tulip is the most dangerous teaching there is
tulip teaches it doesn't matter what you do
It appears you misunderstand Reformed teachings regarding human responsibility. We very much believe it matters what the professing Christian "does."
We do not believe any person can be saved by works performed under the law, because such works are always going to be imperfect and tainted with original sin. Romans 3:9-20
However, the sanctifying works of the Holy Spirit in the regenerated believer (Galatians 5:20-22), are vital and necessary and must be practiced if one calls upon the name of the Lord.
Not in order to obtain salvation. No. Justification (pardon from sin) comes by faith and the grace of God, only.
But good works verify the believers' profession of faith. Our conduct verifies our witness to God's saving grace. Our actions produced by faith build upon each other, bringing knowledge of the deep truths of God and establish a wonderful state of assurance. Obedience and love of God's Word brings us freedom. These actions lead us out of old habits and prevents much sin. Nothing gives a Christian more hope, than approaching God in prayer with a CLEAN CONSCIENCE; within which abides much spiritual power.
I could go on . . but you can see that our view is not stoic, gnostic, or fatalistic, but totally aware that it is a creaturely duty to believe, obey, and worship the Creator 24/7 and the indwelling Holy Spirit's presence is what enables believers to live a life of faith that is pleasing to God and men. Hebrews 11:6
From the beginning, man was commanded to exercise his human will in subordination to the superior and sovereign will of God. Even when sin corrupted our human nature and our wills; preventing us from performing this human duty, the command remained.
Only through faith in Jesus Christ and His sinlessness, are believers enabled, by His Spirit, to fulfill this duty and human responsibility, as we should.
Romans 3:21-31