship Him in spirit or in truth.

The trouble is that you receive the testimony of Elohim only so far as you can satisfactorily account for all the reasons and grounds of His conduct, which means you will accept nothing but that which can be measured in the petty scales of your own limited capacities.(borrowed from awp)

The revelation you have received is the general revelation and you have built your religion on that foundation of sand. I've been witness to people like you finding themselves in that evil day that is promised and its not a pleasant sight.

Calvinists refuse to acknowledge that their understanding of predestination is from the dark ages. First off only God knows who are elect and who are non-elect not the holier than thou Calvinist. So they discriminate in their presentation of the gospel as if they know who are God's sheep and who are not. Secondly they refuse to acknowledge that God's perfect foreknowledge is the basis for his choosing of the elect. They present a God who indiscriminately chooses one and passes by another as if they were on the same level as God. When God says he loves Jacob and he hates Esau it is because he knows the end from the beginning like they could have any conception of that. God's perfect choice is nothing like man's imperfect choice.


New member
Calvinists refuse to acknowledge that their understanding of predestination is from the dark ages. First off only God knows who are elect and who are non-elect not the holier than thou Calvinist. So they discriminate in their presentation of the gospel as if they know who are God's sheep and who are not. Secondly they refuse to acknowledge that God's perfect foreknowledge is the basis for his choosing of the elect. They present a God who indiscriminately chooses one and passes by another as if they were on the same level as God. When God says he loves Jacob and he hates Esau it is because he knows the end from the beginning like they could have any conception of that. God's perfect choice is nothing like man's imperfect choice.

I'm not a Calvinist. But, I know the difference between a false brother and a true brother.


New member
I'm not a Calvinist. But, I know the difference between a false brother and a true brother.

Do you know who the elect sheep of God are? Are you wiser than the disciples of Christ who couldn't even figure out who Judas was until he betrayed Christ with a kiss?

Calvinists boldly proclaim they know who the elect are - give me all their names please.


New member
Do you know who the elect sheep of God are? Are you wiser than the disciples of Christ who couldn't even figure out who Judas was until he betrayed Christ with a kiss?

Calvinists boldly proclaim they know who the elect are - give me all their names please.

Which part of , "I'm not a Calvinist", is giving you so much difficulty. Is your prejudice against truth so blinding you that the word "not" does not appear?



Which part of , "I'm not a Calvinist", is giving you so much difficulty. Is your prejudice against truth so blinding you that the word "not" does not appear?


Your behavior is not of Jesus. So you cannot be the elect, dear.

You know what Jesus says "we know them by their fruit"?