Ukraine Crisis

way 2 go

Well-known member

Watch out on deck! The narrative boom is swinging around. Newsweek ran an op-ed yesterday with the unintentionally-hilarious headline, get this: “We Can No Longer Hide the Truth About the Russia-Ukraine War.

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A visual metaphor for Ukraine’s Glorious Spring Counteroffensive™
Bwahahahahaha! “We can no longer HIDE THE TRUTH!” Not “hide from the truth.” Get it?? It’s so obvious now that they can admit it right IN THE HEADLINE: They’ve been hiding the truth.

Conspiracy thinkers = 993, Experts = zero.

The author, Daniel L. Davis is a senior fellow for Defense Priorities and a former lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army with four combat assignments. Here’s a summary of his comments, in his own words (lightly-edited for brevity and clarity):

It's time to acknowledge objective reality and employ policies that can work. There is no realistic basis to believe that Ukraine has the capacity to attain its stated strategic objective to reclaim all its territory, including Crimea.​

Washington has spent nearly $113 billion over the course of this war, provided Ukraine with an astounding volume of modern arms and ammunition, and delivered an impressive array of training and intelligence support. But after almost a year of preparation, Ukraine has hardly dented the Russian lines.​

Although Ukraine appears to have finally penetrated the first line of Russia's main defense, the most difficult part of Russia's defensive system has yet to be overcome: the hundreds of kilometers of dragon's teeth, tank ditches, and yet more vast minefields. The best Ukraine can likely do for the rest of the year is to hold what they have and prevent the possibility of losing more territory to a potential Russian counteroffensive this fall.​

The op-ed’s comments were fascinating. While the majority of Newsweek’s readers predictably commented that Lt. Col. Davis is just another sold-out Putin shill — Putin sure seems to have a lot of them! — there were other comments like this one, expressing surprise and shock that the Proxy War isn’t going according to plan:​

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As Davis suggested, it appears likely the Russians will roll out their own counter-counter offensive soon. The Narrative is preparing everyone for that unpleasant reality.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

"Washington has spent nearly $113 billion over the course of this war"​

Don't forget about the 10% cut that goes to the big guy!

Gary K

New member
You guys need to read the blogs of Larry Johnson, a retired CIA officer and Andrei Martyanov, a retired former Russian naval officer. They are the two best blogs I've read on the Ukraine war. Also Patrick Lancaster is now on Rumble after getting run off You tube.


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Well-known member

Screenshot from 2023-10-01 16-57-44.jpg
. 1200 mile range @ mach 12
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Screenshot from 2023-10-01 17-01-09.jpg

Gary K

New member
Here is an interview of Larry Johnson, a retired CIA analyst, and Andrei Martyanov, a retired Russian Navy captain now living in the US for the last decade or so. This is a real treat as these guys are extremely knowledgeable on all things military and what has gone on in Ukraine for the last year and a half.


Gary K

New member
What happened yesterday and last night in Ukraine. It's a desperate situation for Ukraine. In one area of their offensive the Ukrainian's didn't respond with any artillery, missiles, or drones. The only reason for that is they didn't have any. Zelensky has to hate his own people to continue this war without a hope of winning.


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Well-known member

🚀 I’m happy to report that the Biden Sanctions Program is going great. Russia should be surrendering any day n… oh, wait. This week, Bloomberg ran a story headlined, “Russia’s Cash Inflow Gains Momentum as Oil Exports Recover.” Apparently Russia is on track to hit a $75 billion-dollar trade surplus this year, which Bloomberg characterized as a “flood of cash” into the heavily-sanctioned nation.

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Bloomberg actually attributed Russia’s strong financial performance to the sanctions:

Sweeping sanctions imposed by the US and its allies over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine mean that the Kremlin’s revenue from energy exports are a key source of hard currency for the country. The renewed flood of cash into Russia has helped the ruble to pare some of its losses since the beginning of the year amid worsening trade conditions.​

Increased foreign currency sales by exporters helped make October the ruble’s best month since June of last year, gaining around 5% against the greenback (dollar).​

I’m not going to tell you how the United States is doing financially this year. We’re trying to keep it light today.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'd love to see the bananahead's response to this
