Saying you love people is easy. But the word "love" isn't love. And neither is the idea of loving someone the same as actually loving them.i love others unconditionally
i just don't LIKE them...
and admittedly, it is very hard (virtually impossible) to LOVE someone you don't like... although some females, in romance... find this kind of dynamic to be no problem...
but i digress...
anyhow... i love all humans... i pray for people i can't stand...
But i refuse to become closely involved with someone who is deep sin, doesn't love Jesus...
that's what you call STUPID
To claim to love someone unconditionally but not like them is just sophistry, I think. As not liking them is itself a "condition" of the purported 'unconditional" love.
I don't think we humans can experience anything "unconditionally" because that would mean we have to experience without any expectations. And I just don't see how we could do that. And if we could, what would our love even be worth?
If I love you no matter who you are, what you think, how you behave, what your past is, what you look like, what you want in life, … and on and on like that until there is no "you", there, anymore. What is it I am claiming to love??? Just some blank idea of you that I call "you"?
Point being that our expectations of each other must be part of what we love about each other. Even though those expectations are "conditions" that either get met, or don't get met.