Uh oh, Canada :(

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
if you open up your country to immigrants from (poop)hole countries you'll run the risk of turning your own country into a (poop)hole country


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This is the man who should be leading Canada. I pray that you are able to get the current socialist narcissist pretty boy removed and get this guy leading the country as soon as possible.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
An embarrassingly wimpy little Canadian man (?) flexes in reaction to Trump's tariffs.

Note: population of Canada equals 40 million

Population of America equals 335 million


way 2 go

Well-known member
An embarrassingly wimpy little Canadian man (?) flexes in reaction to Trump's tariffs.

Note: population of Canada equals 40 million

Population of America equals 335 million

he's retarded

grocery stores sell shelf space and end row displays

that aside the best thing that could happen to canada is to become 51st state
but leave quebec out , they are always threatening separation anyways.
we would get out from under the unelected senate and have the constitution and bill of rights
lower taxes and maybe a functioning health care system with more to offer than MAID